More of this right wing claim that they aren't allowed to speak. the only difference is people now are comfortable telling you when they disagree.
Criticism of BLM is fine. Just do it for specific issues (eg. don't like that BLM allows some protesters to be without masks at protests) and not because the idea of black people protesting for their rights bothers you.
On the political spectrum I am further left than the Dalai Lama and Nelson Mandela, complete socialist and firm believer is peaceful civil disobedience, I believe in the goodness and kindness of humanity,
So to call me a right wing is wrong, I am of the left pointing a fact. People are losing their jobs for criticism of BLM, that is wrong and I am not saying that it's the people of BLM that are doing it. Its mostly the opportunistic fucktarts that are doing it.
Also you have no clue how a Tazer works, you can hit a dude with the cartridge prongs and use direct contact against a second individual incapacitating both at the same time.
Cops are not super heroes and they also get their asskicked I knocked out two of them in the rink one of them in seconds. So don't think their fighting abilities are better than yours, that's why they have the tool belt.
Drunk drivers kill people, have you forgotten about the idiot that killed the three kids in Brampton.
What you are going to get is that cops will stop responding to incidents involving black or any other minority complaints.
There is no law that requires police to drive faster than the speed limit, they are also not required to go through red lights. You ever wonder why ambulances no longer fly to calls, they will not speed.
In future forget about having a house visible from the street, look at how people live in Mexico.
Lastly what is BLM doing to unit people and bring about peace? They are acting the same as Trump and his supporters, so don't expect a different outcome, do the same mistake you get the same bad result.