What is so ignorant about my post? Did I strike a sensitive chord or does the truth hurt? Which is it?
Where? I've looked and can't find it.yennut said:If you go back to page one of this thread you will notice that in iether the 2nd or 3rd reply the individual starts his discourse by saying "*****ing americans."
Ah yes, calling us "pee" was constructive.yennut said:I don't believe that is directed exclusively to meand if it was I am big enough to take it unlike you Canadians that can't take a little constructive criticism.
Us terbites dont have a sensitive side that we're aware ofyennut said:What is so ignorant about my post? Did I strike a sensitive chord or does the truth hurt? Which is it?
Ah c'mon Goober, this troll is obviously starved...for attention. Maybe he/she is not getting enough of it from any one of the 300 million+ people in America.Goober Mcfly said:Don't feed the trolls, people.
[font="]You generalized and stereotyped without having any facts. That's ignorant and a refuge for the weak.yennut said:What is so ignorant about my post? Did I strike a sensitive chord or does the truth hurt? Which is it?
Can you quote that specific statement by using the "QUOTE" function on the bottom right. I forgot you are both boo and streetsmart.yennut said:If you go back to page one of this thread you will notice that in iether the 2nd or 3rd reply the individual starts his discourse by saying "*****ing americans." I don't believe that is directed exclusively to meand if it was I am big enough to take it unlike you Canadians that can't take a little constructive criticism.
The same reason I accelerate when I see small animals crossing the street.yennut said:If my drivel is inane why do you keep responding?
No you didn't get the answers YOU wanted to hear. When that failed you decided to insult us all by referring to us as "pee on the world stage." Besides, I doubt you came here looking for answers.yennut said:It behooves you to stop posting. I started this thread by asking a simple question as to why there was so much anti-americanism and lo and behold I didn't get any answers, but rather more anti comments.
How nice it must be to go on through life with blinders on yennut. The moment people disagree with you they’re your enemy and are therefore fit to be marginalized and belittled.yennut said:If you notice I have not attacked anybody that has not fired the first salvo so before you preach your sanctimonious crap know of what you speak.
I think that yennut must really be an anti-American Canadian who is pretending to be an American to make Americans look bad.yennut said:I have encountered an extreme amount of anti-american sentiment on this board and I am really curious as to why? It seems to me that most Canadians have an inferiority complex when dealing with Americans. I realize that most people around the world wish they could live in the U.S.A. and more importantly be an American citizen, but I wouldn't expect this from Canadians. Being an American and having lived in Toronto for the past 3 years I find it really amusing how Canadians get all defensive about their country. The first step in getting over this defensiveness is to realize Canada's place in the world and learn to accept it. Canada has rode America's coattails, probably since its confederation, and has done very well for itself doing this, but its citizenery must accept that Canada's sphere of influence is limited. As a matter of fact Canada does not even control its own natural resources, as most are controlled by American conglomerates. Canada really only exists at the whim of America. If we really wanted total control, who would stop us. Learn to live with it and thank America don't disparage it. I know the truth hurts!
yennut said:What is so ignorant about my post? Did I strike a sensitive chord or does the truth hurt? Which is it?
You attacked Canadians personall with your pee comment. So you fit the standard motto Americans like you follow, like to dish it out, but can't take it. You are disgracing America with every word you say, why not shut up and go to the hole/bunker you come from.yennut said:If my drivel is inane why do you keep responding? It behooves you to stop posting. I started this thread by asking a simple question as to why there was so much anti-americanism and lo and behold I didn't get any answers, but rather more anti comments. As for Gimme, he attacked me personally and I responded in kind. If you notice I have not attacked anybody that has not fired the first salvo so before you preach your sanctimonious crap know of what you speak.
Thats eleven, dont be stupid!!!GIMME said:Hey yennut, do you know what 1+1 is without a calculator?
You are dealing with a CPA (he identify in the other thread) and he will come up with a different answer.Escohort said:Thats eleven, dont be stupid!!!
Never let bigotry stand in your way of making an argument.yennut said:Hey Gimme your kind really make me sick. You are obviously an immigrant to Canada based on some of your previous posts so you should just shut the f--- uo and thak Canada for letting you live there.
i sure am glad u chose Canada rather than the states, but I know that isn't how it happened. You were probably turned down by America as you probably couldn't pass a security clearance so lilly livered Canada let u in as they do let anybody with a pulse in.