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A-hole highway drivers...


Prosopagnosia Sufferer
Jun 19, 2003
Doing laps at the Y
tboy said:

I suppose you also think it is cool to slam on your brakes when someone is tailgating you? I hope you know, all those things you stated would have you lose your licence if anything ever happened and the police were involved. Don't believe me? There was a news article about this just about the time the new gridlock law came out and some fuckwad such as yourself did just that. Guess what? The courts found him guilty of dangerous driving and he lost his licence.

In your case, you're just an asshole waiting to be rammed and or run off the road.
I'm waiting for the day someone slams on their brakes in front of me. If mmouse, Papi Chulo or anyone wants to try it, they might not like the sandwich they end up in. I'll try my hardest to avoid hitting them, but I'm not going to force the guy behind me to hit me, so I'm still moving forward. Even if it means driving you off the the hwy.

Note to self, keep Mustang in the garage, and drive truck all summer.

And 21pro, you won't make any friends if you intend on driving 80 in a posted 100 kph. Even big trucks have the smarts to drive with their 4ways on if they are under the speed limit.

Thanks Scrooge for the HTA sec. I guess that means if a Mustang is behind you, you have to move over to let him pass.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
dreamer said:
Interesting stuff.....
Next time you are way back in line at a red light imagine what would happen if everyone was a safe distance apart (not far) and everyone started to accelerate at the same speed when the light turned green. Many more vehicles would get through the green, of course that is not human nature.
ALthough I've never been there, supposedly this is how traffic flows in London. When the light changes everyone in the line moves at the same time, not like here where everyone takes a 2 - 3 second "time out" before moving their foot from the brake to the accelerator.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
mmouse said:
You really are stupid aren't you Tboy. Here's what I said: "while I never stay in the fast lane nor drive under the speed limit, ..."

Have a little trouble with the word "nor" do you? Before you try to be the big man in the forum, brush up on your English.

Ummm so who's the idiot now? Thanks for answering the question. It's you.
Listen Fuckwad, you wrote that you would slow down if someone was tailgating you....those are YOUR now you're saying you WON'T slow down if someone is tailgating you?


Posts: 10,000000
Feb 4, 2003
Tboy perhaps you should stop posting on this thread now, you're setting a new standard for being an asshole.
You know full well you accused me (twice) of saying that I stick to the speed limit when in fact I clearly said the opposite (twice). Your misinformation is what I responded to in my last couple of posts. I have no idea why you're chagning topic to tailgating now. If you want to talk about that, fine, but first be a man and admit you made a mistake, else shut up.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
mmouse said:
Tboy perhaps you should stop posting on this thread now, you're setting a new standard for being an asshole.
You know full well you accused me (twice) of saying that I stick to the speed limit when in fact I clearly said the opposite (twice). Your misinformation is what I responded to in my last couple of posts. I have no idea why you're chagning topic to tailgating now. If you want to talk about that, fine, but first be a man and admit you made a mistake, else shut up.
Yeah, I made a mistake, for reading your posts, and yet I am compelled to continue reading them to see what other ways you can contradict is very entertaining.....


New member
dreamer said:
They use the word normal to mean anything up to and including the speed limit, not in excess of the speed limit. For example at rush hour the normal speed might be 60 even though the posted speed limit is 100. In that case you can stay in your lane.

When I took my driving lessons with Young Drivers of Canada - one of the biggest things they emphasized in regards to highway driving is to "go with the flow of traffic". If the flow of traffic is 110 etc. - then that is the "normal" speed limit - not 100.

When taking the G road test - (which is mostly a highway test) - you will fail if you drive at the posted speed limit if the flow of traffic is at a higher speed.

I'm about as easy-going as they come.... but two things give me road rage: people who get in my way in the passing lane and idiots who ride their brakes for no apparent reason.:mad:

I am a fast driver - but if someone wants to pass me I am curteous enough to move over for them. The only time I won't is when I cannot move any faster due to a line-up of cars.

That's another irritant - don't tail gate me! If I could go faster - trust me I would - GET OFF MY ASS! errrr.... road rage is comming on - gotta stop reading this thread lol.


New member
Sep 10, 2001
KWI said:
Having the choice to be an asshole and drive the limit or be an asshole an speed, I think I will go with the limit. At least then I get the enjoyment of knowing I have seriously pissed off someone else instead of being stuck behind some asshole and getting pisssed off myself. Takes out the tension in my life.

