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Attack on Syria is it justified ?


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
A planned attack on Syria by America if Assad used chemical weapons on his people was scripted long ago. Evidence of chemical weapons being used will be brought forth to justify the attack. Then in the future, the president will have to apologize to the American people for involving America in the Syrian conflict by purporting to have received incorrect information that chemical weapons were used when in fact they were not. This play was written by the same authors of Bush's weapons of mass destruction. Assad will meet the same fate as Saddam Hussein and Gaddafi. China and Russian will lose billions in the loss of their investments in Syria as they did in Iraq and Iran. The new regime will be at first anti-Iranian, and pro-America, but will gradual shift back to being under Iranian influence as Iran goes nuclear within 6 months from now. A nuclear Iran will develop a strange less hostile relationship with Israel, independent of America, and Iran will reduce their support of terrorist groups.
Quite the imagination.


Why am I here?
May 4, 2003
Attacking Syria is NOT justified because honestly that civil war is none of our business. You know what should and be our business?????

That damn Fukushima catastrophe. If U.S. should be thinking about attacking and occupying is Japan. That nuclear mess will have more damage to not only the U.S. but the whole world many times over in years to come.
You might be right, but unfortunately, our short sighted politicians only see what is infront of their nose.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
John Kerry was just asked on CNN whether the positive test for Sarin came from the UN.

His answer: no, it was from an independent source (which he didnt mention).

Oh wow, its George Bush dejavu all over again


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Attacking Syria is NOT justified because honestly that civil war is none of our business.
Of course the other side of the question is if the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons isn't worth the paper it was written on. . . .


New member
Jan 19, 2006
John Kerry was just asked on CNN whether the positive test for Sarin came from the UN.

His answer: no, it was from an independent source (which he didnt mention).

Oh wow, its George Bush dejavu all over again
OK and sometimes the U.S., Canada, France, the U.K. etc. . . get it wrong.

I agree with the British Prime Minister that the Well has been well and truly poisoned, but does that mean knee jerk reactions are now the order of the day?

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
I agree with the British Prime Minister that the Well has been well and truly poisoned, but does that mean knee jerk reactions are now the order of the day?
What do you mean?? Knee jerk reactions by whom??


Executive Senior Member
Jun 29, 2005
A planned attack on Syria by America if Assad used chemical weapons on his people was scripted long ago. Evidence of chemical weapons being used will be brought forth to justify the attack. Then in the future, the president will have to apologize to the American people for involving America in the Syrian conflict by purporting to have received incorrect information that chemical weapons were used when in fact they were not. This play was written by the same authors of Bush's weapons of mass destruction. Assad will meet the same fate as Saddam Hussein and Gaddafi. China and Russian will lose billions in the loss of their investments in Syria as they did in Iraq and Iran. The new regime will be at first anti-Iranian, and pro-America, but will gradual shift back to being under Iranian influence as Iran goes nuclear within 6 months from now. A nuclear Iran will develop a strange less hostile relationship with Israel, independent of America, and Iran will reduce their support of terrorist groups.
Did you wake up from your dream yet?:Eek:


New member
Feb 11, 2013
Yes the US is justified in attacking Syria and hitting Assad with everything they've got. He's a murderer and a thug who has used chemical weapons against his own people. The only question is will they hit him hard enough, or at all? Unfortunately most of the US "allies" are backing out, while Russia and China, for their own shelfish reasons, are backing Asad to the hilt. So, hit him and hit him hard. Give him a lesson he won't forget. But will they?
So you want more innocent people to die? The US military murdered well over a million people in Iraq looking for WMDs that didn't exist. Until real hard reliable evidence is presented, no attack is justified.


Active member
Dec 14, 2005
Just North of the GTA
So you want more innocent people to die? The US military murdered well over a million people in Iraq looking for WMDs that didn't exist. Until real hard reliable evidence is presented, no attack is justified.
In my view, the World is better place since the U.S. military went in to Iraq and killed Uday and Qusay Hussein and evenually, arrranging the death of their father, Saddam Hussein. Who really knows what's best for the region.........? Bashar al-Assad and his people in Syria are said to be mocking President Obama for talking loud and then lacking conviction and courage while the Arab League has now said that they agree some type of military response is appropriate for Assad's army gassing women and children to death. News oulets are saying that there are two U.S. warships 'in the area' equipped with 80 or so 'cruise' type missles on hand and at the ready...... Sincerely, Jon .


Jan 31, 2005
What I find mildly ironic is all the usual Lefties were riding Bushes balls for no WMD's in Iraq, and now we supposedly have Assad gassing his own people and they have no problem accepting the thin evidence thats out there.

Only evidence is a few pics of victims with stuff on their face. Could be toothpaste for all we know
Actually the UN sent in a team to inspect people directly. There is no doubt that chemical weapons were used.

What they're is doubt about is by who, and what to do about it.

It could have been Assad's orders. He could be losing control of the military and it could be some rogue commander. It could have been the terrorists who are infiltrating the rebels. It could have been Hezbollah.

Hard to know what to do about that.

I think the UN needs to organize a stabilization force and, post war, conduct war crimes tribunals to get to the bottom of it.


Jan 31, 2005
In my view, the World is better place since the U.S. military went in to Iraq and killed Uday and Qusay Hussein and evenually, arrranging the death of their father, Saddam Hussein.
I don't think anybody misses those guys, but was it really worth a million lives or whatever enormous number all aspects of the conflict wound up claiming?

It is the cost of that benefit that troubles most people.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
John Kerry was just asked on CNN whether the positive test for Sarin came from the UN.

His answer: no, it was from an independent source (which he didnt mention).

Oh wow, its George Bush dejavu all over again
If that independent test was from MSF or one of the other aid groups on scene would that make it acceptable?


serial onanist
Feb 1, 2012
OK and sometimes the U.S., Canada, France, the U.K. etc. . . get it wrong.

I agree with the British Prime Minister that the Well has been well and truly poisoned, but does that mean knee jerk reactions are now the order of the day?
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