Career Aspirations for SPs

Big Daddy

New member
Sep 1, 2001
Other than money what is it that SPs want to achieve in their career? Considering this job as a regular job, what are the perks in the profession that SPs consider. I am sure that there are no stock options, bonuses, promotions. Are Elite or VIP categories considered promotions in SP business? Does a SP considers herself promoted if she becomes indy?

I think that prospects for growth drive job satisfaction. Given that most SPs seem happy with what they do, is it only the money or something else in addition to money?

asian lover

Career Aspirations

Very few of these girls have any career aspirations most of them that say they do it is just talk and no action. Alot of these girls have drug problems and the the reason there in this business is to support there habit. One perk is free drugs from customers. Unless they go full time to University and get a degree everything else is pretty well a waist of time. Taking a course at toronto school of business or something like that is not going to land you a good job. The girl I was talking to the other day had never been on the internet.
Most of these girls working as strippers couldn't work in a normal job. This business is like a trap they can make $200-$500 tax free a nignt cash or get a normal job and make $10 per hour $65 dollars a night before tax. I have seen alot of girls quit and six month later or less right back. The dancers that get a university degree you could count on one hand. Even if they get a university degree you have to start at the bottom of the pay scale which is probably $40K a year before tax which isn't much to these girls. The only girls that I have seen that actually save there money are the girl from the eastern block because they had nothing before they came here and they know what it is like to be poor.


New member
Aug 22, 2001
What you find will have to do with the level of SP you associate with. Amost the lower rungs, yes you will find a lot of girls who don't have much else going on for them in their lives. Single moms, girls with pimps, drug addicts. Sure some of these exist in the higher rungs but they tend to burn themselves out and drop back down to the lower rungs.

Many girls do go to college and have their degrees, myself included. But as Asian Lover mentioned, there is quite a pay cut if you're going to take a job in your chosen field.

I was pretty insulted by much else of what he had to say. I'm not a refugee from another couintry, but I do save my money. My home, car and student loans are all paid off. If I were to quit tommorow, I'd be able to go at least a year without working.
How many people can say that, no matter what their income?
The problem with most people isn't that they don't make enough money, it's that they spend it as fast as they make it. That goes for ALL fields, not just this one. There are millionaires who'd be out on the street in three months if the money stopped rolling in.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Have to agree that many girls are unsuited to 'real life'. Particularly strippers. The number of girls who quit stripping, only to bounce back a couple of months later is quite high. In a real job, you have to show up on time; show up sober; do what your told; not tell the customer where to go; not hang out at the bar talking about hair and shoes with your friends most of the time; and no-one gives you a $20 every time you're asked to do something.

I find that different branches of the biz attract different types of girls. Many escorts actually go to school - for real. They likely choose escorting because it's more discreet - which is important if you want to be a nurse or a teacher some day. Strippers seem almost entirely to be not-too-smart girls who dropped out of high school, but who look great and want to party 7 nights a week. MP's fall somewhere in between.

Of course, the Eastern European and Latina girls are different, as mentioned.

Do girls consider being promoted to VIP or Elite a 'perq'. Yes, often they do. Many women are very competitive re what they percieve is their attractiveness to men and the value men put on their sexuality. So a girl whose agency prices her at $275 may well feel herself 'better' than one who is priced at $250. It's an ego thing for some SP's.

I had an escort friend who obsessed about the girl up the hall being priced at $50 per hour more. I explained that the girl up the hall did more things for the $ and that the more a girl charges the less often her clients can see her and that it all likely works out equal financially in the long run anyway. Did my explanations sink in? No.

All I ever heard back was "But my tits are nicer than hers!"
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Active member
Aug 23, 2001
good points asian lover....

While I think there is some over generalization in your post, I pretty much agree with your points. I too have met dancers and SP's who say that they will quit in a year or do quit and end up coming back. It is very tough to go back to a standard wage when you are used to pulling in a lot of cash. A lot of them also told me that they don't like working for someone and like to work when they feel like it.

However... maybe it is the type of ladies I see but I have met a lot of educated SP's out there with higher education. They are certainly educated - I can tell by our conversations. Again maybe it is the ladies I see but I haven't run into too many that seem to be substance abusers. These points tend to hold more true for SP's I've seen than dancers I've been with.

I also agree that the E-Euro tend to save their money. A lot of them send most of their money back home to support their families. Also many are on temporary visas and need to save up as much $ before they have to leave.

Cool Dude

Fighting Irishman
Feb 25, 2002

Heather said:
..girls who don't have much else going on for them in their lives. Single moms, girls with pimps, drug addicts......
I was pretty insulted by much else of what he had to say.
Single moms may feel the same way; being lumped into this group. I think single moms are limited in what jobs they can work, while balancing their responsibilities at home. The proliferation of dead beat dads contributes greatly to their struggle.
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asian lover

Quote "I haven't run into too many that seem to be substance abusers."

I don't think you would know a girl that does drug. There are alot of iteligant people out in the real world with cocaine problem.
Some of my friends have good jobs run businesses and are last people you would think that would be doing cocaine.
I have been going to strip clubs for 18 years and have dated alot of dancers outside of the club.
I once went out with a dancerl three times outide of the club before I found out that she was on smack. That was scary when you think of needles and the big A. She was working at the LS high end club.

asian lover

Quote "I was pretty insulted by much else of what he had to say."

I know I am sorry that the truth hurts.

asian lover

educated SP's

"However... maybe it is the type of ladies I see but I have met a lot of educated SP's out there with higher education. They are certainly educated - I can tell by our conversations."

One of my friend's reads alot of books which makes him sound very intelegent when he talk and his education level is Grade 10. The word "educated" to me means minimum university degree so we are on the same page. Being able to talk intelgently does land you a good job and doesn't mean you are educated. Some of these dancers could have went to university and dropped out.
If they really have a university degree they should get into the real world because there looks don't last forever and they are going to have to start at the bottom when they get a real job with no experience other then stripping.


