Attack on Syria is it justified ?


Jan 31, 2005

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Actually the UN sent in a team to inspect people directly. There is no doubt that chemical weapons were used.

What they're is doubt about is by who, and what to do about it.

It could have been Assad's orders. He could be losing control of the military and it could be some rogue commander. It could have been the terrorists who are infiltrating the rebels. It could have been Hezbollah
Exactly my point. We dont know who ordered to use chemical weapons. It could have been the rebels who are trying to frame Assad so the US comes and helps them.

Also these rebels are not exactly innocent fellas in all this. Supposedly many are Al Queda

Fool me once, shame on... shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again
Quoted for truth

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
If that independent test was from MSF or one of the other aid groups on scene would that make it acceptable?
After that Iraq WMD debacle I'm very skeptical of any new WMD claims. No matter who the source is. Do you really think Assad is stupid enough to start gassing his own people and risk international (and US) intervention??!


Senior Member
Oct 2, 2001
In a place far, far away
American should stay out; it is none of their business. The number of people being (allegedly) killed is pocket change.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010

The image Kerry won't want you to see: U.S. senator and Assad pictured dining with their wives at Damascus restaurant before war broke out in Syria

  • Kerry pictured around a small table with his wife and the Assads in 2009
  • Assad and Kerry lean in towards each other, deep in conversation
  • Picture taken in February 2009 when Kerry led a delegation to Syria
  • Kerry yesterday compared Assad to Adolf Hitler and Saddam Hussein

This astonishing photograph shows U.S Secretary of State John Kerry having a cosy and intimate dinner with Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad. Kerry - who compared Assad to Adolf Hitler and Saddam Hussein yesterday - is pictured around a small table with his wife and the Assads in 2009.

Assad and Kerry - who was then a senator for Massachusetts - lean in towards each other and appear deep in conversation as their wives look on. A waiter is pictured at their side with a tray of green drinks - which are believed to be lemon and crushed mint.

The picture is believed to have been taken in February 2009 in the Naranj restaurant in Damascus when Kerry led a delegation to Syria to discuss ideas and talk about the way forward for peace in the region.

Despite President Barack Obama taking a step back from his threat to launch an attack by putting a vote in Congress, his Secretary of State has been outspoken about the dangers posed by the Syrian regime.

He said that Assad ‘has now joined the list of Adolf Hitler and Saddam Hussein’ in deploying chemical weapons against his population.

He said on Sunday that the U.S. now has evidence that sarin nerve gas was used in Syria and that ‘the case gets stronger by the day’ for a military attack.

During a passionate speech in Washington last Friday, he also called Assad a ‘thug and murderer’ and urged the world to act as he warned 'history would judge us all extraordinarily harshly if we turned a blind eye to a dictator'.

The U.S. administration put the Syrian chemical weapons death toll on the outskirts of Damascus at 1,429 people - far more than previous estimates - including more than 400 children.

Kerry has said he is confident that Congress will give Obama its backing for an attack against Syria, but the former Massachusetts senator also said the president has authority to act on his own if Congress doesn't give its approval.

While Kerry stopped short of saying Obama was committed to such a course even if lawmakers refuse to authorise force, he did say that ‘we are not going to lose this vote.’

Kerry said Obama has the right to take action against Syria, with or without Congress' approval. But he stopped short of saying Obama was committed to such a course even if lawmakers refuse to authorize force.

Congress is scheduled to return from a summer break on September 9

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Similar to the US's support for Saddam, even to the point of supporting his gas attacks, until they decided they didn't like him or couldn't get enough out of him?
Yeah, the similarity of both cases is very interesting


New member
Feb 11, 2013
In my view, the World is better place since the U.S. military went in to Iraq and killed Uday and Qusay Hussein and evenually, arrranging the death of their father, Saddam Hussein. Who really knows what's best for the region.........? Bashar al-Assad and his people in Syria are said to be mocking President Obama for talking loud and then lacking conviction and courage while the Arab League has now said that they agree some type of military response is appropriate for Assad's army gassing women and children to death. News oulets are saying that there are two U.S. warships 'in the area' equipped with 80 or so 'cruise' type missles on hand and at the ready...... Sincerely, Jon .
Damn dude, I feel sorry for you. You're just as bad as some of these terrorist...unable to think for yourself and brainwashed by the media. Educated people know that there are two sides to every story, and you need to go on proven facts...instead of opinions and speculations. Stick to hobbying because people like you shouldn't be able to reproduce.


Why am I here?
May 4, 2003
After that Iraq WMD debacle I'm very skeptical of any new WMD claims. No matter who the source is. Do you really think Assad is stupid enough to start gassing his own people and risk international (and US) intervention??!
I agree and understand the first part... The second part is not a logical conclusion from the first. No one can tell how stupid, or how insane Assad really is.
Applying common sense or logic to them is silly.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
American should stay out; it is none of their business. The number of people being (allegedly) killed is pocket change.
Which is indeed a totally Isolationist perspective on the world. Anyone can do anything to anybody (multiparty treaties be damned) so long as they aren't doing it directly to me.


Sep 2, 2004
Politics is one big spineless hypocrisy. Allies today enemies tomorrow vice versa. All about deluding yourself if the situation fits to justify stupidity after stupidity.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
After that Iraq WMD debacle I'm very skeptical of any new WMD claims. No matter who the source is. Do you really think Assad is stupid enough to start gassing his own people and risk international (and US) intervention??!

He has been publicly gloating about how Obama backed down.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
The image Kerry won't want you to see: U.S. senator and Assad pictured dining with their wives at Damascus restaurant before war broke out in Syria
What is seemingly being said by this article is that the Chairman of the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee should never speak with/have dinner with any government/political leaders in troubled areas of the world, since you never know if things latter go bad if they will be used against you (particularly should you become Secretary of State).

I'm no supporter of John Kerry's but is that the kind of world we want where the chairman of a extremely important congressional committee has no personal contact with anyone which that committee is supposed to know about?

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Are you suggesting that the Secretary of state shouldn't be meeting with foreign governments?
No, you misread my post.

I'm saying if the Left doesnt complain about Kerry meeting up with Assad, they can have no gripes for Rumsie meeting up with Saddam before the Gulf war



Jun 6, 2009
No, you misread my post.

I'm saying if the Left doesnt complain about Kerry meeting up with Assad, they can have no gripes for Rumsie meeting up with Saddam before the Gulf war

Are the Righties complaining? For someone who says he doesn't like labels being used on him, your posts are real hoot.


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May 29, 2002
North America
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