Bush's Pathetic Record on Terrorism


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Not a neo-con
not a republican

But rather want to know

Sitting around whining and bitching is good
but doing someting is better.

What have the leaders of all the UN memebr done about terrorism???


Sep 21, 2004
In a van down by the river
It puts a smile on my face watching Canadians getting in to a headspin over W.
While I am a true conservative and don't agree with everyhting Bush does. (I like him for the enemies he made).
He is still a much better choice than Kerry ever will be.
To all you daydreaming socialists out there (Canada, Germany, France etc.) this election will not be even close. Sorry folks, W will be on for four more years.
Four more years of eating antacids (Cheaply available in Canada).

I am your worst nightmare..born and raised in Germany..family members in a former communist country....now by the grace of god and American Citizen......here it comes....working and living in Canada.
I have seen and experienced both sides of the ocean. I have read and enjoyed the propaganda in all three countries...given the choice there is no place than I rather live than in the USA.

The control and power that the goverments of Canada and Germany has over his people is absolutely mindblowing. In all fairness though Canada hasn't quiet gone down as far as Europe did.Although your leaders are trying hard.

The fact is that people in Europe and to some degree in Canada are being fed bullshit by their own goverments. it is the oldest trick in the book. If your own country is on the brink of disaster, build up an enemy, that you can blame for your own mistakes. If you don't believe me I suggest you read "Mein Kampf". A classic tale of hoew you manipulate the masses by blaming all your woes on somebody else.

This constant bashing of America is nothing else than a diversion of one's own problems.
My dad always said "If you point the finger at someone, you have four fingers pointing back at you" TRY IT.
While everybody has their right to theri own opinion, the flat out spreading of hatred and lies is atonishing.

Canada rub your own nose. Between sponsorship scandal, endless lines at the doctors office, the treatment of your natives and the treatments of the Japanese in WW2 I would be very careful, who I am pointing my finger at.
While you might not agree with W America has been nothing more than a good neighbor and friend and your largest trading partner.
And PLEASE nobody start crying about soft wood lumber. As much as the USA protects their own interest groups Canada does the same with dairy products, chicken etc...

Don't buy the propaganda of the CBC and Parrish it is BS. Go and see for your self. Go live in Europe and see if this is what you want for your own country?
It floors me to hear people bash my country without ever having lived there. All they do is just repeat what somebody else tells them.
Yikes.....enough ranting..I get off my pitty pot now....hold on..there is one thing good about Europe..prostiturion is legal..lol.

Europe will fall in to the toilet of history. Sorry, that I won't be around to see it.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
who are they????

Where is the rest of the so called civilized nations?


Sep 21, 2004
In a van down by the river
Other than platitudes not one has answered my questions...why is that????Hmm maybe because I hit a nerve?
Hdog are you familiar with the term Monday mornig Quaterback? Well here is to you monday morning president?
How easy it is to tear someone a new asshole after the fact?

World trust for the USA???????? The only trust the world gives us is called dollars..the only time the world LOVES us is..when somebodys ass needs to be kicked or if somebody needs money.
I ahve experienced anti americanism first hand in Germany about twenty years ago....soo your quote is based on something that you read somewhere and not on facts..

"We've taken world sympathy and turned it into mistrust, hatred and fear around the world because most countries know what half the people in our country don't - this lawless administration wants control of the world's oil supply anyway they can get it"

On the ever popular Oil question....90% of the oil infrastructure in Iraq is owned by ELF. I believe this is a french company..right..

Where does Canada get their oil from? Alberta? There is enough oil there to make some WD40 for all the doors in Canada.
What is wrong with protecting oil supplies?? An wolrd wide oil shortage would be devasting to ALL countried including Europe and Canada.

