Busted doing +50kms over speed limit. Any advice?


Hail to the king, baby.
Dec 18, 2001
mymojosup said:
Now am i a bigger menace for going 200km/h at 3AM on the 400 or the person going 90 in the fast lane?
Oh that is an easy one. You are the bigger asshole (oops, I mean menace). There is no acceptable time to do 200km/h on the 400. However, there are many times when 90kmh is an acceptable speed in the fast lane (traffic density, rain, fog, snow, etc).

What do I win?

Better yet, does your lack of critical reasoning mean you are incapable of understanding the implications of speed? It would seem so.

I equate flagrant speeders with the guys who killed Jane Creba. Those shooters had no issue putting everyone around them at risk, and were able to create all sorts of justification why "collateral damage" was not their fault. Same thing here. It is a shame the driving laws are not tougher.


Aug 28, 2001
south niagara

Diode said:
Again...I'm not advocating speeding. The damn speed limit should be raised to 180-200 km/h.
It would cause nervous drivers to use the secondary roads...where they should be
It would your attention 100% on driving...

Also..5-10 min more? What if your destination is 1000-1200 km away?
A 12 hour drive could easily be reduced to 6 hours.
Make the licensing as tough as can be.

The problem, if speed is a problem, is the DRIVER"S ABILITY....
Get all the crappy drivers off the road.
Are you for real with statement like this, if guys liike you that make drivers nervous, because when you crash you take the drivers around you to the hospital or the grave! you are fucking tool


New member
Jan 29, 2009
your reasoning for comparing me with jane creba's murderers, would be as me saying that you are a criminal for going to sp's. But hey reasoning and looking at the bigger picture is not for everyone. I mean't under optimal conditions having someone go 90 in the fast lane is unnaceptable, i am not even going to the ones that go 60km/h that caused me to witness one of the most horrible pileups i have ever seen right on the 401 near markham road.

Who am i endagering @ 200 on the 400? can you please explain. If there is no one around me.
I had the opportunity to live in germany for a couple of years and it is amazing. People SIGNAL people don't pass on the right, morons who hogg the left lane get 300€ fines and the person who is coming from behind has the RIGHT OF WAY in the fast lane. Their accident rate is lower than here and their fatality as well. Makes you wonder.... outside of urban area the average speed on the fast lane is 180, yet we have people in this country that still believe that speed kills!

Speed doesn't kill, its the conditions that dictate the outcome.
My next public safety campaign is going to revolve around stating that
Sex kills! don't have sex!

Its the same argument as speed kills, but i know that you will dismiss it without first thinking about it.

Those are the facts, the reality is that we have laws in this country against prostitution, massage parlours, speed, drinking & driving, drugs etc... and we all should abide by them or face the consequences. I am ready to face the consequences, if i ever get pulled over for 50 over. I will face the consequences in a court of law, as far as i can take them and all the way to the SC if i have to.
Same for you with the illegal activities you have done. Are you ready to go to john school?

Bottom line is that some laws are stupidly made and some are not.
50 over can be deadly in situations such as heavy traffic, rain etc.... but it can also be as safe as doing the speed limit in other instances (3am on 6 lanes of pavement with no traffic in sight) But instead of having penalties geared towards that and failure to signal, we have laws that increase the penalty for driving in the warn range or for the simple fact that someone drove 50 over.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Noir@heart said:
Your personal attacks go real far when dealing with an entity over the internet. Jones i do not believe an impression was giving that i am endorsing road-runners or that i am not capable of operating a motor vehicle.
You had said that "from a simple stop with the pedal barely touched and without drawing attention (muffler or engine noises) you are easily hitting triple digit numbers" which didn't read to me like a description of accelerating to the speed limit in full control. But if that's what it was, then I am sorry for the hurt my comment gave you.

But if you knew exactly how fast you were going at all times, which was my point, then I don't really the point you were making. My loss I guess.


New member
Dec 27, 2004
Diode said:
The strange thing is that none of you "anti-speed" types explain..why.
Its seems to be a simple..."Well I can't handle a higher speed limit...So there is no possible way, for sure, for ever, and ever, that someone else can't"

I'm not an anti-speeder.

The problem with highways is one has to take into account the bad drivers driving the POS cars,soccermoms in minivans talking on the cell with screaming kids in the back who are late for pick ups, drops offs and are speeding and not looking when they change lanes, people who need glasses but won't wear them, etc. An OPP traffic cop I know told me last year that:

1. Soccer moms in minivans and SUV's get pulled over the most for speeding, unsafe lane changes, etc. They feel they have the right to drive however they want becasue they are late getting the kids to school.

