Busted doing +50kms over speed limit. Any advice?

Sep 8, 2003
Away from here.
pokergod said:
slow the F*ck down, thats just careless driving. I can't belive your asking for advice after doing that. You did the speed so you should just take responsibilty and accept the fines and whatever comes with it. Its your own fault.
These posts always kill me. "Take responsibility and accept the fine". Why should he? Why should he? He didn't have a choice in writing these ridiculous laws, and as about five people have mentioned, if he drives a German sports car like I do, the car can easily handle those type of speeds without any loss of control. Go take a 7 series BMW for a spin and come back with a different opinion.

Speed is not the problem on the highways. The problem is speed RACING, driver distraction, drivers who slow up traffic by sitting in the passing lane and other stupidities. Many of us are perfectly capable of handling speed and not endangering lives. More police brainwashing.

We have completely outdated speed limits. Not a driver in the world actually does 80KM on a highway posted at 80KM/h and you could sit and write 130KM/h tickets all day long on the 1950's style 100KM/h limit on the 401. We don't change speed limits, traffic gets heavier and people get more frustrated. Then we start moralizing and telling people they're public enemy number one for speeding when the laws are broken by 95% of the population because they're outdated and based on false assumptions.

Again, the system got him, he has every right to defend himself and use the system to his advantage.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
What matters here is not how great_times2 drove back then, but how he's gonna drive from here on.

If he'd said: "I was alone on a good, level straight road where I could see there were no cars for miles and I decided I'd try this car with a bit more gas than usual" that'd be one thing. So far all I've read is that he paid no attention to his speed until a cop did it for him. While he's been straight enough about admitting the facts, I still haven't read anything suggesting he intends to drive more attentively in future.

By all means times2, get legal assistance—it really doesn't matter whether you pay in fines or fees, or that you pay at all—what matters is that you pay serious, proper attention to the most dangerous thing you're likely to do in your life: drive a car.
Last edited:


Hail to the king, baby.
Dec 18, 2001
Mao Tse Tongue said:
Speed is not the problem on the highways. The problem is speed RACING, driver distraction, drivers who slow up traffic by sitting in the passing lane and other stupidities. Many of us are perfectly capable of handling speed and not endangering lives. More police brainwashing.
The stats don't lie. Excessive speed is the single greatest contributor to traffic fatalities. Here is one sample. There are numerous other ones.

If I am on an 80kmh per hour highway, my decisions are not based on someone going 142kmh on it, pure and simple. For the guy doing this, I hope they tear him a new one in court.

You idiots who think because you can push a pedal down you can drive that fast need to get a grip. You are right up there with the guys I know who think they can drive just as well above .08. I could care less if you hit the wall, just please die on the spot though and do not chew up my health care taxes. Problem is, you are going to take a family of four out when you do it.

If you want to go fast, go do it on the track. Anywhere else, you are just another asshole.


Nov 3, 2001
small town
Too many of us see driving as a competitive sport or a battleground in which we get to be the hyper-macho hero.
I appreciate the enforcement! I am amazed that so many of us are too stupid to get the message.
If there was every a reason to go 150kph, other than testostrone, I haven't heard it.
Is 130kph really too slow to get you where you need to go or is 130 just too slow to get you to the front of the line.


Retired Perv
Apr 3, 2007
Do the crime, pay the fine, do the time. Take it like a man. :cool:

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
alexmst said:

It is really hard to keep a powerful european car to the speed limits - I'm not joking...it requires constant looking at the guage, or else using cruise control. I tend to set the cruise control at 120 km/h on long distance trips to avoid problems, as a result I have a clear driving record and haven't had a speeding ticket in years. If the flow increases speed over 120 km/h, then it is OK to match the flow (safer too). With cheap POS cars like I had when I was a teenager, you can feel the speed, but with MB's and Jags you generally cannot...50 km/h feels like the car is rolling in idle with one's foot off the brake.

Where you risk getting nailed is when you are the only car on the road and you are vastly exceeding the limit - you can't argue you are keeping with traffic flow in that circumstance. The safest driver is alert and keeps with the flow - if the flow is doing 70 km/h and the limit if 100 km/h, do 70. If the flow is doing 140 km/h, do that. It works for me.
Stephen Tyler from Aerosmith is a bit of a car hound.

I once heard him say that one of his favourite cars was his MGA (of all cars) because when you drive an MGA at 60 mph it feels like you are doing 200 mph whereas when he drives his Porshe at 60 mph, it feels like he is crawling.

Perhaps the solution is that we all go out and buy old MGs, and Triumphs.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
james t kirk said:
Stephen Tyler from Aerosmith is a bit of a car hound.

I once heard him say that one of his favourite cars was his MGA (of all cars) because when you drive an MGA at 60 mph it feels like you are doing 200 mph whereas when he drives his Porshe at 60 mph, it feels like he is crawling.

