
Cardinal Fang

Bazinga Bitches
Feb 14, 2002
I'm right here
By the way, we're not anti-Fenian around here. We just think the name is silly and does not inspire any fear unlike The Shake when he decides to come down from Mount Sinai every now and then and give us his commandments.

Goober Mcfly

Retired. -ish
Oct 26, 2001
Goober Mcfly said:
Substitute "a woman" for Canada, and "the men" for America in the above quote to see what you are actually saying.


</The Shake>
The Shake said:
Actually, the hilarious thing is that people are actually offended by this guy.

I did a pretty good impression, didn't I?

</looking for reassurance>


New member
Jun 7, 2004
Seasoned said:
I've lived in the States for the last 16 years. I must admit that I came here for $$$$'s and stayed for the same reason. The society is a veneer. There's a high gloss but no depth. Some days I feel like I sold my soul and I dream about the day when I can return. No doubt the Americans would much prefer that I left.
Must say they have a good tax system....I've done several contracts in the US, and profited by it. I must admit that we Canadians do profit from the Americans. But, so what? I say power to the person that can use the US to better themselves. I would never live there, but I would take the opportunity to bring their money into Canada. Why should I invent something when it exists? I just need to leech it:)

Goober Mcfly

Retired. -ish
Oct 26, 2001
Don't forget all those inventions that Americans thought up. Like radio, telephones, radar, etc.


New member
Sep 11, 2002
I've lived in the States for the last 16 years. I must admit that I came here for $$$$'s and stayed for the same reason. The society is a veneer. There's a high gloss but no depth. Some days I feel like I sold my soul and I dream about the day when I can return. No doubt the Americans would much prefer that I left.

(I thought the battle of New Orleans was fought after the Treaty that ended the war of 1812 was signed?)

(I lived through Clinton and had a lot of contempt for the guy. He didn't have the balls to tell the truth up front. Given the choice today - which fortunately I don't have - I would vote for him over scary Bush).


New member
Jun 7, 2004
Escohort said:
Dont forget the Diabetes insulin cure
Don't forget McDonalds and etc which caused majority of the increases in the worldwide cases of Diabetes:)


New member
May 7, 2004
Seasoned said:
(I lived through Clinton and had a lot of contempt for the guy. He didn't have the balls to tell the truth up front. Given the choice today - which fortunately I don't have - I would vote for him over scary Bush).
Most Us presidents can survive the lies - look at Bush currently regarding his previous ANG etc, oil deals and Saudi deals.

Bush sr got fried for "no new taxes" - when all America was shocked that things changed and he raised taxes - he lied they all said. I suspect that was Clintons fear of being found out - he didnt realize how effective the repubs could be at keeping up the pressure or the tactics.


Oct 26, 2002
americanson said:
Gimme. Clinton was the biggest disgrace to our nation that I have ever had the displeasure of living through. The only trade-off is that his 8 years of hell all but ensures "right" victory for years. Fittingly he's good friends with Chretien: Man you talk about two peas in a pod.

D.M. You are referring to the war of 1812 I assume. Yes when we fought the Brits seeing that Canada never gained it's independence until 1867. BTW a rainstorm saved Washington during the "Battle Of Baltimore" and a young soldier/lawyer wrote a poem about it. Maybe you've heard it: It's called the star-spangled banner. The Treaty Of Ghent ended it and the decisive battle was the Battle Of New Orleans when the U.S. was lead by General Andrew Jackson now on the $20.oo and the 7th U.S. president.

In short are you saying that if you didn't live beside the U.S. that Canada would have no need for a military? Or furthermore if the terorists took over the U.S. (all but impossible I know) that Canada would be left alone? Get Real.