2. What causes most accidents is road debris,mostly falling off vehicles because it isn't properly secured. Other vehicles are hit by it or swerve to avoid it and cause accidents.

3. Excessive speed by a driver paying attention and not changing lanes rarely causes accidents.

That said, if you are happily driving 180 km/h in your Porsche in the left lane and soem doofus soccer mom on the phone driving with one finger in an SUV pulls into your lane and cuts you off doing 122 Km/h and you bump her and she looses control of her POS SUV and wipes out and there are injuries, who do you think the media (think Toronto Sun) will crucify in the press? The hospitalized soccer mom whose carelessness caused the accident, or you/me in the luxury car doing 180? Answer: you/me.

When deciding 400 hwy speed, things like braking distance of POS cars and pathetic driving skills/night blindness/moronic behaviour of a fair chunk of drivers has to be taken into account. Yes, I can drive a Jag 170 km/h easily and safely on the 407 without breaking a sweat or causing an accident IF the people around me either drive that speed as well in similar cars, OR get the hell out of my way and yield to faster moving traffic (eg: if they stay the f out of the left lane and look before they change lanes). Unfortunately, many drivers are inexperienced morons, plain and simple. They don't look, or yield, drive with parts hanging off their cars, nearly flat tires, eating their breakfast, drying their hair, readiing a book (I'm not kidding- I've seen people reading a book while driving on the DVP!) etc. So, I can't drive as fast as I want to drive as I don't want one of these morons causing a pileup, for which I'll be blamed because I was the one going 170. Will they blame the idiot who was reading the newspaper and doing 90 km/h? No, they'll say Alex casued it by doing 170. I don't need the hassle/hospital stay. So I drive with the flow (which fortunately sometimes does go 140 km/h) and I have the reaction time to spare to avoid the idiots who aren't paying any attention to the road. I've avoided at least 20 accidents over the past year on highways by paying attention and taking abrupt evasive action when confronted by inattentive lane-drifting goofs who thought they were driving a float in the Santa Claus Parade not a car on a 400 series highway...people who must have bought their licences on Ebay...who else would slam the brakes on a highway and cut across three lanes of traffic and then grass to make an exit ramp without looking at all? Goofs.

Anyway, the limits could be raised to 120 km/h with no harm done. Most people do that anyway, as do I, and aren't ticketed for it.

It would be nice to see special lanes for driving 180 km/h or more in, with special training and cars required for the privilege to drive in them, but I doubt it is on the priority list of many in govt.

At the end of the day, what the speed lovers and the speed haters both want is to arrive alive and uninjured in the shortest time. Accidents slow people down - better to avoid accidents and keep the flow moving. The skill of a good driver is how many accidents he avoids, not the speed at which he drives. It is harder to avoid the follies of others when one isdoing 170 km/h. Some of the abrupt evasive actions I've had to take to avoid idiots I couldn't have successfully completed if travelling much above my usual 120 km/h cruise speed.


Apr 19, 2009
Because i state a fact you act like i should be embarrassed. If you seriously think that hitting triple digits relates to out of control driving...good luck to you.

I hate assholes, trying to control the flow of traffic and staying in the fast lane going 100km, not realizing that it is the passing lane, get over yourself.

Sorry to tell you there is no shame here in admitting that i have gone over the speed limit many times. I also have a birth date coming up and have to pay for 407 fee's when it comes, or any damn time i wish.

oldjones said:
You had said that "from a simple stop with the pedal barely touched and without drawing attention (muffler or engine noises) you are easily hitting triple digit numbers" which didn't read to me like a description of accelerating to the speed limit in full control. But if that's what it was, then I am sorry for the hurt my comment gave you.

But if you knew exactly how fast you were going at all times, which was my point, then I don't really the point you were making. My loss I guess.


Active member
Jan 17, 2004
It is fairly routine for people to be doing well over 100 km/h on rural 80 km/hr highways. I know that doesn't seem possible to people in Toronto, but some places in the country do have flat open roads with no one on them. A big problem is that if you have a school zone, where invariably a speed trap is, the 80 km/hr highway will be posted down to 40 km/hr. At that point, it is a wholloping speeding ticket.

Hamilton has a short stretch of controlled access 80 km/hr highway near McMaster University. It was posted down to 40 for a school crossing. They moved it up to 50 km/hr. The cops just clean up on speeding tickets. Although, it isn't like the rural roads where speeds can go 120+ fairly easily.

