Ashley Madison

Canadian Economy - Buoyant


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Again no proof. You are a liar.
It was implied. you hate anyone right of Chairman Mao

You are denying that he has been doing a good job for the economy with a GDP growth of 4.5% and many more jobs created. OKay??
Its is not his doing you economic ignoramous

Corrected it for you.
The mind of a child at work

No you do not. You are just an arrogant right wing dude.
So you define someone's intelligence by their political outlook?
Funny I though only Trump supports did that.
I guess all parties have their dummy's who can not separate the two
Pretty plain that you do not know where he is wasting all that money, just the usual right wing speculation. He is not spending it as quickly as your own link stated. So maybe he thinks it does not require that much stimulation for now.
Then why not shoot for a balanced budget. This is a golden opportunity for him and would almost assure him of a second term

He is going to spend your kids future and not lose a nights sleep over it. That's all he knows
You really do not have a clue

Pure expected nonsense.
Every economist was calling for a soft landing up until a few months before the shit hit the fan.
prove that incorrect or say nothing about it at all

Yes, he became a PM before 2008. But the damage was already done South of the border when he was PM and they were in a steep decline, while the Canadian economy was already the envy of the world.
Gezz if you had the slightest clue about our economy you would know that trouble in the US spills over into our economy quickly.
we are an export driven economy and over 70% of our trade is with the US
Did you not know this?

I understand it far better than you.
Not in your wildest dreams if you expect Canadian GDP to grow while the US is in a gut wrenching economy
That is common knowledge in Economics 101
Did you graduate high school?

Correction again.
Your such a comical genius

Nonsense and more garbled nonsense.

Of coarse it is not as quickly as expected
That's what happens when you apply ready shoot aim planning
Do you have a better explanation which is based on logic, not useless rhetoric?

Mr Trudeau saved $50 billion in expenses for this moronic adventure by Stevie Boy Harper. Trudeau may have been penny foolish, but he was pound wise in that respect.
How much to cancel the contract?
What part of that question do you not understand?

Your hatred know no bounds. The rich barely care but you stay awake at night thinking about them. Boo hoo.
You are a idiot who is incapable of viewing the world through anything but you loonie left wing blinders
Again if you had clue one about the economy, you would know it is the wealthy who put money to work

Very few construction jobs are started with collective welfare cheques

Interest rates have gone up in the USA as well. Most advanced nations have higher interest rates. The Bank of Canada sets those rates. Yet no proof that he is spending more money.
Jesus you are thick
If the economy is growing at 4.5% and Justin spends all that infrastructure money, the Bank of Canada will be forced to raise rates due to inflationary pressures
Then you will see how many Canadians are over extended on their mortgages and HLOCS.
Lets hope Justin's advisors understand better than you

It is amazing how you can have such strong opinions about the economy , when you truly do not understand it
Please take some economics courses if you are going to pretend to comment on economic maters

He does not need your advice. He has to do what he was elected to do and think in the interest of the country, not just what you or the right wingies want.
your too stupid to recognize when some is trying to toss you a bone
OK you will get what you deserve


Feb 14, 2013
My Quote skills on this forum are not nearly as adept as some others on here


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
It was implied.
Again for the umpteenth time, no proof that I mentioned anything about Hitler or the Nazis. You are a liar.

you hate anyone right of Chairman Mao
You are the one that is coming up with all the insults. Or maybe you understand nothing about politics, by equating the moderates and left wing with Mao.

Its is not his doing you economic ignoramous
You are the ignorant one.

I have the mind of a child at work
Yes you do.

So you define someone's intelligence by their political outlook?
Funny I though only Trump supports did that.
I guess all parties have their dummy's who can not separate the two
Look at your stupid statement about Mao. You are dumb.

Then why not shoot for a balanced budget. This is a golden opportunity for him and would almost assure him of a second term
As soon as they think that the time is right to do so, they will. Do not worry, as it is not your concern. At least they are spending a lot less that Stevie Harpo did, and it would not surprise me if the deficit is much smaller than anticipated.