P.S. I'd be interested to know in the Asper/Black "scandal" or whatnot that you mention.
Holy crap, buddy...if you're going to talk about the War of 1812, get the facts straight. Firstly, nothing "saved Washington". It was burnt by British troops partly in retaliation for the Americans burning York (Toronto) twice, and Niagara-on-the-Lake. In fact, Niagara-on-the-Lake (or Newark as it was then known) was burnt by the Americans while withdrawing back over the border. The town was decimated, leaving the entire population to enjoy the comforts of a December blizzard. I bet many Iraqi citizens can relate, except perhaps to the blizzard. Nice to know some things don't change, even after almost 200 years.

The burning of Washington included the "Presidential Palace", or the President's residence as it was called then. Madison had to flee the city to avoid being captured. FYI, it wasn't called the White House until after it had been repainted. After burning Washington, the British headed to Baltimore, and bombarded the fort there, but it was too strong to take and the seige was lifted.

The decisive battle was not New Orleans. That happened after the Treaty of Ghent was signed, due to the time it took for ships to cross the Atlantic with the news that peace had been agreed upon. Had Britain's populace not been so sick of war after Napoleon, North America might have looked very different, since 1000's of Wellington's veterans were ready to come over.

Whoever made the comment about the American empire reminding them of the closing days of the British Empire was bang on. The arrogance is similar, and they WILL be repeating that history.


New member
Sep 16, 2003
Aren't we being just a bit petty?

Jesus, what a bunch of squabbling little children. This thread is rediculous. Our countries are neighbors and it would do us well to put all this petty bull shit aside.

I for one am a proud American that happens to date a proud Canadian. It matters not to me what country she is from.

The generalizations cutting down either Americans or Canadians on this thread are purely ignorant.

As to why there is anti-American sentiment amongst the Canadian posters I can offer my perspective as I cross the border quite frequently and converse regularly with many Canadians. I think that the anti-American sentiment stems from a variety of issues, many of which have nothing to do with the average American citizien. First, there is a "perception" that ALL americans, or at least the vast majority, are arrogant SOBs. This perception on its surface is ludicrous. Second, many disaprrove of the government's position and policies. That is all well and good but many Americans don't agree with many of the decisions and policies either. Third, there is a huge amount of jealousy for a number of reasons ranging from economics to sports to entertainment to position in the world. Frankly, I never fully understood teh jealousy... Canada is a lovely country with a lot to offer. I think that Canadians should spend less time looking over their shoulder at teh US and more time being proud of what they have right at home.

At any rate... grow up people and stop the childish squabbling. Nothing wrong with a good debate. But, to squabble like children with such ignorant baggering of one another is not productive and it only makes the originator of such a squabble look like a fool.


Nov 10, 2004
Toront Ho
sirduke said:
Jesus, what a bunch of squabbling little children. This thread is rediculous. Our countries are neighbors and it would do us well to put all this petty bull shit aside.

I for one am a proud American that happens to date a proud Canadian. It matters not to me what country she is from.

The generalizations cutting down either Americans or Canadians on this thread are purely ignorant.

As to why there is anti-American sentiment amongst the Canadian posters I can offer my perspective as I cross the border quite frequently and converse regularly with many Canadians. I think that the anti-American sentiment stems from a variety of issues, many of which have nothing to do with the average American citizien. First, there is a "perception" that ALL americans, or at least the vast majority, are arrogant SOBs. This perception on its surface is ludicrous. Second, many disaprrove of the government's position and policies. That is all well and good but many Americans don't agree with many of the decisions and policies either. Third, there is a huge amount of jealousy for a number of reasons ranging from economics to sports to entertainment to position in the world. Frankly, I never fully understood teh jealousy... Canada is a lovely country with a lot to offer. I think that Canadians should spend less time looking over their shoulder at teh US and more time being proud of what they have right at home.

At any rate... grow up people and stop the childish squabbling. Nothing wrong with a good debate. But, to squabble like children with such ignorant baggering of one another is not productive and it only makes the originator of such a squabble look like a fool.
Well said but you have to remember who started this stupid thread.
It was an american
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