Perhaps the solution is that we all go out and buy old MGs, and Triumphs.
If only we could. Although I liked the MG-TD.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
oldjones said:
If only we could. Although I liked the MGB.
very reliable car, LOL.


Active member
Sep 8, 2008
Radio_Shack said:
Do the crime, pay the fine, do the time. Take it like a man. :cool:
That's not advice, that's a lecture.

I haven't seen any better advice on here other than get a lawyer who's practiced in this matter.

I am sure the guy has learned his lesson. No need in helping feed the system of this ridiculous, and ineffective law.


Retired Perv
Apr 3, 2007
Barca said:
That's not advice, that's a lecture.

I haven't seen any better advice on here other than get a lawyer who's practiced in this matter.

I am sure the guy has learned his lesson. No need in helping feed the system of this ridiculous, and ineffective law.
Sounds like you think everyone should be able to speed and put everyone at risk on the road. Sorry bud, I don't support this...
Define excessive speed please.
To me 180-200km/hour would be a reasonable maximum
100 km/h is too farking slow for a 400 series highway.
80 on rural roads should be more like 105-115.
Some stupid soccer mom pulls out while I'm driving along...THEY are the dangerous driver.They should loose their license.
Now 40 Km/h school zones could be reduced to 30km...because there are kids present.
50-65km in the city..is fine and reasonable

Why is 200 better and resonable? Cause you get where you are going twice a quickly...Simple.

We built the highways because people where in a hurry.
We then put arbitrarly LOW limits on them..and wonder why anyone would drive at the speed the road was designed for.
Please...with all due respect...If you feel 100 is too fast, and no one could possibly drive safely at a higher speed, you are a nervous driver, and most likely a danger on the highway.
Stay on the back roads...since you are not in a hurry...there is no reason for you not to stay on the back roads.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Diode said:
Define excessive speed please.
To me 180-200km/hour would be a reasonable maximum
100 km/h is too farking slow for a 400 series highway.
80 on rural roads should be more like 105-115.
Some stupid soccer mom pulls out while I'm driving along...THEY are the dangerous driver.They should loose their license.
Now 40 Km/h school zones could be reduced to 30km...because there are kids present.
50-65km in the city..is fine and reasonable

Why is 200 better and resonable? Cause you get where you are going twice a quickly...Simple.

We built the highways because people where in a hurry.
We then put arbitrarly LOW limits on them..and wonder why anyone would drive at the speed the road was designed for.
Please...with all due respect...If you feel 100 is too fast, and no one could possibly drive safely at a higher speed, you are a nervous driver, and most likely a danger on the highway.
Stay on the back roads...since you are not in a hurry...there is no reason for you not to stay on the back roads.
200 is a little too fast. You have to consider the design limitation of the road and I can assure you that they (400 series) are not designed for 200 kph.

The design speed is actually 120 kph for these roads, however, that speed is based on the limitations of the crappiest car back when they came up with the design speeds and I'm not sure how that compares to today's cars.
May 22, 2008
well my buddy once got caught for doing voer 70+ trying to impress a girl. he basically got fucked...i ahd to drive him everywhere while his license was suspended. he ended up paying like $800+ a month for car insurance. i dont know how long he had to pay for it until it went down. but then again he had a few other smaller tickets and he was about 21-22 at the time.
May 22, 2008
as for advice...get a lawyer and yes ur fucked. going that high up ur gonna be made an example. just gotta take it up the ass for the next 5 yrs.
james t kirk said:
200 is a little too fast. You have to consider the design limitation of the road and I can assure you that they (400 series) are not designed for 200 kph.
But THAT's the point. For some, 101 is too fast, others 110,120,130...is to fast.
For you 200.
I would think a 200 k/h limit would keep nervous drivers OFF the highway, and keep better dirvers OF their cellphones...
Everybody wins.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
danmand said:
very reliable car, LOL.
oops, sorry danmand; I got the model wrong and editted after you replied


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Bob Loblaw said:

Well put. If you cannot "feel" how fast your car is going, then you shouldn't be driving it.
I'd amend that to "if you don't know how fast your car is going", then you shouldn't be driving.


Apr 19, 2009
I know i am new here but the way some of you jump all over people here you would think this is a church forum. Had he of said that he got busted at a massage parlour with his dick in someone's hand, would you be so harsh, a gamble is a gamble, this is where he got caught.

I for one have owned different "luxury cars" and agree with many other here. That from a simple stop with the pedal barely touched and without drawing attention (muffler or engine noises) you are easily hitting triple digit numbers. So on the highway it is almost a must to use cruise control.

I feel for the OP...cruise control is our secret weapon. For those justifying the current speed limits, why do you not offer information about the horsepower cars had when these limits can into play, also look at the technology used today for safety.

oldjones said:
I'd amend that to "if you don't know how fast your car is going", then you shouldn't be driving.
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