I'm not sure I agree with the street racing law. It was designed to get a street racers on the 400. In practice, it is going to be used against out-of-towners who don't know where the speed traps are in small towns.

The really scary drivers: the ones who are doing 80 km/hr on the Gardner, with no one ahead of them, and a traffic jam behind them. Meantime, they are driving nervously with white knuckles, unable to keep the car straight on the road. I've never seen any drivers that scared before. Accidents waiting to happen.

People underestimate how much the road, the people, and the number of cars on the road affects the accident rate.

Wizard Merlin

Well-known member
Apr 6, 2009
mymojosup said:
your reasoning for comparing me with jane creba's murderers, would be as me saying that you are a criminal for going to sp's. But hey reasoning and looking at the bigger picture is not for everyone. I mean't under optimal conditions having someone go 90 in the fast lane is unnaceptable, i am not even going to the ones that go 60km/h that caused me to witness one of the most horrible pileups i have ever seen right on the 401 near markham road.

Who am i endagering @ 200 on the 400? can you please explain. If there is no one around me.
I had the opportunity to live in germany for a couple of years and it is amazing. People SIGNAL people don't pass on the right, morons who hogg the left lane get 300€ fines and the person who is coming from behind has the RIGHT OF WAY in the fast lane. Their accident rate is lower than here and their fatality as well. Makes you wonder.... outside of urban area the average speed on the fast lane is 180, yet we have people in this country that still believe that speed kills!

Speed doesn't kill, its the conditions that dictate the outcome.
My next public safety campaign is going to revolve around stating that
Sex kills! don't have sex!

Its the same argument as speed kills, but i know that you will dismiss it without first thinking about it.

Those are the facts, the reality is that we have laws in this country against prostitution, massage parlours, speed, drinking & driving, drugs etc... and we all should abide by them or face the consequences. I am ready to face the consequences, if i ever get pulled over for 50 over. I will face the consequences in a court of law, as far as i can take them and all the way to the SC if i have to.
Same for you with the illegal activities you have done. Are you ready to go to john school?

Bottom line is that some laws are stupidly made and some are not.
50 over can be deadly in situations such as heavy traffic, rain etc.... but it can also be as safe as doing the speed limit in other instances (3am on 6 lanes of pavement with no traffic in sight) But instead of having penalties geared towards that and failure to signal, we have laws that increase the penalty for driving in the warn range or for the simple fact that someone drove 50 over.
Totally agree there.

I can't tell you how many times I'm just driving along going just above the speed limit when some asshole is hogging the left lane with no care in the world. So I speed up around this Douche and now I'm doing 140+.

Toronto drivers suck shit. They're the most selfish crappy drivers around. If drivers were a little more courteous I guarantee you many people such as myself would slow down. Most of the time I speed just to get around all these dangerous spaced out drivers. The ones who brake last minute 'cause they weren't watching what's going on in front of them, and cause a chain reaction pileup.


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2009
better show up with your best puppy dog face. i suggest you get representation and ask your lawyer for discount if the next time you manage to kill someone.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Noir@heart said:
Because i state a fact you act like i should be embarrassed. If you seriously think that hitting triple digits relates to out of control driving...good luck to you.

I hate assholes, trying to control the flow of traffic and staying in the fast lane going 100km, not realizing that it is the passing lane, get over yourself.

Sorry to tell you there is no shame here in admitting that i have gone over the speed limit many times. I also have a birth date coming up and have to pay for 407 fee's when it comes, or any damn time i wish.
Since you haven't simply stated that you knew at all times how fast you were driving those overpowered cars you described, it does actually make me wonder if you are embarrassed to admit you didn't. Since you brought it up.

Imagining you're in control, just because nothing bad's happened yet, is a common misconception of the overconfident—whether they're dealing with alcohol, road conditions whatever. Anyone can be confident they're in control (or 'feel' their speed); good driver's know.

Why I should care about your 407 tolls I cannot fathom. Why bring those in? But happy birthday to you. And you know something; whether you speed, or whether you're ashamed of speeding doesn't matter to me. But if you're on the roads me and my family use I damn well want you to know what you're doing, and not have some playtoy car 'taking you into triple digits before you know it'.

Drivers knowing how fast they're going; what an unreasonable concept. No wonder you take it so personally.


New member
Apr 1, 2009
Just tell them the gas pedal got stuck or that something gor stuck on the gas pedal and you were trying to stop the car when you got caught...


