Bring in the Army and shut these truckers down!


Well-known member
Feb 21, 2008
Wouldn't Fucker Carlson just love that? Provincial LE and the Mounties are only now being given the go ahead to deal with the situation. Let's just hope nobody gets killed...
Notice how right-wing media calls the truckers & others who block roads patriots and freedom fighters. When BLM & social justices protesters did it they were terrorist and thugs that needed to be arrested.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
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The Oracle

Pronouns: Who/Cares
Mar 8, 2004
On the slopes of Mount Parnassus, Greece
Notice how right-wing media calls the truckers & others who block roads patriots and freedom fighters. When BLM & social justices protesters did it they were terrorist and thugs that needed to be arrested.
Well there was the 2 billions dollar price tag for the riot portion of the BLM protests and all....Mostly for destruction of businesses and private property. 97% peaceful and all as CNN reported,lol.

This here is just a good example of civil disobedience thus far.

Of course if Justin orders in the storm troopers then things will take a dramatic turn for the worse and Canada will have the appearance of a totalitarian regime throughout the world. Tarnishing Mr. Wokes squeaky clean image that he covets so much.

Now all this could have been avoided had Mr. Trudeau rescinded his order on mandatory vaccines for cross border truckers. Or at least delayed it for 3 months or so. By which time all this would most likely be in the rear view mirror. As they could say they were following the world dropping most of the mandates. Or as they like to say '' following the science''. They don't tell you those goal posts are constantly moved to support their political narrative however.

But oh no, Justin had to double down on his declaration. At first they sent out a letter stating that they were backing off but then took an about face and doubled down. And just for good measure he called his opponents racists and misogynists with unacceptable beliefs.

Our leader had brought this upon himself with his divisive comments and draconian policy. Since he likes the word systemic so much. How about this '' systemic non- compliance''.

The '' Freedom Fighters'' aren't backing down so let's see who blinks first.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Well there was the 2 billions dollar price tag for the riot portion of the BLM protests and all....Mostly for destruction of businesses and private property. 97% peaceful and all as CNN reported,lol.

This here is just a good example of civil disobedience thus far.

Of course if Justin orders in the storm troopers then things will take a dramatic turn for the worse and Canada will have the appearance of a totalitarian regime throughout the world. Tarnishing Mr. Wokes squeaky clean image that he covets so much.

Now all this could have been avoided had Mr. Trudeau rescinded his order on mandatory vaccines for cross border truckers. Or at least delayed it for 3 months or so. By which time all this would most likely be in the rear view mirror. As they could say they were following the world dropping most of the mandates. Or as they like to say '' following the science''. They don't tell you those goal posts are constantly moved to support their political narrative however.

But oh no, Justin had to double down on his declaration. At first they sent out a letter stating that they were backing off but then took an about face and doubled down. And just for good measure he called his opponents racists and misogynists with unacceptable beliefs.

Our leader had brought this upon himself with his divisive comments and draconian policy. Since he likes the word systemic so much. How about this '' systemic non- compliance''.

The '' Freedom Fighters'' aren't backing down so let's see who blinks first.
The 'freedom fighters' showed up with a demand that Trudeau resign and you call Trudeau divisive?

Mandates occurred with the waves of the pandemic.
They will end with the waves of the pandemic.
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Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Police have formed lines to begin removing proteters, They are slowly moving forward towards the fuckers, There are what appears to snipers on nearby rooftops, Behind the police are huge police vehicles.

🍿🍿🍿🍿 tune into CBCNN
I've been watching for several hours. It's the first time that I've seen that station.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Even funnier that the so called law and order righties are the ones applauding the lawlessness of the truckers.
Remember that the right wingers types of "Law and Order" is having a Policeman's Knee on the Neck of a Non-Protester. Tear Gassing protesters so that an Orangutan POTUS can make his way to the outside of a Church just to hold the bible for the first time since leaving school and in an upside down manner for purely a photo-op!!


