My question to you: "Did Bush use his war powers act
too soon without searching for other alternatives? Was
the situation ripe for action or did he pull the trigger too soon?"
Sorry Don for the dely, but here it is
Did Bush use his war powers act
too soon without searching for other alternatives?
I believe ten years of UN sanctions gave Mr. Hussein ample ooportunity to rethink his position. We all gave him ample alternatives.
I am not sure if you hhave any children, I have three. If I want to enforce a rule I explain the rule first and at the same time I make them understand what the consequences are in not following the rules.
While I have some leadway to forgive a few instances of not following the rules, at what point do i have to follow through with my consequences??before I will be not aken serious any,more?
Insert your answer here.....
This should address your second question as well.
Why is it that the US has to bear the full weight of his actions?
Because he was elected as our leader, if we don't agree with his actions the senate and the congress have the power to stop him.
You elect a leader because you believe in him and you support his actions.
Unlike Germany were the president (or chancellor in that case) has absolute power, the president does not have that power.
He can declare war on his own, in the short term, but will need senate and congress confrimation after 30 days.
I believe he got an almost unanimous approval from both houses.
Do you trust someone that said he had a discussion with God
and God told him it was OK?
Could you provide a source for this statement..I have never heard it.
What relationship should religious
beliefs influence political decisions? Should there be a separation
of Church and State
Interesting question it requires for me to clarify some terms.
Religion and Staate should be seperated no questions about that.
Sprituality/Beliefs/Leadership and Staate should always go hand in hand.
Religion represents a particular belief system. Very bias and usually not very objective. It is man made and is subject to mistakes. This includes ALL religions catholic, anglican, Lutheran, Muslim, Budhism etc....
However there is an overarching principle to almost all forms of religions, which i define as spirituality. You can find your own term.
These principles include love, self respect, desency, honesty, caring( I probably missed a few).
Do I want my leader to be guided by those principlles? The answer is YES..wouldn't you?
I hope I have answered all your questions.Feel free to ask for clarification.