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Active member
Good point Meesh, but i have to add that you could almost see this one coming. I've been to many, and i mean many parties and raves, and not once have i heard a shooting. But you're right, this isn't the first time there has been a shooting at a party.


New member
Jul 27, 2002
between the left and right thighs
Madison Doll said:
It's really to bad that things like this happen. It makes you wonder...What is really the problem here?? Is it the festival, the people or just the guns themselves???
That though is the topic of another thread/discussion
It's the whole package, and no I won't get into that discussion :)

tersey said:
It goes on and on and.
At this rate our murder rate should go over 100 this year.
I get a chill thinking about these shootings, mainly because they took place not far from where I live. Reading some intelligent posts on here yesterday, I felt guilty for lashing out against Caribana weekend. I guess I shouldn't have

And to those who say that shootings happen at any party, let's not forget the insane amount of officers that are on duty and roaming the streets during Caribana weekend. Do we see that level of precaution during other events? I've spoken to a few officers in the past regarding Caribana, and forgive me for saying this, but they all wish this city did without it. I actually feel sorry for them as they have to risk their lives and be ready to confront some individuals who have little disregard for the lives of others.


Feb 23, 2005
I blame Caribana for the Square One shooting as well. Let me see if there is anything else I can blame on 'Caribana'.

Whats next? Soon they will be blaming child molesation on Caribana.

Another effect of Caribana across the globe :rolleyes: :
A gang of men who murdered a black teenager with an axe in an unprovoked racist attack in a park near his home in Huyton, Liverpool, were being hunted by police last night.

Anthony Walker, an 18-year-old sixth form college student, was killed by a single blow delivered with such force that the axe was left embedded in his forehead.,6903,1539884,00.html


Feb 23, 2005
infinity_sex said:
I actually feel sorry for them as they have to risk their lives and be ready to confront some individuals who have little disregard for the lives of others.
I feel sorry for myself having to deal with alot of the cops I have had to deal with in the past 2 months.


Feb 23, 2005
Madison Doll said:
It's really to bad that things like this happen. It makes you wonder...What is really the problem here?? Is it the festival, the people or just the guns themselves???

That though is the topic of another thread/discussion :(
HUH? What about the festival could ever be a problem? I take it you dont understand anything about Caribana itself. Yes, that must be it.

I wont even address the bird brain who said it was a combination because that shows an utter disrespect for people's culture if he really thinks the festival is the cause of violence.

It is quite obvious that some of the people who come to the festival are the problem. It it wasnt a gun it could have been a knife.

Caribana isnt a violencefest. Its a funfest

The D Man

New member
Jun 3, 2004
Whats next - Should we blame the London-England bombing on Caribana as well. The way this is going why not just blame all the violence in Toronto on Caribana - Hell no... blame all the worlds violence on caribana. They must all be people that came to Caribana to party and celebrate all the violence they have commited all year! Thats what caribana is about.
We are all black and all violent! Oh the few whites that are there are just there to see if they can I.D. any of us that have comited a crime against them.
This should make all you biggots feel real good, since thats what you want to hear and believe.
It doesn't matter that the festival brings money to Toronto and pays the police you adore so much - that you claim really don't want to be there -My understanding is, they can't wait to sign up for it just to get paid their overtime, or if they get lucky - beat a few blacks for having fun, or groping a white girl.

Point of this is, we have something in Canada thats a worldwide attraction and brings people of all walks of life. Why not let them see that we are alive and do have fun and we don't live in igloos or have sled dogs to take us around.
I think the real problems with at least half the posters on this thread is they are scared because they don't like to be out numbered by people of other races i.e. blacks
It makes them feel real uncomfortable that we can take over the downtown core for a whole wopping weekend! ~real scary~ (someone should make a horror film called "Blacks take over Downtown Toronto for a weekend" the script should read 'lock up your white women and kids, grab your guns, board up your windows, the blacks have many years experience killing each other, Don't be a fool, don't try to stand up to them without your M-16's, call in the KKK for inforcement, they will know how to handle it)

Wake up people, this is not the 50's and 60's anymore, blacks have been sharing the same water fountain for a few decades now! Some are even legally married to whites.

Violence is not related to Caribana, its everyday life.


Active member
Jan 15, 2004
"My understanding is, they can't wait to sign up for it just to get paid their overtime, or if they get lucky - beat a few blacks for having fun, or groping a white girl."

You know, I kinda want to agree with your post -- the broad catagorization of blacks as criminals that runs thru this thread is disappointing -- but then you write this gem and I gotta think "why does this dude think that groping a white girl is OK and is equated with having fun".

you can't cry boo hoo that you're being discriminated against and then expect anyone to have any sympathy for you if you think that assaulting a woman is just good old fashioned fun.

The D Man

New member
Jun 3, 2004
no no no no you're getting me wrong, I wasn't saying groping a woman is fun in any way, personaly I think its very disrespectful towards anyone, even to grab, or take someones hand you don't even know.
I was referring to that because that is the misconception of what people think goes on there. They see a black man talking to a women (white or black) and its assumed that he will grab his balls and start groping her any minute, almost like a rap video.
I'm not saying shit like that does or doesn't happen, none of my social circle do any thing like that, but we always seem to be categorized.

