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Are white clients less likely to be problem clients?

Is racial profiling an effective way for SP's to avoid bad clients?

  • Yes, some racial groups have a higher chance of being bad clients

    Votes: 134 48.4%
  • Yes, but there are better ways to screen out bad clients

    Votes: 38 13.7%
  • No, race has nothing to do with chance of being a bad client

    Votes: 105 37.9%

  • Total voters


New member
Sep 23, 2004
Some times, there's just a cultural disparity.

I had a client who was very nice, pretty sexy, educated in Canada, but Sudanese. I actualy really enjoyed seeing him the first few times.

Then one time, he told me that he was experiencing doubt over marrying the Sudanese woman he was betrothed to. He said that his problem with her was that she wasn't as sexual as I was.

Well, first of all, even in our culture here in Canada, I think it's unreasonable to expect a fiance to be as sexual as a call girl. After all, our one and only purpose is to be sexual. Hopefully most men expect a broader range of interest/capability in a future wife. I'm a wife of 25+ years myself, and I bristle at the notion that a wife is little more than a live-in whore. If a man has no more use for a wife than that, then maybe he should stick to pros.

But THEN in further discussions, I came to learn that the reason why his betrothed wasn't more interested in sex was because she'd undergone a female circumcision back home. This totally nauseated me. Here's a woman living in Canada, engaged to a man living in Canada, who has been deprived of the physical ability to appreciate a full-fledged sexual relationship.

Even worse, he made some feeble excuses for this. On the one hand, he insisted that she could make a better effort to please him. (AS IF!) and then he excused what happened to her as being a cultural attempt to prevent women from being promiscuous.

Let me tell you, people, regardless of whether you slice something off a woman's body or slice something off her free will, you are interferring with her ability to enjoy all that nature intended for her to enjoy from sex. And might I point out that enjoyment from sex is a natural and normal inducement. Sex shouldn't be an obligation for women while it's a compulsion for men. Women, like men, should only have sex when they really feel "itchy" to have it -- and so cutting off a part of their bodies or beating down a natural instinct in them is counterproductive to healthy human sexuality.

I do find that I have trouble with men from cultures that view women and women's sexuality differently than I was raised to. I can't be relaxed and sexy when I'm angry. I was never able to see my Sudanese friend again.

Men need to realize that if they want their women to be sexual for them, they have to accept the possibility of their being promiscuous. Because women are human beings and if we are sexual, then we need to seek sexual satisfaction -- just like you do.



New member
Sep 15, 2001
bver_hunter said:
In a low demographic group unfortunately the abundance of a certain race may prevail.
Sorry, but what is a low demographic group? Do you mean a small sample size?

There are a number of factors that can contribute to men partaking of the services of an escort. I expect that a top reason would be disposable income. So white guys would be highly represented because of that. But there are also cultural factors such as the acceptabilty of the use of prostitutes within a certain subculture and general attitudes towards extramarital sex and premarital sex.


New member
Sep 15, 2001
JoyfulC said:
Some times, there's just a cultural disparity...

I do find that I have trouble with men from cultures that view women and women's sexuality differently than I was raised to. I can't be relaxed and sexy when I'm angry. I was never able to see my Sudanese friend again.

Men need to realize that if they want their women to be sexual for them, they have to accept the possibility of their being promiscuous. Because women are human beings and if we are sexual, then we need to seek sexual satisfaction -- just like you do.

Female circumcision is barbaric. It should be banished from the face of the earth. To be expected to service a man who thinks that it is a handy way to keep women from enjoying their sexuality, and to do it with a smile on your face, well I don't blame you at all for not seeing him anymore. I can see that being sexual with men whose ideas about sexuality are different and perhaps offensive would be extremely difficult.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Questor said:
Sorry, but what is a low demographic group? Do you mean a small sample size?

There are a number of factors that can contribute to men partaking of the services of an escort. I expect that a top reason would be disposable income. So white guys would be highly represented because of that. But there are also cultural factors such as the acceptabilty of the use of prostitutes within a certain subculture and general attitudes towards extramarital sex and premarital sex.
Sorry, I meant low income. I think in Canada we presume a lot about other cultures. First of all prostitution is viewed with utter disdain by all cultures - it is a fact. Would your gf / wife approve of you seeing a SP? I think not. Secondly, red-light districts are more acceptable in countries like India, Thailand, the Phillipines, and numerous African countries than they are in Canada. Is there a legal red-light district in our wonderful technologically advanced nation? Also, there are guys from Asian countries who have a lot of disposable income like the whites and own homes, businesses and are highly trained professionals. There are numerous hobbyists that are from these groups as well. Off course we are going to have cases of clients that have certain outlandish habits based on religious beliefs. You get all sorts of diversity in this world.