The amount of unfounded plain stupid anti-americanism in Canada is astounding. Well i can just her it now..it is all Bush's fault yeah right.
Rest assure you..god forbid you get in trouble, the mean and nasty Americans will be the first here, helping you out.
Love you guys


Sep 21, 2004
In a van down by the river
My question to you: "Did Bush use his war powers act
too soon without searching for other alternatives? Was
the situation ripe for action or did he pull the trigger too soon?"

Sorry Don for the dely, but here it is

Did Bush use his war powers act
too soon without searching for other alternatives?

I believe ten years of UN sanctions gave Mr. Hussein ample ooportunity to rethink his position. We all gave him ample alternatives.
I am not sure if you hhave any children, I have three. If I want to enforce a rule I explain the rule first and at the same time I make them understand what the consequences are in not following the rules.
While I have some leadway to forgive a few instances of not following the rules, at what point do i have to follow through with my consequences??before I will be not aken serious any,more?
Insert your answer here.....
This should address your second question as well.

Why is it that the US has to bear the full weight of his actions?

Because he was elected as our leader, if we don't agree with his actions the senate and the congress have the power to stop him.
You elect a leader because you believe in him and you support his actions.
Unlike Germany were the president (or chancellor in that case) has absolute power, the president does not have that power.
He can declare war on his own, in the short term, but will need senate and congress confrimation after 30 days.
I believe he got an almost unanimous approval from both houses.

Do you trust someone that said he had a discussion with God
and God told him it was OK?

Could you provide a source for this statement..I have never heard it.

What relationship should religious
beliefs influence political decisions? Should there be a separation
of Church and State
Interesting question it requires for me to clarify some terms.

Religion and Staate should be seperated no questions about that.

Sprituality/Beliefs/Leadership and Staate should always go hand in hand.
Religion represents a particular belief system. Very bias and usually not very objective. It is man made and is subject to mistakes. This includes ALL religions catholic, anglican, Lutheran, Muslim, Budhism etc....

However there is an overarching principle to almost all forms of religions, which i define as spirituality. You can find your own term.
These principles include love, self respect, desency, honesty, caring( I probably missed a few).
Do I want my leader to be guided by those principlles? The answer is YES..wouldn't you?

I hope I have answered all your questions.Feel free to ask for clarification.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
hdog said:
It was his fucking job to be prepared. He wants all the power but none of the responsibility. A hijacked plane is flown into the WTC and he goes and listens to a story about a pet goat? A second plane hits and he stays at the school for almost another half hour? He's the commander in chief for God's sake.

Then when he has to speak before a commission he fought against having and he'll only go with Cheney there to help him? All those people died and he's afraid answer a few questions? Piece of shit.

On your first circular point. What would you have had him do? CHILDREN THE WTC HAS JUST BEEN BLOWN UP I MUST GO NOW?

Come in the took a few minutes to let it sink in, finished what he was doing. while the agencies and pople were gathering as much info as they could; info not available to the president on the spot. From there the meetimgs began. The time spent with the children showed a man who under great weight was able to not panic the children.

Now for point 2

Clinthead would only talk behind closed doors and it was his watch when the plans were formed


Sep 21, 2004
In a van down by the river
I would have loved to read your post if Mr. Bush would have made the following announcements around July 2001:

Due to credible reports from the CIA we are now enacting the Patriot act as a meassure to protect us agains airplanes flying in to the WTC.

As a result of this we will increase border inspections to Canada. Finger print any person going in and out of Canada. Require that any food and products going in and out of Canada need to have proper papers as to the origins of each ingredients..because we fear bio-terroism

You can add more meassure that sound logical now, but would have created an uproar pre 9/11.

You and others would have been at the world court decrying violations of human rights.

Just look at the reactions to false alarms of the color coding system today AFTER 9/11


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
Can we let this particular arguement go please, it's getting a bit old. There is nothing any president could have done immediately after the first attack, unless an appropriate response plan was already in place, which wasn't. I don't fault George W. for staying at the school while information was still coming in; and I'm sure that information came in bits and pieces, achingly slow considering what happened, and often contradictory. That they should have been better prepared is a completely different discussion. George must have known he was pretty much helpless in those first minutes.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
hdog said:
Took time to sink in? I know he's not the brightest guy but he knew a plane had been hijacked and flown into the WTC. He couldn't get that? The Commander in chief can't understand our nation was under attack?

