Are white clients less likely to be problem clients?

Is racial profiling an effective way for SP's to avoid bad clients?

  • Yes, some racial groups have a higher chance of being bad clients

    Votes: 134 48.4%
  • Yes, but there are better ways to screen out bad clients

    Votes: 38 13.7%
  • No, race has nothing to do with chance of being a bad client

    Votes: 105 37.9%

  • Total voters


Jan 31, 2005
Mongrel4u said:
If an SP truly wants to stay safe she needs to keep her wits about her at all times, learn how to read people FAST and learn not to make assumptions
Absolutely. I don't think anyone is suggesting that an SP who racially profiles her customers can quit with other sensible security precautions. I think the question is whether, having done all those other sensible things, racially profiling adds to her security and well being.

So, an SP who never goes anywhere without a driver who is expecting to pick her up would be safe from the Robert Picton's of the world. No-one is suggesting that just because someone is white an SP should abandon all safety precautions. But, having taken those precautions, does racial profiling make her even safer? How much safer?

Also not all 'bad clients' are doing anything criminal--some are just rude, aggressive, disrespectful, cheap, etc., but not in any way criminal.


To answer your original question fuji, I do not think racial profiling is a way to screen clients. Personally I don't care what the colour you are. You can be purple for all I care. Just know how to speak proper English!

I will admit I am guilty of refusing clients because of their accent, not for safety reasons but for basic communication. I always find it amusing when a guy calls me who obviously does not speak english, yet has spent the time figuring out how to call an escort. I think communication is a very important part of dealings in this business.

I also refuse to deal with men who speak like they are from the ghetto. Black men I do not have an issue with just as long as they speak proper english. When a man sounds like he is educated that goes a long way.

Ariel Sanchez

New member
May 9, 2006
WOW!!! I honestly don't even know where to start. While reading these last 3 pages, i just wanted to post so badly but decided to finish reading it all first.

First of all, i'll agree with the reasoning of not wanting to see clients from your own culture. That's not being racist, it's protecting your reputation within your own community.

Secondly, for me, it doesn't matter what colour you are as long as you are clean, have respect/manners and speak english fairly well, i don't mind a slight accent. Now that can mean that you're technically white in skin colour but you're actually German and have a thick accent and i don't undestand what you're saying. And since i am definitely a SP that needs my "chat time", i can't get comfortable with someone that is not interested in talking first because he plainly can't.

Thirdly, in my personal experience, the only clients who have given me a hard time were white and/or jewish men. More than a couple white men had too much to drink at dinner and raised their voice and accussed me of not loving them back and only caring about the money. Stalking me, calling my phone and leaving weird messages, etc etc. A couple jewish guys got really drunk and started bashing all arabs and muslims, which totally turned me off enough to give them back half their money and leave. Sure a couple of Indian guys had too much facial hair, which hurt and an odour that wasn't necessarily BO but still not exactly GUCCI either but that's not as bad as being rude or aggressive. And black guys i don't usually like to see because, sorry but they're just too big and too much work, lol, NOT because i'm afraid they're going rob me for God sakes.

Anyways, like everyone else said, bad apples in every group. And as a professional you should have your own style of feeling out a client through the initial phone call. After that precaution, always have a driver waiting and ready to kick butt, lol :p



Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
Gotta agree with other posters that a SP should be able to decide who she wants to see. Much better than getting a lack lustre performance/unenthusiastic session and possibly rushed out the door.


Jan 31, 2002
S.C. Joe said:
Yep, I said it before, all the guy's who done mass shootings, like in schools, malls, post offices have been white or Asian males. You hear how bad black men can be but then you don't see them gunning down a bunch of people for no reason what so ever like some white guys have done.

Are you out of your mind? Where were you on Boxing Day in TO? Jane Creva sp? was shot on Yonge Street. She was an innocent bystander.
How about the highway shooter in the States a couple of years ago. They shot innocent people outside gas stations from the truck of their car and then drove off.
I feel safer when a bunch of white or asian males walk into a subway car than a bunch of black males.


May 27, 2005
Ariel Sanchez said:
And black guys i don't usually like to see because, sorry but they're just too big and too much work, lol, NOT because i'm afraid they're going rob me for God sakes.
C'mon Ariel...are black guys REALLY so big? are they really that much bigger than white guys?

I have a gym member ship and guys dont seem to be too shy in the change rooms... I know whats out there lol ... and with the exception of orientals (sorry guys), every other group seems to be on the level; I dont see the disparity

Miss Maya Blue

New member
Aug 21, 2003
san francisco

I will second the "black customers are too much work" comment.
and just to clarify, Im not a racist, in fact my longest relationship was with a black guy.

and maybe its just my luck,
I've seen only a handful, and each of them was H-U-G-E. after two hours of pounding, you're left feeling more then a little used and exhausted. That type of sex is hardly pleasurable. I'm a little gun shy now ;) With a lover, you can take your time. With clients, you are expected to perform


New member
Dec 28, 2005
Poor or Rich is not the issue!