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
TJ: I agree that not having a degree does not imply that one is not 'educated'. There are many people with a degree that have no clue in life. But having met people who have gone to university and those that haven't, I can say that the mentality is different and there is just some things that you experience in university that you can't teach. Also, isn't it fair to say that anyone who is intelligent would recognize the value of a degree and sacrifice to obtain one, even if it is just a piece of paper?


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
Re: educated SP's

asian lover said:
"One of my friend's reads alot of books which makes him sound very intelegent when he talk and his education level is Grade 10. The word "educated" to me means minimum university degree so we are on the same page. Being able to talk intelgently does land you a good job and doesn't mean you are educated.
I was talking generally. I have dated girls I met in university and dated girls who didn't go to university. There was an obvious difference in mentality. Same with friends I've met.

You can sound intelligent but when you listen to the content, many times (not always) you can tell.

asian lover

Quote "Please provide me with one example of a fact that changes based on whether you read it in a book or a professor explained it to you!"

The only reason anybody goes to University is to get a good job, which is inturn garantees you a good salary. Atlot more than minumum wage.
You can't put I read it in a book on your resume. There isn't one dancer that likes her job and if she could find a job doing something else in the real world and make the same money they would jump at it.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
To quote Asian lover

The only reason anybody goes to University is to get a good job, which is inturn garantees you a good salary

You are out to lunch bud...

1. I went to University for many reasons.

2. Many people take programs in University that do not guarantee any sort of job. In fact, University "guarantees" you nothing.

3. Having a univesity degree does not guarantee you a good salary.

4. There are lots of unemployed, underemployed, on welfare university grads. I know some of them.

5. Bill Gates does not have a degree.

6. Larry Ellison does not have a degree

7. Warren Buffet does not have a degree.

I sure hope Asian lover that your native language is NOT English because if it is, you need to go back to grade 2. Try spell check.

Never let school get in the way of your education - Mark Twain. I don't know if he had a degree or not.

Big Daddy

New member
Sep 1, 2001

Is Asian Lover Apple Jack under different name?

First, I have met a lot of SPs who were well educated and carry on an intelligent conversation. Also, there are a lot of SPs who leave this profession and never return. An example of one SP that comes to my mind is Racquel of Hollywood.

Second, what does saving money has to do with the profession?

My intereactions with the SPs seemed to suggest that a lot of SPs prefer this profession over other that she can pursue. Money was one reason, but I was trying to find others. It seems that better time management is the other reason.

Big Daddy

New member
Sep 1, 2001

I have a few corrections to James Kirk's statements.

1. Larry Elison has an MBA (I think from Stanford).
2. A lot of college dropouts (Bill Gates included) were excellent students to begin with (Bill Gates attended one year in Harvard), but had to drop out to tap the emerging opportunities.

I think the success of college dropouts must be viewed with in the context. Most dropouts will not be successful in their life. They will barely scratch a living. A few may turn to this profession.

asian lover

Sorry still a little hung over from last night and English was never one of my strong points.


"1. I went to University for many reasons.

2. Many people take programs in University that do not guarantee any sort of job. In fact, University "guarantees" you nothing."

You are taking about a very small percentage of people that might of taken basket weaving or something. I am sure that alot of students wouldn't be taking out student loans if they didn't think they going to be able to pay it back when they finish. Therefore wouldn't be going to university if they didn't think they where going to get a good job. A good job is the main reason which out ways all the other minor reasons. You can find many reason for doing anything but some of those reason are stronger then others. No normal person is going to put them self 50K in debt to go to university and then take a job at minumum wage when they finish.
If I told 90% of "NORMAL" people going to university that they are not going to have a better job when they finish they wouldn't go University. If somebody told me after University you are going to have the same job you have now I wouldn't have gone. Then again there are alot of weird people out there and you sound like on of them.

asian lover

Quote "Second, what does saving money has to do with the profession?"

When you are working as a dancer you don't see many dancers that are 40. This profession is short lived and when you have to quite it would be hard to adjust to a more conservative lifestyle if you haven't banked any money.
In most other professions the older you get the more money you make.
As the old saying goes "It is easy to go up but hard to come down.

Big Daddy

New member
Sep 1, 2001

This thread is loosing its focus...

Asian Lover, you have answered my questions. An SP has to go to university so that she does not have to adjust to a conservative lifestyle when she quits her profession.

I got my doctorate in my 20s so I will never believe you that University does not gurantee anything. Try getting a professor's job with a Ph. D. You will never get it. I don't care how much intelligence you show. Same thing applies to legal and medical profession.

Based on your posts, it seems that you barely got an undergraduate degree, does not have a job, and are seeing strip dancers. What you say can be generalized to strip dancers and street hookers. However, for SPs it may only be partially generalizable.

asian lover

Quote "Also, there are a lot of SPs who leave this profession and never return. An example of one SP that comes to my mind is Racquel of Hollywood. "

I can go to clubs and see girls that I have seen 15 years ago and are still in the business.
I am sure that there are girls that have left the business but very few. The odd one finds a sugar daddy to support them.
I know one dancer that left the business got married and then her marriage broke up and she back in the business.
How long has Raquel been gone you have to give her at least a year to say that she out of the business in my books. If you where making $300-$500 a night and then have to settle for $70 a day it's quite a transition. Life is short and it's nice to have money to do what you please.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
It was my understanding that Elison does not have a degree.

I seem to recall a speach given by Elison to the graduating class of yale chiding them as a bunch of spoiled brats that they would be working for him, a guy without a degree.

Gates may have been a good student, but he still doesn't have a degree now does he.
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