A-hole highway drivers...


Crotch Sniffer
Oct 22, 2003
Caledon East
As long as they aren't going less than 20 km/h under the posted speed limit, they have absolutely no legal obligation to get out of the way.

So, one could drive 80 km/h in the left lane (passing lane) on the 401 and not let anyone pass them. (except for only where it says keep right except to pass- which it does not say anywhere along the 401 in the GTA)

And... anyone driving above 100km/h in the posted 100km speed limit areas do not have any right to clear traffic out of his or her lane to pass even if it is the far left lane. Unless of course it is a heavy truck towing a trailer...

Another fucked up thing is, I got pulled over for 'driving too slow' on the 401 one night at about 2:30am... I was doing 105 in a 100km/h zone... Can you believe that? I was actually speeding- and to think the darn prick had the nerve to say I was driving too slow... WTF? I simply can't win when it comes to traffic cops.
Esco! said:
Ontario is the worst for this.
In Quebec most people get out of the way
Agreed, even stuck-up Americans in neighboring states know to give right of way. Lane #1, aka passing lane is for passing.

People, share the road. Don't interfere traffic flow. If you want to be traffic cop, sign-up for cadet school. Otherwise, you're violating H.T.A.:mad:

Right lane passing & weaving in/out of lane is just as dangerous.


Crotch Sniffer
Oct 22, 2003
Caledon East
and the worst for that is the 410 going into north Brampton... damn people that live in those new subdivisions up there in north Brampton think they own the entire highway to themselves. but, atleast they check their mirrors before they cut into your lane- not like in Markham along hwy 7.

Papi Chulo

Banned Permanently
Jan 30, 2006
tboy said:
I suppose you also think it is cool to slam on your brakes when someone is tailgating you?
I believe tailgating is illegal. Yes I hit my brakes when someone is on my ass, or even better... I gear down.

And no, I will not get run off the road :)
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New member
Jun 7, 2004
Let's not stray away from the topic here. The debate is not about who is right or wrong in a tailgating situation, but merely whether someone not passing/driving near the speed limit should be in the fast lane.

IMHO, in a tailgating situation, both the tailgater and the person ahead who slams the brakes are both assholes.

I am sure I have seen at least one sign in the 400 series of highways that says "Keep right except to pass". There was one just east of Windsor on the 401 many years ago and I believe there is one somewhere near the Falls on the 420 or QEW.

As for legal obligations, the relevant sections are 147, 148 and 150 of the Ontario Highway Traffic Act:

147) 1) Any vehicle travelling upon a roadway at less than the normal speed of traffic at that time and place shall, where practicable, be driven in the right-hand lane then available for traffic or as close as practicable to the right hand curb or edge of the roadway.

???(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to a driver of a,

???? (a)??vehicle while overtaking and passing another vehicle proceeding in the same direction;

???? (b)??vehicle while preparing for a left turn at an intersection or into a private road or driveway; or

???? (c)??road service vehicle

148) Every person in charge of a vehicle or on horseback on a highway who is overtaken by a vehicle or equestrian travelling at a greater speed shall turn out to the right and allow the overtaking vehicle or equestrian to pass.

150. (1) The driver of a motor vehicle may overtake and pass to the right of another vehicle only where the movement can be made in safety and,

???? (a)??the vehicle overtaken is making or about to make a left turn or its driver has signalled his or her intention to make a left turn;

???? (b)??is made on a highway with unobstructed pavement of sufficient width for two or more lines of vehicles in each direction; or

???? (c)??is made on a highway designated for the use of one-way traffic only

So, as you can see, there is a general obligation to go to the right lane when you are not going at the "normal speed of traffic". Note that it does not say speed limit. So I would say, if one is to go 100 km/h in the fast lane when everyone else is at 120km/h on the 401, then he/she should drive in any lane other than the passing lane. Also, you are supposed to go to the right of the passing vehicle according to section 148. That is consistent with the posted signs on the highways - you should not be in the passing lane if you are not passing period - speeding or not.

As for section 150, you can get ticketed for passing in the slow lane.

