Toronto Escorts

Blue Jays have landed a new catcher


New member
Mar 17, 2003
benn said:
mulder will actually get less and he is probably just looking for a one year or 2 year deal while he recovers from a rotator cuff surgery and his agent is Rod Barajas agent as well so chances of jays landing him now are pretty slim
I don't think the Jays have really ever expressed an interest anyway.
Good, since I think they have enough injury-plagued starters. :(

I'd think they're targetting Gil Meche first (cheaper than Lilly), then a middle infielder (but who?) - and that they'll get two of those three. Lilly's going to command a fair bit more than Meche, and if someone makes a huge offer to him, he won't be back. If I had my choice, I'd take Lilly, see what Meche wants to be #4, and take my chances with the middle infield. With the offense from the rest of the lineup, they could afford to go purely defensively there - Hill at second and a pure glove-man at short.

I'd be perfectly happy signing Meche and Lilly and leaving it at that (except for a paltry few sheckels to sign a defensive shortstop in a trade - Clayton? Callaspo? Andino?).

Ben Hogan

New member
Aug 31, 2004
I think the Jays tried to save a few bucks by trying to land Barahas. I heard Paul Godfrey on the radio after Zaun signed saying he (Zaun) was their first choice all along (I don't believe him).

I think Lilly will go elsewhere. The Jays will not want to pay a huge amount for him even though he's a lefty. He did have that run-in with the manager and he has had other issues with management. I think both sides are keeing their options open but he'll likely sign with another team.


New member
Mar 17, 2003
Ben Hogan said:
I think the Jays tried to save a few bucks by trying to land Barahas. I heard Paul Godfrey on the radio after Zaun signed saying he (Zaun) was their first choice all along (I don't believe him).

I think Lilly will go elsewhere. The Jays will not want to pay a huge amount for him even though he's a lefty. He did have that run-in with the manager and he has had other issues with management. I think both sides are keeing their options open but he'll likely sign with another team.
Yes, they tried to economize with the Barajas signing. Having Zaun act as his own agent CERTAINLY didn't help negotiations there. :rolleyes:
Lilly - 50/50 to be back. I think both sides are, in fact, eager to re-sign if they money's right.

And, yeah, the new hat looks pretty crappy, IMO.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Ranger68 said:
And, yeah, the new hat looks pretty crappy, IMO.
I bet the hat would look a lot better if it was on Vernon's head at a press conference announcing his signing.


Feb 26, 2004
DonQuixote said:
So, Barajas backed out of the deal.
That is quite unusual. What's up on
that strange twist.
Barajas' previous agent negotiated a deal with the Jays that would have represented a pay cut for him from the previous year. I guess that didn't sit too well with Barajas so he got a new agent who want the contract renegotiated. I believe that the MLBPA wanted it renegotiated too because Barajas was coming off a solid year and they felt he didn't deserve a pay cut. JP then told them all to screw off.


Jan 18, 2005
Brownie69 said:
Barajas' previous agent negotiated a deal with the Jays that would have represented a pay cut for him from the previous year. I guess that didn't sit too well with Barajas so he got a new agent who want the contract renegotiated. I believe that the MLBPA wanted it renegotiated too because Barajas was coming off a solid year and they felt he didn't deserve a pay cut. JP then told them all to screw off.
the downside of union and which is why they give union a bad name sometimes, maybe his first agent might do the jays a favour and get mulder hooked up with the jays


New member
Mar 17, 2003
Makes sense.
If you like Clayton .......
Well, he's better than Adams, anyway.


Nov 25, 2005
Good signing

I really like the Clayton signing as it solidifies the middle infield with his veteran presense and experience. Also the lenght and terms of the deal. It did not cost the Jays an arm and a leg as compared should they've gone with Lugo.

Should the Jays land Gil Meche and one of Lilly/Mulder to be their 3rd and 4th starters, the jays rotation would be one of the strongest in the AL.

Aside from pitching it looks like JP have completed his off season shopping and the opening day line-up should look something like this.

Batting Order
LF Reed Johnson
RF Alex Rios
CF Vernon Wells
DH Frank Thomas
3B Troy Glaus
1B Lyle Overbay
C Gregg Zaun
2B Aaron Hill
SS Royce Clayton

Starting Rotation
Roy Halladay
AJ Burnett
Ted Lilly / Mark Mulder ???
Gil Meche ???
Gustavo Chacin

BJ Ryan
Brandon League
Jason Frasor
Jeremy Accardo
Scott Downs
Brian Tallet
Shaun Marcum
Dustin McCowan


New member
Mar 17, 2003
The problem is Clayton may be a bit TOO veteran. :( .......
It's a cheap cheap signing, don't confuse anything. Bargain basement.
Adams may yet have a life with this team.

Ben Hogan

New member
Aug 31, 2004
Heard J.P. on the radio today. He was quoted in the newspaper as vowing to tell the full story on Barajas someday. In today's radio interview, he ripped Barajas, stating basically then when you shook hands on a deal, you did not reneg (as Barajas did). So much Riccardi holding his tongue : ) (although I didn't think Barajas's conduct was as bad as Godfrey and Ricchardi implied).


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Brownie69 said:
I believe that the MLBPA wanted it renegotiated too because Barajas was coming off a solid year and they felt he didn't deserve a pay cut.
Why is it that if the teams try to hold the line on salaries, it's considered collusion but it's no problem if the union as a whole tells a player that he can't sign a deal that he's willing to because it's for less money?

In Barajas' case, even though he was getting a pay cut he was being given a chance to be an everyday starter which he has never done before. As such, after two years of being a starter his value would be much higher (assuming he was even just halfway decent) when it comes to signing his next contract. Short term pain for long term gain.


New member
Feb 28, 2003
The Hammer
I know the market right is ridiculous, but I dont think Vernon should make more than Soriano...though more will be needed to keep him in TO
Toronto Escorts