Apr 19, 2009
mymojosup said:
Those are the facts, the reality is that we have laws in this country against prostitution, massage parlours, speed, drinking & driving, drugs etc... and we all should abide by them or face the consequences. I am ready to face the consequences, if i ever get pulled over for 50 over. I will face the consequences in a court of law, as far as i can take them and all the way to the SC if i have to.
Same for you with the illegal activities you have done. Are you ready to go to john school?
oldjones we should not be hijacking this thread. I would like you to read the quote above though.

Hypocrite :cool:


Active member
Jan 7, 2002
mymojosup said:
I had the opportunity to live in germany for a couple of years and it is amazing. People SIGNAL people don't pass on the right, morons who hogg the left lane get 300€ fines and the person who is coming from behind has the RIGHT OF WAY in the fast lane. Their accident rate is lower than here and their fatality as well. Makes you wonder.... outside of urban area the average speed on the fast lane is 180, yet we have people in this country that still believe that speed kills!
Then why don't you move back to Germany? In Canada and Ontario, we have different laws. If you don't like them, don't let the door hit your ass on the way out.

Those are the facts, the reality is that we have laws in this country against prostitution, massage parlours, speed, drinking & driving, drugs etc... and we all should abide by them or face the consequences. I am ready to face the consequences, if i ever get pulled over for 50 over. I will face the consequences in a court of law, as far as i can take them and all the way to the SC if i have to.
Same for you with the illegal activities you have done. Are you ready to go to john school?
Actually we don't have laws against prostitution. We have laws against solliciting in public; laws against keeping and "being found in" a common bawdy house; laws against living off the avails of prostitution. I, and many others, have hobbied for many years without breaking any prostitution-related laws.

Bottom line is that some laws are stupidly made and some are not.
And it's not up to you to choose which ones to follow.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
This really is a stupid comment. So you and Noir think it is fine and dandy to
break any law, as long as you are willing to face the consequences.

What kind of bullshit is that. Do you want to live in a civilized society or not?

mymojosup said:
Those are the facts, the reality is that we have laws in this country against prostitution, massage parlours, speed, drinking & driving, drugs etc... and we all should abide by them or face the consequences. I am ready to face the consequences, if i ever get pulled over for 50 over. I will face the consequences in a court of law, as far as i can take them and all the way to the SC if i have to.
Same for you with the illegal activities you have done. Are you ready to go to john school?


Almost Done.
Jul 10, 2006
danmand said:
This really is a stupid comment. So you and Noir think it is fine and dandy to
break any law, as long as you are willing to face the consequences.

What kind of bullshit is that. Do you want to live in a civilized society or not?
I remember a thread where you were asking for advise on the best way to handle a speeding ticket. How does that differ?


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
hunter001 said:
I remember a thread where you were asking for advise on the best way to handle a speeding ticket. How does that differ?
I will answer your rhetorical question, even if anyone who can read would know the answer to it.
I never posted that it is OK to be breaking the law as long as one is willing to
suffer the consequenses.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
alexmst said:

It is really hard to keep a powerful european car to the speed limits - I'm not joking...it requires constant looking at the guage, or else using cruise control. I tend to set the cruise control at 120 km/h on long distance trips to avoid problems, as a result I have a clear driving record and haven't had a speeding ticket in years. If the flow increases speed over 120 km/h, then it is OK to match the flow (safer too). With cheap POS cars like I had when I was a teenager, you can feel the speed, but with MB's and Jags you generally cannot...50 km/h feels like the car is rolling in idle with one's foot off the brake.

If you think it is hard to control speed in a fast car..try a motorcycle. (BTW you have to watch the road a LOT more on a bike). Sometimes you hit the gas and the digital speedo will go from 90 kph to 125 without even showing anything in between!!!


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
danmand said:
This really is a stupid comment. So you and Noir think it is fine and dandy to
break any law, as long as you are willing to face the consequences.

What kind of bullshit is that. Do you want to live in a civilized society or not?

How can you even call it a law when more then 50% of people break it regularly? When Police officers break it regularly in non emergency situations? Its a real joke, it is an insult. There is NO PROOF that this stupid law has improved safety, all it has done is created more jobs for police, lawyers, judges and other non-wealth creating sectors of our economy. i.e it is a DRAIN. No worse then chronic welfare recipients.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
hunter001 said:
But you weren't willing to accept the consequences. You started a thread to find out the best way to fight the consequences, instead of just paying the fine and moving on.
I made a mistake trying to explain it to you.


Almost Done.
Jul 10, 2006
danmand said:
I made a mistake trying to explain it to you.
So it is better to take your approach, break the law and not be willing to accept the consequences. Whatever.
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