I said I agree with Nentanyahu that one state solution is the way to go, But I also said that a jewish state isn't a solution to the conflict because it would keep fighting to defend its Jewishness , so the only solution is a binational jewish -arab state or a secular state inclusive to all its citizens.
Don't kid yourself, GoWest. I understood the game you were playing.
The point is this: Netanyahu's comments can't be divided and reinterpreted in the intellectually dishonest way you proposed.
Yes, he said the Arabs in the West Bank could become citizens of Jordan and Israel. He also said that Israel's existence as a Jewish nation must be protected, and that he opposed the creation of a new Palestinian state (which, in this context, would most certainly include changes that transform Israel into a Palestinian state).
You took one sentence and tried to twist it to fit a modern context that is quite different than the one that existed when the statement was made. It is clear that you don't agree with his position and it was dishonest to say you "agreed" with him.