It's not believable that you prefer state owned to private companies so this is a non argument.
My preference is not the point
The point is you would impacting companies who are widely held by pension plans, mutual funds and endowments
peoples retirement pans would be adversely impacted
Institutional money mangers would have an obligation to seek any and all legal challenges to your insanity
He did propose throttling currency conversion. No one ever, not me, not him, not anyone, ever proposed a dual currency. That's something you made up out of your ignorance.
bull shit. You explicitly stated one exchange rate forced on the oil industry, one for all others
Two separate exchange rates = two seperate currencies
This is a stupid troll response. You lost, get over it.
1. You are stating he is your reference in an attempt to add credibility to your idiots plan. You are using his supposed good name. Yet he has never read what you proposed. that is no reference
2. You lost, you are the only who thinks otherwise. Again a victory parade of one Fuji the fool
You haven't provided any fact. Your opinion isn't fact.
The fact that your plan is illegal should have been good enough three years ago, yet you just lie and denie
You lost this point. Making it legal is an implementation detail to be discussed once you accept its correctbess. Is the government wants to do it they can renegotiate NAFTA.
Yeah get back to us once that happens, until then it is illegal.
The same Lame argument could be applied to any crime. Stating it may become legal does not legitimize an illegal plan.
Besides it will remain illegal
Funny how you also tried to say it was not currency manipulation and thus not illegal
Now you say it is , but that I have to admit is will work as the legalization is just a formality????
No way
The sure sign of a cornered weasel is when they start to change their story
Moreover you never did actually establish it's illegal under NAFTA, you just claimed that.
no I provided a link to a NAFAT document which stated explicitly that any currency manipulation by any of the three countries is strictly prohibited. It is part of the NAFTA treaty. Look it up Einstein
In any case, the treaty is being renegotiated, alternately we can withdraw
Not over that issue that's for sure
So lots of reasons to make your idiots plan non viable and a political non starter
Nope. Your opinion isn't fact. This is just you shouting nonsense at the top of your lungs.
More sputter. Not fact.
No it is a fact.
There would be legal challenges to your idiots plan by the oil industry , the investing community and by the pension plans
No, you are stating wrong things you believe but which aren't supported by any reference, fact, etc.
The lack of direct references is likely due to the fact no none has ever been so damn stupid as to try this in Canada
The one reference stating this is illegal , likely stopped any idiot before you from proceeding further
Says who? You???? Ha! You're hilarious.
Says me
Prove me wrong, make it happen
You had better get to Ottawa soon, to sell you "Grand Franken Plan"
Be prepared to hear " Is this a joke?", "how did you get in here?', "Security!!"
all you had to do was get one person on TERB to agree with you, three years later you have failed to do so. YOU LOSE
More than a few agreed with me
Face it, you hatched a Franken plan and it will never ever see the light of day. You lose
nobody is stupid enough to implement the work of an idiot
Fuji the Fool sitting in the corner wearing his dunce cap