Jan 4, 2005
Questor said:
Female circumcision is barbaric. It should be banished from the face of the earth. To be expected to service a man who thinks that it is a handy way to keep women from enjoying their sexuality, and to do it with a smile on your face, well I don't blame you at all for not seeing him anymore. I can see that being sexual with men whose ideas about sexuality are different and perhaps offensive would be extremely difficult.

Here is an excerpt on what some believe to be the "benefits" of female circumcision:

The goal of defending female circumcision in compliance with the sunnah is expressed in no uncertain terms by Al-I`tissam, an Islamic magazine from Cairo. This magazine protests against the WHO, accusing the organization of "distorting the truth of Islam"; Al-I`tissam requests Al-Azhar and all religious scholars to "open their eyes and be on the alert for those ideas coming to us from outside, so we can fight them, prove their foolishness and save Islamic customs"[108]. Here are the advantages of female circumcision according to its male supporters:

A) It maintains cleanliness

Doctor Hamid Al-Ghawabi states that bad smells in women, cleanliness notwithstanding, can only be eliminated by cutting off the clitoris and labia minora[109].

B) It prevents diseases

The number of nymphomaniacs is less among circumcised women. The husband may catch this disease and even die of it[110]. Female circumcision prevents vaginal cancer[111] and swelling of the clitoris which could drive the woman to masturbation or homosexual relations[112].

C) It brings calm and gives radiance to the face

Female circumcision shields the girl from nervousness at an early age and prevents her from getting a yellow face. This statement is based on a narration by Mohammed: "Circumcision is makrumah for women" and "give them a glowing face"[113]. The exciser's narration is also quoted to say that circumcision makes a woman's face more beautiful and makes her more attractive for her husband[114]. According to a supporter of female circumcision, the latter brings good health and feminine grace to the girl and protects her morality, chastity and honour, maintaining within reason, of course, the necessary sexual sensitivity[115].

D) It keeps the couple together and prevents drug use

Doctor Hamid Al-Ghawabi admits that female circumcision does reduce the sexual instinct in women, but he sees this as a positive effect. With age, the male sexual instinct lessens. His circumcised wife will then be at the same level as him. If she was not, her husband would be unable to satisfy her, which then would lead him to drug-use in order to succeed[116].

E) It prevents her falling into what is forbidden

This is the most frequently cited reason. Professor Al-`Adawi from Al-Azhar says that female circumcision is makrumah, that is helps (the woman) "to remain shy and virtuous. In the Orient, where the climate is hot, a girl gets easily aroused if she is not circumcised. It makes her shameless and prey to her sexual instincts, except those to whom God shows compassion"[117]. Judge `Arnus says that female circumcision diminishes sexual instinct which, if not kept in control, reduces the person to the condition of an animal, but if this sexual instinct does not exist, then circumcision reduces her to a lifeless state. He favours moderation and notes that intact men and women have, more often than not, a "one track mind"[118]. Salim, Chairman of the Muslim Supreme Court (abolished in 1955), reiterates that female circumcision is a makrumah, a meritorious action, that the woman is under no obligation to submit to, but preferably she should. He adds that circumcision protects girls from infection, swelling of her external genitalia and from strong psychic reactions and sexual excitement which, if repressed, lead to neurosis or, if unleashed, lead to the path of vice. This happens especially during youth, when hormones of reproduction are at their peak. Salim goes on to describe this circumcision. The procedure consists of cutting off the bulging part of the clitoris which is out of the hood "so as not to become a cause of arousal while the girl is moving, rubbing against her clothing, riding animals, etc... Thus its name khafd: to lower the level"[119]. Gad-al-Haq, Great Sheikh of Al-Azhar, adds that our times call for female circumcision "because of mixing of the sexes at public gatherings. If the girl is not circumcised, she subjects herself to multiple causes of excitation leading her to vice and perdition in a depraved society"[120].


Aug 27, 2005
Choices are primarily all we have when it comes to this hobby. You choose to see who you want to see, and that goes for both sides of the fence. I think we all know what race most ladies and guys for that matter have a problem seeing. There is no need to label or point any fingers. For the most part the dominate sectors of the market client side and provider side are white and asian. For the most part, our hobby happily operates with these factual actuallities, and concrete statistics are hypothetical guesses at best. Ask any provider, most of their clients are white or asian. Most of the people on this board are white or asian. It does boil down to culture as Alexa Taylot eluded to, but for the most part the ones born here, white or asian, pose no problem to the providers.

On a funny note though, all the stalkers and craziest people I can remember in this hobby where all white. Crazy white people...:D

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
Yep, I said it before, all the guy's who done mass shootings, like in schools, malls, post offices have been white or Asian males. You hear how bad black men can be but then you don't see them gunning down a bunch of people for no reason what so ever like some white guys have done.