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Remember that the right wingers types of "Law and Order" is having a Policeman's Knee on the Neck of a Non-Protester. Tear Gassing protesters so that an Orangutan POTUS can make his way to the outside of a Church just to hold the bible for the first time since leaving school and in an upside down manner for purely a photo-op!!
Hmm, cops have stopped counter protesters to let the right wingers through.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
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internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
However the truckers decided to storm in the shelters steal food from the homeless

block emergency vehilcle entrances block hospitals

terrorize childrens schools

terrorize the malls

some harass or assault anyone that is of color or woman or child

like burly caveman
This didn't happen
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internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
while 80% of the good truckers are home with secure jobs vaccinated and watching this shit show of the 20% that think there smarter than science and doctor
Majority of the people protesting are vaxxed.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Well there was the 2 billions dollar price tag for the riot portion of the BLM protests and all....Mostly for destruction of businesses and private property. 97% peaceful and all as CNN reported,lol.
This here is just a good example of civil disobedience thus far.
Here we go with the Big Lie that the "lefties" facilitated BLM. Some authorities were sympathetic to the aims of BLM - as initially were some Tories sympathetic to the fake truckers in Canada. They allowed demos sometimes. They sometimes tried to block them. And they tried to control the looting. No one sympathized with the looting, either on this board or in real life. But - as with the truckers' demos - police struggle with limited manpower and resources.

The authorities also put up w the Ottawa Occupation for over a week before they lost patience and even then, the catalyst was the Bridge blockade.

Of course if Justin orders in the storm troopers then things will take a dramatic turn for the worse and Canada will have the appearance of a totalitarian regime throughout the world. Tarnishing Mr. Wokes squeaky clean image that he covets so much.
Dude, 2/3 of Canadians now poll as hating on KKKonvoy and the occupations and blockades and that # will only increase. On the Far Right mindfuck websites and Twitter pages you are addicted to, Justin is already the worst dictator since Ghengiz Khan. Those websites will keep writing that and you will keep believing that and posting that stuff on TERB. Some stuff never changes.

Now all this could have been avoided had Mr. Trudeau rescinded his order on mandatory vaccines for cross border truckers. Or at least delayed it for 3 months or so. By which time all this would most likely be in the rear view mirror. As they could say they were following the world dropping most of the mandates. Or as they like to say '' following the science''. They don't tell you those goal posts are constantly moved to support their political narrative however.
Sorry, dude. Fringe, extremist dickshits don't get to make government policy. You want to challenge government policy, do it through the courts or in an election or write your MP, like in any other democracy. The fact that you and your buds don't like a law doesn't give you the right to block an international artery and hold the country to ransom.

But oh no, Justin had to double down on his declaration. At first they sent out a letter stating that they were backing off but then took an about face and doubled down. And just for good measure he called his opponents racists and misogynists with unacceptable beliefs.
Yeah, there ARE the inconvenient facts that one of the organizers gave an interview saying that he hated Jews and Orientals and someone paraded around w a Nazi flag, until the organizers put the word out that this was a PR error. Most of the protestors were not racist?...... Okay. But a lot WERE.

Our leader had brought this upon himself with his divisive comments and draconian policy. Since he likes the word systemic so much. How about this '' systemic non- compliance''.
The '' Freedom Fighters'' aren't backing down so let's see who blinks first.
Your guys got tanks?.... Cos inevitably this is where it ends up. So far, no one's gotten hurt. That could change fast.
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Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001

You didn't see the blackface,lol...
Justin has been exposed for the woke puppet that he is and it looks mighty good on him.
You dudes love that 30 year old, dumb Blackface shit, huh?

30 years ago?.... Find something more recent. And what I keep telling you: No one thinks Justin is the greatest PM in Can history. We vote for him because we hate Tories. And if he sends the Army in to kick ass on the KKKonvoy folks, we'll vote for him again.

That's why he keeps winning. He'll end up being the dumbest and most successful politican in Can history - all because the most Canadians hate the Right so much that they would vote for a goat, rather than a Tory.
Ashley Madison
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