LBJ was an American tragedy. He really did much for the USA and could have been one of the greatest presidents ever, an even bigger presidential figure than FDR, if it wasn't for Viet Nam.
That misguided Nam War destroyed him completely and it was based on fighting the Commies.
Bush's present adventure is's based on oil.
..French did not " screw" anything up, they were a declining power who could no longer hold on to her Empire by force. The States tried to step in but the Will of the Vietnamese people was too strong to over come.
As for Iraq, I think most believe its about Oil, Right or Left. Few buy into this Democracy talk.
Sure the French blew it in Nam in 1954 and then handed it over to Ike who started sending in those 'military advisors' shortly afterwards.
But hey, don't knock the French. The French did do ONE GOOD THING, they farked up the British enough a couple hundred years ago so that the colonies could win their Revolutionary War with England.....and how about them French Babes, even those French-Canadian dolls....oui...oui.......
Originally posted by DonQuixote
The French are our oldest allies. Our oldest antagonists.
Love and hate. The French are still trying to figure out
how they screwed it up when they were at the peak of their
power. The language of diplomacy used to be French.
Now it's English. It gauls them, pun intended.