He is going to spend your kids future and not lose a nights sleep over it. That's all he knows
You really do not have a clue
Stevie Boy already did that, so do not worry again as Mr Trudeau will rectify it.

Every economist was calling for a soft landing up until a few months before the shit hit the fan.
prove that incorrect or say nothing about it at all
Statement makes absolutely no sense. seems like your crap hits the ceiling for sweet nothing.

Gezz if you had the slightest clue about our economy you would know that trouble in the US spills over into our economy quickly.
we are an export driven economy and over 70% of our trade is with the US
Did you not know this?
Off course what happens in the USA drives a number of nations economies, although the impact is a lot less in modern times due to trades with countries like China and now even India growing their economies. Canada's economy depends a lot on the natural resources such as oil, and with oil prices still below $50 a barrel, it is remarkable that the growth rate is 4.5 %. The Americans still depend on trade as well. If you think that they can simply cut off the rest of the world and their economy will just grow, then you are dumb. There are numerous states that will be severely impacted if the Americans just stop trading with Canada. With new deals with the EU, China and India, Canada will be capable of increasing it's exports to those nations.

Not in your wildest dreams if you expect Canadian GDP to grow while the US is in a gut wrenching economy
That is common knowledge in Economics 101
Did you graduate high school?
So you say that the USA are going to be in a "gut wrenching economy", and the Trump cheerleaders on this board say that Trump is going to make America Great again. Maybe you should preach your sermon of economics to them. You and the rest of the right wingers are all over the place with respect to this whole scenario.

I am such a comical genius
Yes you are.

Of coarse it is not as quickly as expected
That's what happens when you apply ready shoot aim planning
Do you have a better explanation which is based on logic, not useless rhetoric?
Jargon nonsense that makes no sense whatsoever.

How much to cancel the contract?
What part of that question do you not understand?
Again you just do not understand the scale of the savings made on the cancellation of an albatross, that Stevie Boy was trying to implement.

I am definitely a idiot who is incapable of viewing the world through anything but you alt right wing blinders
Again if you had clue one about the economy, you would know it is the working and middle class that drives the economy
Corrected your statement.

Very few construction jobs are started with collective welfare cheques
Typical right wing ideology. So workers who help to rebuild the infrastructure are "welfare recipients" according to you.

Jesus you are thick
If the economy is growing at 4.5% and Justin spends all that infrastructure money, the Bank of Canada will be forced to raise rates due to inflationary pressures
Then you will see how many Canadians are over extended on their mortgages and HLOCS.
Lets hope Justin's advisors understand better than you
Once again for the millionth time. Mr Trudeau has not just gone overboard with stimulating the economy. 4.5% is a huge achievement, so the Bank of Canada has raised the interest rates. The USA rates were raised not so long ago when the growth rate just did not match the Canadian growth rate. Mr. Trudeau's advisers know a lot more than your pure speculation. Maybe you should have advised Stevie Harpo, as at times he seemed clueless that there was even a recession.

It is amazing how you can have such strong opinions about the economy , when you truly do not understand it
Please take some economics courses if you are going to pretend to comment on economic maters
Do not need your stupid alt right ideological advise about anything, especially when you equate Mao with Liberals, Social Democrats and even Socialists in Democratic nations.

your too stupid to recognize when some is trying to toss you a bone
OK you will get what you deserve
Discussing anything with you is like whipping a dead horse. All sputter, no substance, and now you are gutted that a Liberal Government who you came out with doomsday predictions, have blown your dogmatic theory into the sink holes. Hilarious :)


Jan 31, 2005
It was implied. you hate anyone right of Chairman Mao

Its is not his doing you economic ignoramous

The mind of a child at work

So you define someone's intelligence by their political outlook?
Funny I though only Trump supports did that.
I guess all parties have their dummy's who can not separate the two

Then why not shoot for a balanced budget. This is a golden opportunity for him and would almost assure him of a second term

He is going to spend your kids future and not lose a nights sleep over it. That's all he knows
You really do not have a clue

Every economist was calling for a soft landing up until a few months before the shit hit the fan.
prove that incorrect or say nothing about it at all

Gezz if you had the slightest clue about our economy you would know that trouble in the US spills over into our economy quickly.
we are an export driven economy and over 70% of our trade is with the US
Did you not know this?