Jan 31, 2005
Back Burner said:
Are there any SP's who refuse to see white clients only?
Yes. There are asian SP's who advertise in the chinese newspapers, generally ads written in chinese, that refuse to see non-asian customers. There are actually some chinese agencies that serve only asians. Personally I've never understood the logic of this--it would make more sense to me for asian SP's to avoid asian customers, but there are a bunch who serve ONLY asians.


Jan 31, 2005
bver_hunter said:
To the 48% that said yes that some racial groups have a better chance of being bad clients, are you going to elaborate who these groups are? I know it is an opinion, but to me it all depends on ones upbringing and social status irrespective of race.
From other posts, from talking to some SP's, I think it breaks down into two groups:

1. People from cultures that do not respect women. These guys aren't criminals, they aren't going to rob or beat up the SP, but they might be rude, disrespectful, and otherwise unpleasant to be with. Mostly east asians, middle eastern. They might argue about price too, or be demanding, owing to their lack of respect for the SP.

2. People from racial groups that have more than their share of bad apples and low-lifes, who might be more likely to rob or rip-off the SP, as well as treat her roughly or badly. We're talking black here.

In both cases I agree it depends on upbringing, and the bad apples are only a small minority of the people in that group--but from the SP's point of view, one bad client is one bad client too many, and if not seeing nine good customers means avoiding the one who is bad, that might be worth it.

The point is she can't tell who is going to be the bad client until it's too late.

Now I'm sure there are white gangsters and low-lifes too, but maybe they are fewer and farther between? Maybe it's 1/100 white clients vs 1/20 black or something like that?


Jan 31, 2005
stinkynuts said:
The numbers for both are probably much higher.
I have no idea what the numbers are and those were completely made up just for the sake of argument, to illustrate the concept. What do you guess?


May 27, 2005
stinkynuts said:
Yes, whether we like it or not, some races *in general" tend to act differently than others. For example, I have been a student teacher and have noticed that asian students tend to be more respectful and diligent, whereas black students are much more likely to have behavioural issues.
Would you say its a "race" thing? or perhaps a social class thing?


May 27, 2005
asn said:
i've got a lot of friends from east asia and what i've noticed is that some chinese people have an inferiority complex when it comes to caucasians and a superiority complex when it comes to people who are coloured. i've always found it kind of odd. i've seen chinese kids who decked out like black rappers and yet have very racist views when it comes to black people.
Its that old love hate relationship...gotta love it

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
You guys are too raciest. Its not 1 bad white dude to 5 blacks who are no good. Maybe just maybe you could say its 2 to 1 but than way more blacks grow up poor than white people.

Look at Britney Spears, she as white as they come, some great person she became. Same with Paris and those other white girls in Hollywood. Seems to me the blacks in Hollywood have less problems with drinking, drugs than white people. You can add shoplifting too.

Its funny when people talk about famous people who might have got away with murder, its not that Baretta guy, Robert Blake, no, its always OJ. So I guess you all are not alone


May 27, 2005
fuji said:
Yes. There are asian SP's who advertise in the chinese newspapers, generally ads written in chinese, that refuse to see non-asian customers. There are actually some chinese agencies that serve only asians. Personally I've never understood the logic of this--it would make more sense to me for asian SP's to avoid asian customers, but there are a bunch who serve ONLY asians.
I think he meant if there are any providers who wont see white specifically...not by default.

I'd be interested to find out the result of that


Jan 31, 2005
Mongrel4u said:
Would you say its a "race" thing? or perhaps a social class thing?
I don't believe in "race" as a sensible concept, it's entirely a social concept. If there are any differences between "races" they are socialized differences, in my opinion.

That does not help the SP trying to avoid bad clients though, from her point of view, who cares whether the cause of the problem is socialization or genetics?


May 27, 2005
fuji said:
I don't believe in "race" as a sensible concept, it's entirely a social concept. If there are any differences between "races" they are socialized differences, in my opinion.
Well it was a rhetorical question

fuji said:
That does not help the SP trying to avoid bad clients though, from her point of view, who cares whether the cause of the problem is socialization or genetics?
Its actually the best way to avoid bad clients. See if an SP avoids all black people because they are all supposedly "the devil's children".. what happens when she blindly accepts a guy (because hes white or asian) and he turns out to be a Robert Pickton to a varying degree and attacks her. At that point who cares what race he is; she is now a statistic.

If an SP truly wants to stay safe she needs to keep her wits about her at all times, learn how to read people FAST and learn not to make assumptions

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
Robert Pickton, oh yeah, some great client he turned out too be. I guess all SP's should stop seeing any white guy's around his age who is a farmer.
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