S.C. Joe said:
You guys are too raciest. Its not 1 bad white dude to 5 blacks who are no good. Maybe just maybe you could say its 2 to 1 but than way more blacks grow up poor than white people.

Look at Britney Spears, she as white as they come, some great person she became. Same with Paris and those other white girls in Hollywood. Seems to me the blacks in Hollywood have less problems with drinking, drugs than white people. You can add shoplifting too.

Its funny when people talk about famous people who might have got away with murder, its not that Baretta guy, Robert Blake, no, its always OJ. So I guess you all are not alone
Saying that Whites tend to come from wealth and Blacks come from poor does not determine ones decency. Decency can come from people who are poor or rich .I disrespect one who places class as one who has monetary wealth and not on there level of decency.

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
Thats true but then how do you explain the fact that way more blacks are in jail than whites. Way more blacks are born poor too.

I believe income levels have more to do with it than because they are black and more blacks are bad people. Blacks do not have the same chances as many whites. Many blacks children grow up without 2 parents raising them.

I have had more black friends-being close to Detroit than maybe others here. I do know that they can be great caring people.

As for those 2 guy's shooting people for "fun" outside stores. That was it, you do not see them "going postall" or gunning down all their classmates. Why, IDK, but look back at the mass shootings. Even those 2 guys a few years ago were just shooting 1 or 2 people at one time, not 15-20, even 32. They killed a bunch because they were not stop fast. White and Asians seem to be the ones who start shooting everybody and then kill them selfs.

There should be a study why that is :confused:


Sep 30, 2004
Sheriff's Office
Robio said:
Saying that Whites tend to come from wealth and Blacks come from poor does not determine ones decency. Decency can come from people who are poor or rich .I disrespect one who places class as one who has monetary wealth and not on there level of decency.
Amen Robio, if money = class, then all those rappers would have to be considered classy. Using rappers as an example, but it really applies to any kind of educationless, luck generated wealth....musicians, athletes, some actors, etc.....


Sep 30, 2004
Sheriff's Office
SCJoe: STFU please....trying to say that the sniper shootings were any less horrifying that any mass murder because they were "just for fun," or "they were only shooting one or two people at the time," and "killed a bunch because they were not stopped fast." Fuck's sake mate, I didn't even quote you so that you might edit your post since you just undid the little sense that your post had with those comments.


New member
Dec 28, 2005
I do not agree at all

S.C. Joe said:
Thats true but then how do you explain the fact that way more blacks are in jail than whites. Way more blacks are born poor too.

I believe income levels have more to do with it than because they are black and more blacks are bad people. Blacks do not have the same chances as many whites. Many blacks children grow up without 2 parents raising them.

I have had more black friends-being close to Detroit than maybe others here. I do know that they can be great caring people.

As for those 2 guy's shooting people for "fun" outside stores. That was it, you do not see them "going postall" or gunning down all their classmates. Why, IDK, but look back at the mass shootings. Even those 2 guys a few years ago were just shooting 1 or 2 people at one time, not 15-20, even 32. They killed a bunch because they were not stop fast. White and Asians seem to be the ones who start shooting everybody and then kill them selfs.

There should be a study why that is :confused:
You would need to do a study on poor white areas and the percentage of crime and poor Black areas and the percentage of crime but you would need to take in to consideration that our oldest laws are based on English and European Ideals on how a civilization should function . Looking into an African or historically Black society I think immediate survival was Important and not how a civilization should harmoniously get along. Different religious influences to our laws may also play a big part.

I will state without hesitation that way back when this area was more white I could even at a much younger age safely walk around a poor area that was made up of people who suffered misfortune such as single families, health related problems etc. were still decedent people just low income. Education levels were irrelevant and they still upheld decency. In fact back then few people graduated high school and fewer went onto higher levels of education the today . Now I see more self induced problems in poor area like drug use but the Cars are allot nicer. I never saw BMWs and Benz in subsidized housing back then but that could be some one visiting there babies mother.

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
So you are saying that Blacks are just bad because they are Black :confused: That money, family has nothing to do with it.

That because there is "white trash" like the Spear's family, that the blacks are still worst than the whites.

Seems to me thats a dumb way of looking at the world. There has to be a reason more blacks are in jail than white people, and I can not believe its because they are born black. No wounder some blacks seem to hate the world so much but I still don't see them walking in to a shopping mall and opening fire on everybody.

I will say your chances of getting shot for no reason what so ever are more from a white male than a black male. Sure blacks shoot many people but its like during a robbery or to "pay you back" not just because you are at the wrong place at the wrong time-unless the guy is just a poor shooter and can't shoot straight.