Not in your wildest dreams if you expect Canadian GDP to grow while the US is in a gut wrenching economy
That is common knowledge in Economics 101
Did you graduate high school?

Your such a comical genius

Of coarse it is not as quickly as expected
That's what happens when you apply ready shoot aim planning
Do you have a better explanation which is based on logic, not useless rhetoric?

How much to cancel the contract?
What part of that question do you not understand?

You are a idiot who is incapable of viewing the world through anything but you loonie left wing blinders
Again if you had clue one about the economy, you would know it is the wealthy who put money to work

Very few construction jobs are started with collective welfare cheques

Jesus you are thick
If the economy is growing at 4.5% and Justin spends all that infrastructure money, the Bank of Canada will be forced to raise rates due to inflationary pressures
Then you will see how many Canadians are over extended on their mortgages and HLOCS.
Lets hope Justin's advisors understand better than you

It is amazing how you can have such strong opinions about the economy , when you truly do not understand it
Please take some economics courses if you are going to pretend to comment on economic maters

your too stupid to recognize when some is trying to toss you a bone
OK you will get what you deserve
All sputter. No content.

You are not debating. You are hurling insults and declaring your beliefs. No data. No facts. No reasons. No references. No logic. Just insults and declarations.


Mar 12, 2004
All sputter. No content.

You are not debating. You are hurling insults and declaring your beliefs. No data. No facts. No reasons. No references. No logic. Just insults and declarations.
,... :rofl:


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
All sputter. No content.

You are not debating. You are hurling insults and declaring your beliefs. No data. No facts. No reasons. No references. No logic. Just insults and declarations.
Not only that, but he also accuses everyone else of hurling insults at him, when in reality he is the one who does so from his very first response to a post. He accused me of calling him a neo nazi. I told him to show me the proof that I said so, but all he can say is that I "implied" as such . No proof whatsoever, and then he calls me a Maoist. No doubt he will continue with his false allegations.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
All sputter. No content.

You are not debating. You are hurling insults and declaring your beliefs. No data. No facts. No reasons. No references. No logic. Just insults and declarations.
And your definition of a debate?
Fuji: I am right, it does not mater if nobody agrees with me , I declare victory and therefore I win
Fuji: I will start (and finish) the one man victory parade

Do not dare preach to anyone about what is or is not debating


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Again for the umpteenth time, no proof that I mentioned anything about Hitler or the Nazis. You are a liar.
Lets see, you can imply that I absolutely hate Justin Treadueu and therefore it is a fact. despite my explicit denial of this hatred
I take offense when you align me with right wing web site which have had Neo Nazi slurs attached to them (not necessarily by you) and I am a liar?

You are the one that is coming up with all the insults. Or maybe you understand nothing about politics, by equating the moderates and left wing with Mao.
Your not a moderate
Moderates an view issues objectively. You can not

You are the ignorant one.

Look at your stupid statement about Mao. You are dumb.
Did that touch a sore spot comrade?

As soon as they think that the time is right to do so, they will. Do not worry, as it is not your concern.
Do not ever, ever tell any Canadian taxpayer that how their government spends tax dollars is not their concern

At least they are spending a lot less that Stevie Harpo did, and it would not surprise me if the deficit is much smaller than anticipated.
Planned deficits when the economy is health is just plain poor financial management. Period. end of story

Stevie Boy already did that, so do not worry again as Mr Trudeau will rectify it.
Again you do not give any leeway for the 2008 financial crisis and as such you have no business even forming an opinion about economics as you can not view issues objectively
It is sad that grown men can be so ignorant of issues, yet have such strong opinions.

