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Blue Jays have landed a new catcher


New member
Mar 17, 2003
Looks like he may be wanting to save money by downgrading behind the plate - hopefully to upgrade pitching and middle infield.
The other angle is that the Jays were WOEFUL against the running game last year.
Don't expect much at the dish from this guy, other than the occasional dinger.

Ben Hogan

New member
Aug 31, 2004
PHNINE said:
Not to mention saving some cash to resign Wells.
Sadly, I think Vernon is gone.

Riccardi has been throwing money at everyone but Wells. With the signings of outfielders by other teams to big buck contracts, I think Vernon's price will be too great for the Blue Jays to retain. Speculation is the Frank Thomas signing was done to lessen the blow to the lineup should Vernon leave at the end of next year.

I also have this theory that JP likes to keep his own guys. Vernon was not brought in by him and neither was Carlos Delgado, which is why I think he let Carlos walk a few seasons back after making absolutely ZERO effort to retain Carlos.


New member
Mar 29, 2005
Vernon $17 - 18m pa is his market value I read somewhere - on par with Lee. Maybe out of reach so we can expect a trade for a pitcher. It would be sad to see him go. :(


New member
Mar 17, 2003
Nah, that's got nothing to do with anything.
He's been priced out of the Jays range lately.


Nov 25, 2005
boffo said:
For a catcher 4 years is a lot of time when you're talking 31 to 35 years of age. Catchers seem to age faster than other positions.

This guy may hit a bit worse than Zaun; but, I think he'll more than make up for it with better defence. I thought Zaun was beginning to have trouble handling wild pitches and pitches in the dirt and he was really bad at throwing out baserunners.
If I am not mistaken, its a 2yr deal......not 4yrs.


New member
Mar 17, 2003
Yup. Two years.
And he hits A LOT worse than Zaun.
You need to be a helluva defender to make up for it, even as a catcher.
It's a downgrade from last year, don't be fooled. Possibly a BIG one, but I think JP's just hoping to hold the fort there and save money for other things.


Fun loving fool
Sep 22, 2005
does not appear to be a bad move, they offered the same contract to Zaun and he turned it down so they went with option 2, they do not exactly need a huge amount of offense from him as they are going to have a big hitting lineup otherwise. Rumour is that Zaun may sign as a backup in either Boston or with the Yankees


Jan 16, 2004
boffo said:
For a catcher 4 years is a lot of time when you're talking 31 to 35 years of age. Catchers seem to age faster than other positions.

This guy may hit a bit worse than Zaun; but, I think he'll more than make up for it with better defence. I thought Zaun was beginning to have trouble handling wild pitches and pitches in the dirt and he was really bad at throwing out baserunners.
Much worse than Zaun at the plate (based on last year's numbers). Batting average was 15 points lower, OBP was more than 70 points lower, and slugging around 50 points lower. A lot less walks and a lot more strike outs.

Defensively, he's a better catcher (again, based on last year's numbers). Started almost twice as many games as Zaun, had 5 passed balls versus Zaun's 4, and threw out 33% of runners, compared to Zaun's 24% and Molina's 18% (league average is around 30%).

What does that all mean? Not sure if the defense makes up for the offense. Need a little more sabermetric work to figure that one out :rolleyes:


New member
Dec 24, 2004
Keep Vernon in Toronto...He's not too old...He's a great hitter...He's one of the best outfielders in the MLB...

Give him his payday..He has improved so much over the last couple years offensively... Great players come with a price tag...


New member
Sep 30, 2004
T-1000 said:
According to reports from a local newspaper, Rod Barajas has agreed to a 2yr 6million dollar deal to become the starting catcher for the jays.

Also Adam Kennedy and one of Gil Meche, Mark Mulder and Vincente Padilla is close to signing with the jays in the next couple of weeks.
He'll be wise to go with a starting pitcher. Mark Mulder can be interesting if he can return to form...


Well-known member
Mar 29, 2006
Not a bad signing - $3M is the going rate for a legit starter who is in the bottom third of starters. Then again the signing is quite the commentary on the extremely poor scouting / farm system that JP has overlooked.

The team should be able to fill its roster with a few $300-500K players that bring what Barajas. But the system cannot even produce below level starters - instead you have to pay an extra $2M to sign one.

It was a necessary signing because it was a weakness - but it talks more about the shitty job that JP has done.

If he had a few decent youngsters on his team to keep the payroll down he could keep Vernon.

What excuse is he going to use this year with a top 10 payroll?


New member
Jun 8, 2006
Since last season i've started to hate JP Riccardi quite a bit. So the dumbass has whined about his lack of funds for years and now that he's getting them he goes out and signs Frank Thomas. Now i know THomas has great career numbers, but damn, how often do we notice any professional athlete having a big season, than signs a big contract, only to screw around. I would rather go with a younger unproven player who has to go out there play hard and prove his worth rather than an old timer who could be a major hit or miss and just fills up a great chunk of the budget.

My 2nd rant on Riccardi is why he passed up on Adam Eaton who just signed with the Phillies to a reasonable 3 year $24 million contract. Yes Eaton has had a history of injuries, but hasn't Thomas or AJ Burnett? I would of thought Eaton would make a great guy in the 3rd spot. Like AJ, Eaton has oen of the highest potential when healthy.

It is inevitable that Wells will be to the Rangers. They just let go of Matthews Jr. and Wells lives only a few minutes away from the ball park. I have no idea what the hell Riccardi is planning on doing, but for crying out loud don't lose a very PRIZED position for nothing.

Is it me or does the city of Toronto seem to always get shit GMs. Since the Raptors got a new GM, i think the Jays need to move on pretty soon if this season the Jays do not fare any better. They screwed themselves up the bum when they didn't act fast on Wells cause now the market is inflated and Wells can sit back and just watch the money flow. I say if you intend of letting Wells go, might as well start planning now.


New member
Mar 17, 2003
maurice93 said:
Not a bad signing - $3M is the going rate for a legit starter who is in the bottom third of starters. Then again the signing is quite the commentary on the extremely poor scouting / farm system that JP has overlooked.

The team should be able to fill its roster with a few $300-500K players that bring what Barajas. But the system cannot even produce below level starters - instead you have to pay an extra $2M to sign one.

It was a necessary signing because it was a weakness - but it talks more about the shitty job that JP has done.

If he had a few decent youngsters on his team to keep the payroll down he could keep Vernon.

What excuse is he going to use this year with a top 10 payroll?
You NEVER see teams signing guys like these to fill organizational holes.
Same old same old JP bashing.
Hey, guys, at least learn to spell his name .......


New member
Mar 17, 2003
That's not half the team.
Great organizations WIN. There's no one formula for success, and there's no evidence to support your statement.
"JP and Godfrey seem to be lovers"

Oh, yeah - there was a reason I stopped coming here last year.

See ya, lads.

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The rest of you enjoy the inanity.
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