After you stopped clapping, how long did it take to sink in what was going on????

Have you ever stopped to ask why jets were not scrambled from ROME or PLATSBURGH airforce bases??

easy answer

because Clinton with all the warnings felt the US had too much homeland protection; aginst an unseen enemy.

BTW the two bases i mentioned would have a scramble and eta to NYC at about 11 minutes, DC about 35 and the site in PA 20 or so. (DC and PA are figuing launching from ROME AFB)


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
langeweile said:

I am your worst nightmare.. working and living in Canada..... there is no place than I rather live than in the USA.


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
langeweile said:

The fact is that people in Europe and to some degree in Canada are being fed bullshit by their own goverments. it is the oldest trick in the book. If your own country is on the brink of disaster, build up an enemy, that you can blame for your own mistakes.
I am sorry- you are talking about Canada and Germany here? or the U.S.A.?


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
langeweile said:
Between sponsorship scandal, endless lines at the doctors office, the treatment of your natives and the treatments of the Japanese in WW2 I would be very careful, who I am pointing my finger at.
mmm- yes- no scandals in washington. ever. and boy were those native americans treated well in the USA, and japanese internment camps- only in Canada?


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
langeweile said:

While you might not agree with W America has been nothing more than a good neighbor and friend and your largest trading partner.

Just as we have been a good friend and ally of the US as well their largest trading partner. of course we haven't invaded the USA....


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
red said:
mmm- yes- no scandals in washington. ever. and boy were those native americans treated well in the USA, and japanese internment camps- only in Canada?

no question in recent history the daughter of a dentist and her cum stained dress was a scandal

And yes WWII did bring about internment camps

And yes the move west was not a shining time in history


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
langeweile said:
It puts a smile on my face watching Canadians getting in to a headspin over W.
While I am a true conservative and don't agree with everyhting Bush does. (I like him for the enemies he made).
schadenfreude I guess is the first part, not sure what liking someone for the enemies they make would be- ummm... weird?


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
papasmerf said:
no question in recent history the daughter of a dentist and her cum stained dress was a scandal

And yes WWII did bring about internment camps

And yes the move west was not a shining time in history
yep- my point is both countries have similar pasts and are still similar.- I have no problem with the U.S.- both countries are filled with friends and family. I am just responding to the really bizarre post


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
In 1820, Congress considered admitting Missouri to the Union as a state. But there were bad feelings about slavery involved, and politicians feared that the addition of Missouri would shift the scales of power. So they came up with the historical Missouri Compromise, which called for Missouri to join the Union, along with Maine.
This proves that Missouri loves company.


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
There was a biology student who was studying equilibrium in sea birds with a
specific focus on terns. He proposed that giving measured doses of THC (from,
of course, marijuana) and observing their flight patterns would give some
insight to the problems of equilibrium in three dimensional space. This
proposal being given in a more liberal era, the student got the funding. He
filled out mountains of forms, set up a lab with a ready supply of terns, and
proceeded on his way. After a year of diligent work, groveling monthly before
the review committee to get his stipend, and living with drugged terns, he
completed his study.

With trembling hands, he delivered his 247-page report, complete with charts
and graphs, to the review committee. The august body peruses his study, asking
penetrating questions and reducing our student to jell-o. Finally, the
department head rises. The light reflects off her steel rimmed glasses as she
stares down at our student.

"There is a lot of good work here," she says. "But we can't accept this report.
You have detailed marvelously the effects of THC on terns but you forgot one
essential step: you have no control group." Our student turns pale and says,
"You don't mean..."

"Yes. I'm afraid so. You left no tern unstoned."


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Loved the humor


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W

TRUMAN great??????????

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