For all of you who think you own the passing lane at or near the speed limit, shame on you and you should go back to driving school! I am sure you WILL fail your road test!!!


New member
Sep 10, 2001
KBear said:
Seem to remember that some guy made the news for being charged with driving the speed limit in the passing lane. Failing to give the right of way. He was convicted for driving too slow, then as a protest he drove the speed limit in the passing lane.
That makes no sense!

You cannot be convicted for driving too slow if you were driving the speed limit.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
dreamer said:
That makes no sense!

You cannot be convicted for driving too slow if you were driving the speed limit.
You can if you obstruct an officer.

You can also be ticketed for failure to yeild and obstructing the flow of traffic.


New member
Sep 10, 2001
scrooge said:
Note that it does not say speed limit. So I would say, if one is to go 100 km/h in the fast lane when everyone else is at 120km/h on the 401, then he/she should drive in any lane other than the passing lane.
As I posted earlier, "Normal" means a slower speed up to the speed limit. It is not meant for the situation you described. If you are going the speed limit in theory no one can legally pass you.


New member
Sep 10, 2001
papasmerf said:
You can if you obstruct an officer.

You can also be ticketed for failure to yeild and obstructing the flow of traffic.
We are talking about normal drivers, not emergency or police vehicles, and you are probably right in the example above that is probably why that driver was charged.


New member
Sep 10, 2001
tboy said:
And yet another example of what idiots are on the road. You are 100000 times WORSE than an agressive driver, why? Because he's not pissing on you in particular, he just wants to get where he's going faster. In your case, you're just an asshole waiting to be rammed and or run off the road.
Absolutely not true :) In fact, based on your attitude, I would say that one day you will suddenly stop posting here.

Now do not get me wrong, I always move out of the way if it is safe to do so, but all of the examples above including the quoting of the act just backs up my opinion. If I am in my exit lane, or it is unsafe to change lanes, I stick to my lane.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
I actually have a different approach depending if I'm on the highway/401 in the city or if I'm on a long haul.

Out of the city I'm in the left lane only so long as it takes me to pass, then I get right back over into the next right lane and stay there until I have to pass again.

In the city, which most times is a fucking war zone, I'll stay in whichever lane is moving fastest. This means I'll stay in the passing lane even after I've finished passing if it seems the most clear. Having said that, if I see someone bearing down on me, and I have room to safely get over, I will do so.


Jun 29, 2003
one of the biggest problems is there is so much speed difference between the lanes.It seems the passing lane wants to go as fast as possible,the right lane around or below speed limit.Not all vehicles have 300 plus HP,so passing means you pull into the left lane and go say 115,enough to pass the car that was ahead of you but not fast enough for the guy coming behind.We need more speed correction officers or a lot of people will keep dieing at the hands of the wanna be race drivers that think they know how to drive.Just reading this posts here makes it look like the split hear is 50 50.That is very high.


New member
Mar 28, 2004
just slow the fuck down aleady. angry drivers usually have underlying problems in their personal lives that lead them to drive like jerks. They might have maturity problems that lead them to think driving fast is cool, they might be powerless at work or in their marriage so they vent their frustration by owning the road, or they might be tightly wound A-types who are aggressive in every situation, on or off the road. In all cases, I feel sorry for them, or I laugh at them as they get angry and shake their fists because they can't get around that one car that's blocking them, only to face another car 20 feet in front of that car, and another car 20 feet in front of that car, and so on. Laugh at them, get out of their way if you can do so safely, and be grateful that you're mature enough to enjoy life and to get along with others.
Boy are there ever a bunch of holy-ier than thou types.
As said in the TTC bus thread...Why would anyone intentionally do something to prevent traffic from flowing?
Too fast? You bet I'm in a hurry..That's why we built HIGHWAYS!!!!!
If you like to drive slowly there are many many many two lane roads in Ontario that have far better scenery ans 80 km/h limits...
Use those...You will save gas too!
And stay of the Highway...We will all be happy!