As for SP's not seeing somebody just because they are black, fine, thats their call but please ladies post it so I can see a more open minded lady.


Jan 31, 2005
Personally I don't believe in race, but I believe in culture, and there is a culture present in certain communities that is highly destructive. There are lots of people who are black who do not subscribe to that destructive culture. There are some people who are not black who do subscribe to it.

It happens that a lot of people who subscribe to this destructive culture are black. I am not just speaking about hip hop, but the whole culture of entitlement, hatred of "the system", the culture that criticizes people who try and do better, that criticizes those who "snitch", etc., this includes parents, children, a whole community.

Nevertheless it is very wrong to say that it is a "black" problem. There are lots of people with black skin who have nothing whatever to do with any of that, and as a result, do not have any of the problems that go with it.

As I mentioned there are also people who are not black who have fallen into it--so it is nothing genetic, but it is something culture, and something very real.


New member
Dec 28, 2005
Did I say Family had nothing to do with it??

S.C. Joe said:
So you are saying that Blacks are just bad because they are Black :confused: That money, family has nothing to do with it.

That because there is "white trash" like the Spear's family, that the blacks are still worst than the whites.

Seems to me thats a dumb way of looking at the world. There has to be a reason more blacks are in jail than white people, and I can not believe its because they are born black. No wounder some blacks seem to hate the world so much but I still don't see them walking in to a shopping mall and opening fire on everybody.

I will say your chances of getting shot for no reason what so ever are more from a white male than a black male. Sure blacks shoot many people but its like during a robbery or to "pay you back" not just because you are at the wrong place at the wrong time-unless the guy is just a poor shooter and can't shoot straight.

As for SP's not seeing somebody just because they are black, fine, thats their call but please ladies post it so I can see a more open minded lady.

Were did I say that Family had nothing to do with it ?

This is ignorant

Comparing a whole Race or culture to one white family (white trash" like the Spear’s family,)

I guess you could say her money really fucked her up and maybe she would have been a better person had she been poor .

What I am saying is the lack of decency is the problem, any race can subscribe to lacking decency. The biggest problem I see is that every one wants to blame something else for there own problems. It is the White man that keeps me down. It is the Chinese fault I can not make a living in manufacturing anymore. It is the media’s fault why I am the way I am. It is the tobaccos companies fault for me smoking. I am over weight and it is Fast food fault not me for eating it. God the government is so corrupt by the way how I can cheat more on my taxes.

Now one thing I can say that is troubling that I have witness a decent black person doing something decent and another black person calls them white wash for doing it, I found it disturbing that they accused this person of being untrue to there race or culture by being decent.


New member
Feb 14, 2004
fuji said:
Personally I don't believe in race, but I believe in culture, and there is a culture present in certain communities that is highly destructive. There are lots of people who are black who do not subscribe to that destructive culture. There are some people who are not black who do subscribe to it.
Yup- this is a phenomenon known as assimilation into the underclass. Apparently it's much more prevalent in the States (compared to Canada) because of a more turbulent history, but exists everywhere I'm sure to some degree.

Ariel Sanchez

New member
May 9, 2006

tina@kissubaby said:
I was spoiled by my white customers,after met them,I gave up other race customers,no need boyfriend and no need husband,no need family or friend and anything else,my white customers give me everything I want!

Hmmmm..?????:confused: The only thing that comes to mind is "fresh meat", lol.....Tina honey, are you trying to say that you don't need friends or family because you have your "amazing" white "CUSTOMERS"?? I can't see that being healthy, but your join date is only Nov 2007, give it some more time!!!

Mongrel4u----> okay, okay, maybe black men are not ALL huge but i must say, i've never seen one who was "small" per se. And i'm guessing, or actually hoping that the guys in the change rooms are not hard, lol, so you're not actually getting the full idea, if you know what i mean!



{Space for Rent}
Nov 10, 2007
tina@kissubaby said:
I was spoiled by my white customers,after met them,I gave up other race customers,no need boyfriend and no need husband,no need family or friend and anything else,my white customers give me everything I want!
Ariel Sanchez said:
Hmmmm..????? The only thing that comes to mind is "fresh meat", lol.....Tina honey, are you trying to say that you don't need friends or family because you have your "amazing" white "CUSTOMERS"?? I can't see that being healthy, but your join date is only Nov 2007, give it some more time!!!
Ariel, having met Tina, I believe this is her misguided attempt to:
  1. defend her position
  2. make her existing customers feel good about themselves
  3. further promote herself to her target market
She's a smart lady who's been around the scene for awhile and has made a calculated business decision that works for her - at the moment.
Trust me, she's not some silly little girl with stars in her eyes! ;)
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