Statement makes absolutely no sense. seems like your crap hits the ceiling for sweet nothing.
The other explanation is your too stupid to understand the statement or you just prefer to avoid it

Lets try again

Every economist was calling for a soft landing up until a few months before the 2008 financial crisis hit
prove that incorrect or say nothing about it at all

Off course what happens in the USA drives a number of nations economies, although the impact is a lot less in modern times due to trades with countries like China and now even India growing their economies.
70% of our trade in 2016 was with the USA (look it dummy)
The impact is still enormous

Canada's economy depends a lot on the natural resources such as oil, and with oil prices still below $50 a barrel, it is remarkable that the growth rate is 4.5 %.
yes thanks to the US and the Canadian consumer taking on more and more debt

The Americans still depend on trade as well.
As pointed earlier their economy is far more dependant upon domestic consumption
If you think that they can simply cut off the rest of the world and their economy will just grow, then you are dumb. There are numerous states that will be severely impacted if the Americans just stop trading with Canada.
You misread a lot. at no time have I stated or implied the US is going to cut of trade with Canada. You LIAR
However any US slowdown will impact Canada disproportionately and US growth may not be sustainable

With new deals with the EU, China and India, Canada will be capable of increasing it's exports to those nations.
With 70% of our trade with the US these deals will not cancel out any US weakness

So you say that the USA are going to be in a "gut wrenching economy",
I never said that
I said if the US are going into a gut wrenching economy" the Canadian economy will be impacted , regardless of any new trade deal
Even a slight slow down south of the boarder will impact us and positive GDP growth is very much in doubt
Of coarse if you want to attribute all of the 4.5% to Justin, then be really to explain his actions when GDP growth turns negative (if he is a two term PM that will happen)

and the Trump cheerleaders on this board say that Trump is going to make America Great again.
Whats that got to do with me?

Maybe you should preach your sermon of economics to them.
One idiot at a time, I will start with you
You and the rest of the right wingers are all over the place with respect to this whole scenario.
Do not you mean right wingers Neo Nazi Skinheads?

If you do not mean please explain how you tell the difference between a right winger and a right winger Neo Nazi Skinhead?
You are incapable of viewing anything objectively and you hate Steven Harper

Jargon nonsense that makes no sense whatsoever.
Ready shoot aim planning ?
That makes no sense to you at all?
I think the average 16 year old would understand what this means
Again you just do not understand the scale of the savings made on the cancellation of an albatross, that Stevie Boy was trying to implement.
What was the cost to cannel the contract?
It is a simple straight forward question

Typical right wing ideology. So workers who help to rebuild the infrastructure are "welfare recipients" according to you.
Not what I said
Jesus you really like to twist the words don't you

How may welfare recipients shell out big bucks for renos, new homes, new businesses

Once again for the millionth time. Mr Trudeau has not just gone overboard with stimulating the economy.
He plans to
Planned deficit spending for years with no plan to get back to balance

4.5% is a huge achievement, so the Bank of Canada has raised the interest rates.
Thank the US federal reserve for that along with the Canadian Consumer ratcheting up their debt load

The USA rates were raised not so long ago when the growth rate just did not match the Canadian growth rate.
??? Irrelevant??