Pissing off drivers is really neat; especially if the guy has a gun under his seat or takes it out on some family coming home from the movies.

Keep up the good work:rolleyes:


Posts: 10,000000
Feb 4, 2003
Happens all time time, somebody gets shot or rammed for doing the speed limit.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
KWI said:
Having the choice to be an asshole and drive the limit or be an asshole an speed, I think I will go with the limit. At least then I get the enjoyment of knowing I have seriously pissed off someone else instead of being stuck behind some asshole and getting pisssed off myself. Takes out the tension in my life. :D

That's what I can't figure out, why be an asshole at all? Why not just drive in the correct lane (keep to the right if you aren't passing), drive on the correct road (if you don't want to travel at highway speeds), if someone pulls up behind you or flashes their lights at you pull over and let them by, keep the correct interval between cars and everyone would arrive (semi) happy.


New member
Jun 7, 2004
Ok, so let's be civilized and stop the personal attacks, perhaps.

One thing I notice is that the posters who have responded to this thread are at least somewhat representative of the general driving population - there are those who regard the passing lane as one, and those who regard the passing lane as "just a lane". At times, though, all lanes are just clogged because of traffic (like at 8am on the DVP) and you just can't do much about it!

Think the Ministry of Transport can do a better job of educating the public on this - at least by posting more signs that say "Stay in the right lane except to pass".


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
scrooge said:
Ok, so let's be civilized and stop the personal attacks, perhaps.

One thing I notice is that the posters who have responded to this thread are at least somewhat representative of the general driving population - there are those who regard the passing lane as one, and those who regard the passing lane as "just a lane". At times, though, all lanes are just clogged because of traffic (like at 8am on the DVP) and you just can't do much about it!

Think the Ministry of Transport can do a better job of educating the public on this - at least by posting more signs that say "Stay in the right lane except to pass".

In the UK the third lane is for passing only. The main flow of traffic is in the first and second lanes with the third reserved for passing then get back over. You can get a ticket for staying in the third lane for no apparent reason. This is balanced out by not allowing inside lane passing. Unless you are trying to get around Brummy town this works well and traffic moves at a good clip.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
LancsLad said:
In the UK the third lane is for passing only. The main flow of traffic is in the first and second lanes with the third reserved for passing then get back over. You can get a ticket for staying in the third lane for no apparent reason. This is balanced out by not allowing inside lane passing. Unless you are trying to get around Brummy town this works well and traffic moves at a good clip.
Ever travelled in the US? It is the same way.....people look at you strange if you don't. It is actually amazing to see: You come up over a hill and as far as the eye can see the left lane is clear..even if there is only two lanes.

RemyMartin said:
if somebody call himself a boy, he must have a tiny penis.
and I guess that means someone who calls himself an alcoholic beverage must be an alcoholic?


Posts: 10,000000
Feb 4, 2003
tboy said:
and I guess that means someone who calls himself an alcoholic beverage must be an alcoholic?
Exactly. Therefore you have a small penis.


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
I drive in the US quitw a bit but I am not really sure if it is a law or just by convention that they do that. It does speed things up, but in England it is strictly enforced. I almost think that there is some unwritten gentlemens type agreement that if someone is slow in the third lane and you come up behind them. If they don't move over you can follow them to the next lay-by and throttle them. That last bit is just a perception but drivers take it very seriously. Do not get in the way of anybody in the third lane no matter how fast you are going.


New member
Sep 10, 2001
I've grown used to the flash of the headlights. It used to upset me but now I just slow down more.


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
sorely said:
I've grown used to the flash of the headlights. It used to upset me but now I just slow down more.

Only if the guy behind me is in an Audi.:D


New member
Sep 10, 2001
LancsLad said:
Only if the guy behind me is in an Audi.:D
Or,,,, is a topless blond lady with a banana in her mouth ( not sure whose but it will hurt like hell when she puts the brakes on.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
mmouse said:
Exactly. Therefore you have a small penis.
And what size of penis does a MOUSE have? I'd say the only way to find it is with some pepper and a microscope!

Like I always say: I may never hit the bottom but I will sure bang the hell outta the sides on the way down!
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