New member
Mar 7, 2005
407 rules

I say all you slow fucks should stay off the highway, period! stick to city driving if you have to drive out at all :D


Posts: 10,000000
Feb 4, 2003
tboy said:
... he's not pissing on you in particular, he just wants to get where he's going faster. In your case, you're just an asshole waiting to be rammed and or run off the road.
Wrong, he is not only pissing me off but putting our lives in danger. I therefore will piss him off. Slowly decreasing my speed does nothing to increase the dangerous situation he already put us both in. And as for him being in a rush, I care as much for his personal agenda as he does for mine.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
shack said:
I actually have a different approach depending if I'm on the highway/401 in the city or if I'm on a long haul.

Out of the city I'm in the left lane only so long as it takes me to pass, then I get right back over into the next right lane and stay there until I have to pass again.

In the city, which most times is a fucking war zone, I'll stay in whichever lane is moving fastest. This means I'll stay in the passing lane even after I've finished passing if it seems the most clear. Having said that, if I see someone bearing down on me, and I have room to safely get over, I will do so.
And that sir is not only the legal thing to do but it is the polite thing to do as well.....if we all drove that way then things would be SO much smoother on our highways (unlike some total assholes out there).

mmouse said:
Wrong, he is not only pissing me off but putting our lives in danger. I therefore will piss him off. Slowly decreasing my speed does nothing to increase the dangerous situation he already put us both in. And as for him being in a rush, I care as much for his personal agenda as he does for mine.
How is he putting your life in danger? By speeding? SOrry, you're fucking wrong asshat. If speed alone is a factor in the safety of a highway then why does the autobahn have a lower rate of accidents than the 401 and it has NO speed limit? Buddy, if you think PURPOSELY slowing down and pissing off another driver isn't increasing a dangerous situation then you really out to leave the driving to people with a brain and turn in your licence before you kill someone.

lickrolaine said:
one of the biggest problems is there is so much speed difference between the lanes.It seems the passing lane wants to go as fast as possible,the right lane around or below speed limit.Not all vehicles have 300 plus HP,so passing means you pull into the left lane and go say 115,enough to pass the car that was ahead of you but not fast enough for the guy coming behind.We need more speed correction officers or a lot of people will keep dieing at the hands of the wanna be race drivers that think they know how to drive.Just reading this posts here makes it look like the split hear is 50 50.That is very high.
Well, for the most part we're not talking about someone doing 150 kph, we're talking about someone maybe doing 120 or even JUST DOING THE SPEED LIMITor 10 over. FYI: you don't need 300 hp to do 120, most econoboxes will do that speed. And we're not talking about racing, we're talking about driving at highway speeds.

Another point for all you wannbe law enforcement menaces: I typically drive at 120 on the highways (when it is safe to do so) and on numerous occasions I weed my way through traffic to find that everyone is diddling along because there is an OPP cruiser in the middle lane and no one wants to pass him. I pass him doing at least 110 ALL THE TIME and have yet to get a ticket. What does that tell you? That tells ME that he doesn't consider 110 breaking the law so why should you?


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
dreamer said:
As I posted earlier, "Normal" means a slower speed up to the speed limit. It is not meant for the situation you described. If you are going the speed limit in theory no one can legally pass you.
Sorry, you're dead wrong


Supporting Member
Aug 17, 2001
west end
It is surprising how many people here feel they have the legal right to be an obstacle on the highway by driving 100km/h in the left lane. Know wonder there are so many accidents on the roads.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
dreamer said:
......Now do not get me wrong, I always move out of the way if it is safe to do so, but all of the examples above including the quoting of the act just backs up my opinion. If I am in my exit lane, or it is unsafe to change lanes, I stick to my lane.
And you are correct in your actions, of course no one is saying cut off an 18 wheeler just because someone wants to pass but to purposely create or exacerbate a situation just to be an asshole is just stupid and totally unsafe.

If anyone wants to call the guy wanting to pass an asshole for speeding, what does that make the one who is trying to block him in? This is no different than some idiots who think it's cool to prevent someone from getting into their exit lane by speeding up for the simple fact that you don't want him in your lane. Believe me, in the 30 yrs I've been driving I've seen this many times and anyone who purposely blocks the passing lane (which is what it is called) is just fucking stupid.
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