Mr. Trudeau's advisers know a lot more than your pure speculation.
Les hope so, although they do not have a plan for getting back to balance, not one they are willing to share with the taxpayer

Maybe you should have advised Stevie Harpo, as at times he seemed clueless that there was even a recession.
Again you hatred for Steven Harper renders your biased statement as void

Your inability to understand the impact of the 2008 financial crisis renders you a an economic fool and incapable of forming any opinion worth reading

Discussing anything with you is like whipping a dead horse. All sputter, no substance, and now you are gutted that a Liberal Government who you came out with doomsday predictions, have blown your dogmatic theory into the sink holes. Hilarious :)
As previously said debating with you is like arguing with a child.
Lets hope I can maintain my patience until you finally grow up


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
No doubt he will continue to tell it like it is
There I fixed you quote for you

Hey You and the Fuji man appear to be getting along just fine
Isn't that nice !

Is it because you are of one mind on a lot of issues ?

If so, who has it now?


Jan 31, 2005
And your definition of a debate?
Fuji: I am right, it does not mater if nobody agrees with me , I declare victory and therefore I win
Fuji: I will start (and finish) the one man victory parade

Do not dare preach to anyone about what is or is not debating
Oh gee the local windbag told me I better not "dare" point out his lack of references, lack of logic, lack of argument, and that all he does is hurl insults.

Whatever shall I do now?

You add nothing to this forum. Nothing . You just waste everyone's time with your mindless drivel.


Mar 12, 2004
You add nothing to this forum. Nothing . You just waste everyone's time with your mindless drivel.
,... :rofl:


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
No way comrade

That is factually incorrect
Anti combine laws were passed to stop anti-competitive practices (i.e. net backs on rail transport costs by an oil companies competitors). They were not passed to re-distribute wealth
While some companies were broken up shareholders received proportionate shares in the new companies.
J.D. Rockefellers net worth was far greater after the break up of Standard oil than before
There was no wealth re-distribution

There is long long list of companies who were destroy by excessive debt and no banker will lend to anyone (company or private persons) who does not have a plan to return to a balanced budget

The fact is Trudeau bought the public vote with money they will eventual have to pay back
While infrastructure spending is necessary, excessive borrowing to fund it without a plan to come back to balance is foolish and very irresponsible

Justin's father spent tax payers money without regard for repayment and it took the burden of the GST to clean that mess up
What new tax burden will be levied on the next generation to clean up Justin's irresponsibility?

There is a time to be manage expenses prudently and a time to borrow
2008 was time to borrow
Too bad Justin will have already spent our children's future should another unexpected economic shock hit Canada. he will then be forced to spend our grand kids future

It is unclear whom you are referring to here, if it is Harper who cares ? He is out of politics, If it is Trudeau, it illustrates clearly he has no plan for returning to financial responsibility

That is just too funny
14 years of deficit spending have turn Ontario into a financial basket case and you want to praise Granny Wynne for balancing her budget in time for an up coming election?
She and that Dummy Dalton have turned Ontario into the world’s most indebted sub-sovereign borrower

This will end badly for the people of Ontario
Absolutely they were. They were passed to eliminate monopolistic pricing power, and thus redistribute money from the monopolists to the public and other companies, and YES this redistribution and regulation created ENORMOUS WEALTH for the already filthy rich and the rest of the economy. Wealth redistribution does this as well, people like you just view wealth as a zero sum game and cannot understand how elevating the poor makes us all more wealthy. Of course you cannot do this in an unlimited fashion, but many very socialist countries are very wealthy, while there are still no examples of pure capitalism generating broad based wealth and social harmony.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Oh gee the local windbag told me I better not "dare" point out his lack of references, lack of logic, lack of argument, and that all he does is hurl insults.

Whatever shall I do now?

You add nothing to this forum. Nothing . You just waste everyone's time with your mindless drivel.
Exactly what do you add ?
One man victory celebrations, avoidance of hard questions, claiming victory when you have been thoroughly bested, and self congratulatory bullshit
if you do not like what I post, put me on ignore
I tried that with you, however your repeatedly made insulting references to me which I needed to address


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Hey Harpo and I appear to be getting along just fine.
Isn't that nice !

Is it because we know that Harpo created a debt of hundreds of billions of dollars and that was okay with me?