I was in Montreal a few week ago walking don't st-Catherine street with my wife, and a white guy walking towards us, bumped into her and copped a feel of her breast, you know what I had had to do as a black man..... walk away... or put his lights out?
Being out numbered by a group of young white guys, I just had to walk away. *LOL* (Had this been during caribana in toronto, I could have just reached for anybody around me's gun, shot him up and it would have been the norm and looked like a regular black against a poor white man being at the wrong place at the wrong time story)
I say this again, I would not have shot him, it is meant to be humourous!
No killing people is not humourous it is very serious, as is racism!

**By the way... my wife is white, so I guess it was this guy's God given right to assault her the way he did**


Why am I here?
May 4, 2003
The D Man said:
Whats next - Should we blame the London-England bombing on Caribana as well. The way this is going why not just blame all the violence in Toronto on Caribana - Hell no... blame all the worlds violence on caribana. They must all be people that came to Caribana to party and celebrate all the violence they have commited all year! Thats what caribana is about.
We are all black and all violent! Oh the few whites that are there are just there to see if they can I.D. any of us that have comited a crime against them.
This should make all you biggots feel real good, since thats what you want to hear and believe.
It doesn't matter that the festival brings money to Toronto and pays the police you adore so much - that you claim really don't want to be there -My understanding is, they can't wait to sign up for it just to get paid their overtime, or if they get lucky - beat a few blacks for having fun, or groping a white girl.

Point of this is, we have something in Canada thats a worldwide attraction and brings people of all walks of life. Why not let them see that we are alive and do have fun and we don't live in igloos or have sled dogs to take us around.
I think the real problems with at least half the posters on this thread is they are scared because they don't like to be out numbered by people of other races i.e. blacks
It makes them feel real uncomfortable that we can take over the downtown core for a whole wopping weekend! ~real scary~ (someone should make a horror film called "Blacks take over Downtown Toronto for a weekend" the script should read 'lock up your white women and kids, grab your guns, board up your windows, the blacks have many years experience killing each other, Don't be a fool, don't try to stand up to them without your M-16's, call in the KKK for inforcement, they will know how to handle it)

Wake up people, this is not the 50's and 60's anymore, blacks have been sharing the same water fountain for a few decades now! Some are even legally married to whites.

Violence is not related to Caribana, its everyday life.
I agree with most of what you have to say except for the last part. I agree with you that many whites are not comfortable with being out numbered by so many colored people... it's not just blacks, there is a huge number of East Indians as well...

I took a trip out to Wonderland on Saturday morning, and it amused me to see that the highway was 99% white people going north, and colored people going south to the Parade..

Your last line is not accurate.... every year there are a number of violent incidents directly related to the Caribana festivities... The thing is that with such a widespread party, you are bound to have some incidents and that is the reality of it...

Luckily most of the killings are gangs and drug dealers killing rivals so most of you should have nothing to worry about...


New member
Mar 30, 2005
If Caribana was so good for the city, why don't we see such a festival with the same magnitude in other cities?

rama putri

Sep 6, 2004
svtcobra said:
Ok I thought by putting up a thread about this weekend would be interesting to see what type of replies there would be, and I was hopeing for good ones. . By the looks of it, there are allot of people with huge hate or ignorant remarks. What the hell. Does all black people carry guns?. What about you the white , Latin, Chinese, and Italian community? Why take yourself out of the equations. What the fuck is matter with you guys. I only see Nicole B standing up and making comments.
Nicole B has her heart in the right place, but she's misguided.

Let's recount the number of shootings at these 'mostly all other people but black' events: the Santa Claus Parade, the Toronto Street Festival, the Fringe Festival, Pride Week, First Night, Word on the Street, Taste of Danforth, St Patrick's Day Parade, Molson Indy, Beaches Jazz Festival, Diwali, etc, etc...Should I list more?

George OTJ

George of the Jungle
Nov 12, 2003
North York
incognito said:
Spoke to a cop who just came off his shift and said that there was a couple of shootings related to Caribana festivities. Nothing to do with the parade but it was during the various parties and after parties. What do you free thinking liberals think now? Still safe is it? Like someone said, it ain't what it used to be.
Read the Pulse 24 article - Only one of the shootings was at a party. It is this type of generalization which demonstrates ignorance and how people massage the facts to suit their own concusions.

Back Burner

In Protest! See Location!
slowandeasy said:
I agree with you that many whites are not comfortable with being out numbered by so many colored people...
It's not the 60's anymore. White is a colour.

Milu said:
If Caribana was so good for the city, why don't we see such a festival with the same magnitude in other cities?
You mean like London, Montreal, Hamilton, New York? Other cities don't have the history. You comment is really stupid.

rama putri said:
Let's recount the number of shootings at these 'mostly all other people but black' events: the Santa Claus Parade, the Toronto Street Festival, the Fringe Festival, Pride Week, First Night, Word on the Street, Taste of Danforth, St Patrick's Day Parade, Molson Indy, Beaches Jazz Festival, Diwali, etc, etc...Should I list more?

How many shootings where at this years parade? In fact, like I stated before please tell me the number of shootings at any Caribana parade over the last 30 years.


Active member
George OTJ said:
Read the Pulse 24 article - Only one of the shootings was at a party. It is this type of generalization which demonstrates ignorance and how people massage the facts to suit their own concusions.
That makes it all better. :rolleyes:

What about the other shootings. How about the one at yonge and dundas in front of the cops? I guess if a stray bullet hit an innocent person that would be OK since it is only one shooting. My point is, is that things like this should not be happening. It is a festival to celebrate the carribian culture, a time for fun, then this shit happens. It maybe only one shooting but it's one too many in my books.

great bear

The PUNisher
Apr 11, 2004
Nice Dens
rama putri said:
Nicole B has her heart in the right place, but she's misguided.

Let's recount the number of shootings at these 'mostly all other people but black' events: the Santa Claus Parade, the Toronto Street Festival, the Fringe Festival, Pride Week, First Night, Word on the Street, Taste of Danforth, St Patrick's Day Parade, Molson Indy, Beaches Jazz Festival, Diwali, etc, etc...Should I list more?

This is my point exactly. All of the events listed above are attended by citizens of all races. But there are no shootings or murders take place. I have no qualms attending any of the events listed above. On the other hand I would not attend Caribanna because the odds are much higher that gun play will take place.

I've attended "jump ups" in St. Lucia, Tobaggo, and the Bahamas without hesitation and without fear. However Caribanna has a proven reputation of violence taking place. The violence is rarely targetted against white people. It is generally black on black violence. But once the trigger is pulled the bullets find their own targets yellow, white and black. Why take the chance?

I find it humourous that some members actually use this weeks "safe" Caribanna to suggest that there are no problems. The fact that one "safe" week of Caribanna has to be promoted speaks volumes.


New member
Jul 27, 2002
between the left and right thighs
incognito said:
That makes it all better. :rolleyes:

What about the other shootings. How about the one at yonge and dundas in front of the cops? I guess if a stray bullet hit an innocent person that would be OK since it is only one shooting. My point is, is that things like this should not be happening. It is a festival to celebrate the carribian culture, a time for fun, then this shit happens. It maybe only one shooting but it's one too many in my books.
Exactly my point. Many of you talk like it's no big deal. What if you were the one who got killed? Would that be fine since only one life was lost? jeez!


New member
Nov 19, 2004
I think what a lot of people are missing here is that Toronto has a gang problem. It's not the black community, or the Tamils, or the Asians, it's disenfranchised youth with little or no education, and virtually no job prospects except for the McJob type. Selling drugs is an easy way to make huge amounts of cash....but the competition is stiff..and "make belive" violence(tv and video games) have been ingrained in people under the age of 25 since infancy. It's easy to get a gun and pull the trigger when you've seen 22,000 people killed since you've been six.

Another poster has made the point that Caribana has got away from it's original celebration of cultural roots in the islands and has been influenced by American-style black "gangsta" rap culture. I believe this to be true...and it makes me very sad. The current rap culture celebrates violent machismo and misogny, and young men without a strong male father figure in their life embrace that because they don't know anything better.

Many of the posters who made flip remarks about staying away because of two previous well publicized shootings in some 38 years of the festival are allowing themselves to be manipulated by the media, who distort events by virtue of focus on them. Unfortunately, gang violence seems to be everywhere you go these days, regardless of your address.

Despite my handle, I am not black. I have been to the festival once, but will not return because I hate being in large crowds, and I think the events on Toronto Island are overpriced for the cover charge organizers want.


Feb 23, 2005
rama putri said:
Nicole B has her heart in the right place, but she's misguided.

Let's recount the number of shootings at these 'mostly all other people but black' events: the Santa Claus Parade, the Toronto Street Festival, the Fringe Festival, Pride Week, First Night, Word on the Street, Taste of Danforth, St Patrick's Day Parade, Molson Indy, Beaches Jazz Festival, Diwali, etc, etc...Should I list more?
Hmmmmmm, here is another ignorant soul. Anything else about black people you would like to divulge? But please do tell us all how if all those other Parades are on par with Caribana in terms of attendance and publicity. How many BIG stars come from all over the world to THOSE parades pray tell.


Feb 23, 2005
Milu said:
If Caribana was so good for the city, why don't we see such a festival with the same magnitude in other cities?
HUH? Ever heard of Notting Hill Carnival in London, UK?? That takes place at the ending of August usually and that is huge.

They also have a Caribbean Day Parade in NY I believe.

These events take place where there a high concentration of Caribbean people, no?

How St Patricks Day Parades you think you are going to see in Africa or the Caribbean for instance?

God Bless Caribana!
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