If so, who has it now?
Fixed your post.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Absolutely they were. They were passed to eliminate monopolistic pricing power, and thus redistribute money from the monopolists to the public and other companies, and YES this redistribution and regulation created ENORMOUS WEALTH for the already filthy rich and the rest of the economy.
There was no take from the rich and give to the poor, so there was no wealth redistribution.
it was merely a reorganization to ensure more competition.
However that is not the issue today, rather some are looking to solve inequality through taxation and that is not the governments job
Instead the governments job is to create an environment where the economy will thrive. tax targeting our most productive and successful doctors , small business owners and professionals is not a positive economic environment. It is instead a regressive economic move, fueled by the governments inability to manage its fiancés responsibly

Wealth redistribution does this as well, people like you just view wealth as a zero sum game and cannot understand how elevating the poor makes us all more wealthy.
Tax targeting the rich is worse than a sum zero game as they move or stop investing their money
Of course you cannot do this in an unlimited fashion, but many very socialist countries are very wealthy, while there are still no examples of pure capitalism generating broad based wealth and social harmony.
Do you know what a beer costs in Sweden in a bar? $16
Nobody gets rich in Sweden. They survive and that's it

Many socialist countries are a god awful mess too. Venezuela , Cuba. no Thanks


Jan 31, 2005
Exactly what do you add ?
One man victory celebrations, avoidance of hard questions, claiming victory when you have been thoroughly bested, and self congratulatory bullshit
if you do not like what I post, put me on ignore
I tried that with you, however your repeatedly made insulting references to me which I needed to address
I back up my statements with references. Unlike you.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Fixed your post.
Your fix does not make any sense
You missed the joke

Again you fail to account for the 2008 financial crisis
What will Justin do when faced with a very serious external crisis?
You will be unable to defend Justin if you continue to pretend 2008 was PM Harpers fault


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
I back up my statements with references. Unlike you.
Oh yeah
Like justifying your duel currency Frankenplan by stating some long forgotten Nobel Prize winner backs it up, when he knows nothing of what you proposed

Did you have any references when you proposed taxing the Canadian oil industry at some arbitrary figure , only to be told that was equitant to their entire account profit?
Did you have references when you suggested the government should sponsor welfare mothers to have more unwanted bastard children to solve our population growth problem?

Your references have just as much value as when you claim victory despite not having a single person agree with you
They aint worth shit either

They are just a notch in value above when you refuse to answer a direct question

It is also pretty funny how you pride your self n being such a great debater, and thoroughly knowledgeable on so many subjects yet nobody else appears to think you are anything but a major league pain in the ass

Keep praising yourself..... nobody else will


Jan 31, 2005
Oh yeah
Like justifying your duel currency Frankenplan by stating some long forgotten Nobel Prize winner backs it up, when he knows nothing of what you proposed
Your references have just as much value as when you claim victory despite not having a single person agree with you
They aint worth shit either
In other words I had a reference, you did not.



Well-known member
May 14, 2008
There was no take from the rich and give to the poor, so there was no wealth redistribution.
it was merely a reorganization to ensure more competition.
However that is not the issue today, rather some are looking to solve inequality through taxation and that is not the governments job
Instead the governments job is to create an environment where the economy will thrive. tax targeting our most productive and successful doctors , small business owners and professionals is not a positive economic environment. It is instead a regressive economic move, fueled by the governments inability to manage its fiancés responsibly

Tax targeting the rich is worse than a sum zero game as they move or stop investing their money

Do you know what a beer costs in Sweden in a bar? $16
Nobody gets rich in Sweden. They survive and that's it

Many socialist countries are a god awful mess too. Venezuela , Cuba. no Thanks

Swedens percaipta income is higher then canadas and lower then the USA Venezuela and Cuba are not poor because of socialism. Sweden has 285,000 millionaires they also have more billionaires percapita then the USA so as usual you are W R O N G.....
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts