
Registered Offender
Sep 7, 2004
infinity_sex said:
ah Caribana weekend! the only day in a year when all the whites in toronto come together, march down jane and finch and claim take their stolen property back.

i keed! i keed! lol

p.s: I'm staying home. don't wanna get shot

Thats the funniest thing I have ever heard....and the truest!!!I was downtown...never seen that many cops in my life...full riot gear...ETF...and about 5-7 beat cops per street corner....Unfortunatly for the white marchers they have to be back home by midnight or else their pumpkin will turn into a bullet in the head when the revelers from downtown come home


Why am I here?
May 4, 2003
The D Man said:
The way I look at it.... There is no point even waisting any more of our energy on theses people. They obviously want to see things in a racial way and nothing is going to change that. Like someone had mentioned... Its embedded in their heads since birth, and unless you have the time and money to convert 1 person, its not even worth it!
We are here trying to talk about a beautiful time of year festival, and they bring up killing, shooting, now its turning to racism.
Its sad to see such an open country like this turn to shit because of people like that.
Only in Canada and the United States will you see a colored person getting beat by cops for no reason, or will you see a colored person getting pulled over for a regular 'road check'
This country is getting sicker and sicker the more I think about it!
And whats even more scary is some of theses people here probably have kids or will have kids and teach them the same mentality!
At least with the KKK they have their uniforms and you can identify them by seeing them! the others are just silent about it until they see colored united. Thoses are the scary ones because they walk among us everyday and act like all is fine.
Some of you just make me sick!
Dude, now you are going off the other deep end, and that is not going to help solve the problems that we face in Canada.

The fact is that the Caribana weekend always has some problems, quite often
shots are fired... if you do not accept that fact then you are just as silly as the people you are arguing with....

I don't know the numbers, but I think that the gay pride parade draws a huge crowd as well... in the last 10 years, how many murders have been committed around that weekend? Compare that with Caribana's numbers.

Although if you included all the men that get "knifed" that weekend, you might have a case....

If you cannot accept the fact that the gang bangers take over the streets that weekend, then you are not seeing the picture clearly.

The first step is to admit that there is a problem then you can find a solution.
Too many in the ethnic community don't want to admit there is a problem. Previously in this thread, there was a post that stated that 27% of the crime is committed by 8% of the population. Those figures look high to me, but regardless, if that number is even 16%, it's way too high, and that community needs to really start doing something to fix the problem.


Feb 23, 2005
dgod40 said:
Thats the funniest thing I have ever heard....and the truest!!!I was downtown...never seen that many cops in my life...full riot gear...ETF...and about 5-7 beat cops per street corner....Unfortunatly for the white marchers they have to be back home by midnight or else their pumpkin will turn into a bullet in the head when the revelers from downtown come home
no one on earth could ever accuse you of being an intelligent person.

I wonder if you miss slavery? I bet your daddy told you about the good ole days when the 'monkeys' were kept on a leash and they werent allowed certain rights. I bet you wanted to commit suicide when Mandela was freed and then apartheid crumbled. I bet you cringe at the sight of a black person moving into your neighbourhood. I guess its a case of "There goes the neighbourhood"

Dont tell me you are one of those guys who get very angry when you see a black man walking down the road with a white woman. I see that in England yet another black kid has been murdered by the innocent white guys just because he was dating a white girl. The kid got an axe to the head. CLASSY eh? I mean, dont hate us if white women happen to like us. Why not convince them we are bad news rather than kills us? One this is for sure these racists know who to attack. I wonder if they would be so brazen as to attack a serious yardie. I dont think so. Like my mum used to say "Duppy know who to frighten"

Let me tell you something, I have never harassed or stole anything from a white person(or black for that matter) but I can list a few who who have stolen from me and ripped me off and no I am talking about personally and not the natural resources taken away from the South Africans and other Africans by DeBeers and the like.

How is it that you and your ilk are kicking up a stink over black youth stealing from whites. Did you not remember when the roles were reversed? Oh yeah, you werent born then eh

I think you need to broaden your horizons and read and learn some history. What you find will shock you and knock you off your high horse. You are a good example Ignoramus


Feb 23, 2005
slowandeasy said:
The first step is to admit that there is a problem then you can find a solution.
Too many in the ethnic community don't want to admit there is a problem. Previously in this thread, there was a post that stated that 27% of the crime is committed by 8% of the population. Those figures look high to me, but regardless, if that number is even 16%, it's way too high, and that community needs to really start doing something to fix the problem.
Are you ignorant?? What does that have to do with Caribana?????????? How would you like people to keep shoving negative statistics about the 'white community' in your face. You are very silly if you think black people dont know about those stats and the effect of them. You are silly if you think blacks dont hate those stats and arent trying to change them. Do you know how many educated black peeps are bypassed for uneducated whites? ALOT!!! Trust me!!! I am still laughing to this day how a girl with no education and flipping burger experience got an accounting post at a company over me. Over, I, who have a degree from a creditable university in London, UK and years of accounting experience. It happens everyday to people I know and those I dont know. I also remembered when I first came here(Canada) and tried to get a place at Arista Way and when they saw where I was from they told me I needed 100,000 in the bank to get an apt there nevermind I had 12 months rent ready when I came in 1999. An Indian couple in the same situation as my exwife but with only 3months rent to offer got through. Also, my ex wife from Sweden(who I wasnt married to at the time) was a Montessori teacher in Mississauga and the Pakistani woman who ran the school new where I was from and promptly asked her why would she want to marry one of those people upon hearing about our engagement. Can you explain why shyte like that keeps happening?

Also, tell me why someone like me has to go through the process of being messed about by policemen. Since 1999 I would have to use two hands to count the amount of times I have been harrassed for no reason. No record, nothing. Clean as a whistle with a good education. I dont drive a fancy car with spinners etc etc etc. Most people think I dress preppy. I call it 'normal' yet I get all this aggravation. Why? Let me tell you why. My skin is my sin. It doesnt matter to the 'system' whether you are an educated black person or a thug. You are black and that is reason enough to suspect you of wrong doing.

And you talking about the community doing something to fix the problem? Its all the fault of the black community?????????????????????????????????? What the hell is this I am hearing? No doubt the so called black community needs to do something and from what I hear they are. It however doesnt help when the 'white community' thinks they are not to blame for some of this. This is the reason why improvements. You cannot dehumanize people and their forefathers before them and not expect them to be this way. Across the entire globe blacks had been dehumanized for hundreds of years. Even in countries where they are the majority. How messed up is that?

I am not surprised that the so called black community is the state it is in given what blacks have been subjected to from slavery to this day. There are no SIMPLE answers and to put all this at the feet of the black community shows smacks of ignorance.


Feb 23, 2005
how long has the pride parade been taking place compared to Caribana? The day violent hate groups attend the gay parade you watch what will happen. Now that gays are getting more and more rights you watch what happens. Give it some time.

From recent history you are more likely to die walking through certain 'white' neighbourhoods as a black man than attending Caribana........worst if they find out you were sleeping with one their women from the master race. :D

bye for now.


Registered Offender
Sep 7, 2004
I wonder if you miss slavery? I bet your daddy told you about the good ole days when the 'monkeys' were kept on a leash and they werent allowed certain rights.
First of All, I aint white. So my daddy was probably one of those 'monkeys' as you so elequently put it. Im just going by what I have seen, heard and experienced in the past.
Last year I personally saw a bunch of thugs try to assault 3 girls who were with 1 guy....all of them black, attackers and victims. When the guy tried to stop the attackers he got his ass kicked untill the cops arrived and attackers took off. I just came back from a music festival in Guelph....didnt see anything like that there. I know black girls who completeley refuse to go downtown to the Caribana festivities because they are afraid of getting harrased and or raped. Thats a great way to live and have respect for your own people. So I guess the ridiculous increase of police presence downtown is the "White Man" Oppressing the "Black Man"
I bet you cringe at the sight of a black person moving into your neighbourhood. I guess its a case of "There goes the neighbourhood"
I cringe when any shite element moves into the neighbourhood...black thugs, white trash, tamil gangstas, etc.
Dont tell me you are one of those guys who get very angry when you see a black man walking down the road with a white woman. I see that in England yet another black kid has been murdered by the innocent white guys just because he was dating a white girl. The kid got an axe to the head. CLASSY eh? I mean, dont hate us if white women happen to like us. Why not convince them we are bad news rather than kills us? One this is for sure these racists know who to attack. I wonder if they would be so brazen as to attack a serious yardie. I dont think so. Like my mum used to say "Duppy know who to frighten"
I guess you seem to forget about the abundance of black on black violence that constantly happens. Please Indians have it worse. We dont have the "cool hip hopper" point of view.
Let me tell you something, I have never harassed or stole anything from a white person(or black for that matter) but I can list a few who who have stolen from me and ripped me off and no I am talking about personally and not the natural resources taken away from the South Africans and other Africans by DeBeers and the like.
And I can tell you a little story about being held at gun point coming home from work by 4 "Brothers"
How is it that you and your ilk are kicking up a stink over black youth stealing from whites. Did you not remember when the roles were reversed? Oh yeah, you werent born then eh
Stop whining about the past and work for the future. Educate your kids that the rap lifestyle with their bitches, guns, drugs, and money aint the way to better their lives. Your people gained freedom through blood and sweat, just like mine, stop regressing.
I think you need to broaden your horizons and read and learn some history. What you find will shock you and knock you off your high horse. You are a good example Ignoramus
Really, Stop crying about the past, you whiny little girl and live in the present. What I should learn about my Indian heritage about how we were oppressed by the white man. I dont sit around whining about what happened back then, I care about how im treated now and how I treat other people.


Blondes Are More Fun
Jul 14, 2004
franky66 said:
What??? Continue to wallow. What part of Caribana do you see celebrating murder? Do you people think before you post? Is it only intelligent people who are able to separate the festival itself from a few bad seeds out of the MILLIONS in attendance who come to the festivities to act out their nonsense. Lemme tell you this. If whoever some of those thugs were looking for took their kids to the Santa Claus day parade the same thing would happen. It is NOT about the festival and what it represents. It is about people who are opportunists!

Are all white people a bunch of racists based on what on what has happened in the past and continues to happen in the present?.......such as the brutal beating of a black kid walking through a neighbourhood in NY a few weeks ago and only days ago the axe murder of a black teenager by a gang of white youths just because he was dating a white girl. All this after countless Howard Beach and Bensonhurst incidents(murders) not to mention the Stephen Lawrence fiasco. Is that what you are telling me? Oh boy, I wont be dating any more white girls. I dont want a bunch of white youths trying to kill me because I took one of their 'prized' possessions!

So I guess black guys should be careful about dating white women or walking through white neighbourhoods. Are those perps giving the white man a bad name? Give me a break.
I see your point. Lets not get stereotypical here. All I was saying, is that this happens every year, by whom I assume are the "bad seeds".
Now, many people attend the Jazz Festival every year, and many other events. I have never heard of people getting shot at Pride Parade, ect.
Now why does this happen at Caribana, every year???
I used to go, until I felt unsafe.


Feb 23, 2005
dgod40 said:
First of All, I aint white. So my daddy was probably one of those 'monkeys' as you so elequently put it. Im just going by what I have seen, heard and experienced in the past.
Do you have to be white to be a racist? I did not know this!!!

Last year I personally saw a bunch of thugs try to assault 3 girls who were with 1 guy....all of them black, attackers and victims. When the guy tried to stop the attackers he got his ass kicked untill the cops arrived and attackers took off.
What is your point? I have a female friend who was raped and smeared with faeces by a gang of white youths, and no her name wasnt Tawana Bradley. So again what is your point??

I just came back from a music festival in Guelph....didnt see anything like that there.
Again what is your point? Black people werent at the festival in abundance so it was safe? Is that what you are trying to say? lol. Are you thinking as you type this garbage?

I know black girls who completeley refuse to go downtown to the Caribana festivities because they are afraid of getting harrased and or raped.
Your point is?

Thats a great way to live and have respect for your own people.
Your own people? So I guess when the IRA bomb the brits you would say this? Or when Indians and Pakistanis attack each other at cricket matches? Do you know they tight security that comes along with a India v Pakistan match???? You think its only black people who attack each other?? How about certain Latinos hurting each other? rmember the groping and sexual assaults at the Puerto Rican Parade in NYC a few years ago??????

So I guess the ridiculous increase of police presence downtown is the "White Man" Oppressing the "Black Man"
You are unintelligent, so you guessed that.

I cringe when any shite element moves into the neighbourhood...black thugs, white trash, tamil gangstas, etc.
How is this relevant? Are you intelligent? I have to ask because you display a paucity of intelligence. When someone moves into a neighbourhood how will you know what type of person they are until you get to know them. My point with this one was that as soon as the skin colour is seen the judgement starts!

I guess you seem to forget about the abundance of black on black violence that constantly happens. Please Indians have it worse. We dont have the "cool hip hopper" point of view.
INDIANS HAVE WHAT WORSE? Oh my gosh, put down the bottle. You must be talking about Native Indians and NOT east Indians and even if you were you are way off base. I was waiting for someone like you to make this inane point. What happens to Native Indians happens in the Americas. What happens to blacks happens WORLD-FACTING-WIDE. How many native Indians worldwide were put on a leash and pissed on? Blacks got murdered by the master just like the Indians but unlike the Indians blacks were made to grovel worldwide not just in the Americas(North and South). You need to do some reading.

And I can tell you a little story about being held at gun point coming home from work by 4 "Brothers"
'Brothers'? Now I know you are a racist. Try not to be condescending in a discussion like this. You may come across as a racist. Oops, too late. Well tell me about your ordeal. I have never been help up at gun point in my life and I grew up in Kingston, Jamaica until age 19. I had a cousin murdered in Kingston though. We all have our different experience. So please tell me about your ordeal and then read this http://apnews.excite.com/article/20050731/D8BM2K8OB.html

Stop whining about the past and work for the future.
Who is wining? I am offering a perspective???? When non-blacks point at statistics they are being truthful but when blacks point out something they are whining? Typical intolerant racist attitude! My future is secure idiot. DOnt you worry about it. However, what you see as the past is actually in the present but with blind eyes turned! Now can you tell me why I would marry a blonde haired blue eyed Swedish woman(doesnt get much whiter than a Swede) if I had a chip on my shoulder?


Feb 23, 2005

Educate your kids that the rap lifestyle with their bitches, guns, drugs, and money aint the way to better their lives.
Why do I need to educate my kids on this? The major consumers of rap music are white kids so go advise a white parent on that you idiot! I myself listen to Bob Marley, Peter Tosh, Jimmy Cliff so please speak on what you know. My daughter is 4 so there is no need to educate her on rap. However, I have to educate her on how to keep her cool and not hit out at even racists. The other day in day care she knocked a 5year old white boy in the face after he pushed her down and called her a racist name. yes, a 5 year old boy called her a nasty racist name. You see, it is something learned from knee high in case you didnt know.

Your people gained freedom through blood and sweat, just like mine, stop regressing.
Regressing? Who is regressing? Do you know what regress means idiot??? BTW, I highly doubt your people have never gone through what mine have and continue to so please take a step back!

Really, Stop crying about the past, you whiny little girl and live in the present.
Little girl? lol. Well isnt that the pot calling the kettle black. Keep it up. Say some more junk. Did you finish school? Who is whining about the past? When someone brings up the past to make an argument for the present conditions they are whining? The past is linked to the present/future and as such this info should be disclosed. One of my points with bringing up the past was that people who point towards the bad things some blacks do now as a means to show how devlish they are wouldnt say the same about what others did in the past. Certain societies got rich off the back others, by stealing from others. That is a fact.

What I should learn about my Indian heritage about how we were oppressed by the white man.
That is your business and not mine. You see you arent a threat in anything. Are you a threat in tennis, golf etc etc? When one of your own starts to do well like Venus, Serena and Tiger has you will see what happens.

I dont sit around whining about what happened back then, I care about how im treated now and how I treat other people.
Use your intelligence and learn to follow a conversation and you will see how I linked how the past has shaped the present. I am speaking of the present mainly but lo and behold you dont have enough intelligence to decipher that.

Before you start chatting nonsense remember this, people are free to make points to support their argument and if referencing the past helps then so be it. Stop crying like a child just because I supported my argument strongly.

You are a racist by the comments you made before you made this post. The bullet in the head was a nasty touch as well. Dont come to me with your holier than thou attitude after you made such an insensitive remark as if to say blacks are putting bullets in the heads of whites. If anything its fellow blacks who get killed by certain blacks not whites.

Now this kid didnt get a bullet in his head but rather an axe. Oh, he was nowhere near Caribana couldnt you tell!


So, yes. I care so much about the past and I am sooooooo upset about what goes on in the present that I decided to marry a blonde haired blue eyed Swede and have a daughter with her. :rolleyes:


Feb 23, 2005
Here you have the classiest post of the year!!!

dgod40 said:
Thats the funniest thing I have ever heard....and the truest!!!
hmmmmmmmm, tell us alot about the poster innit!?!? More anon...........

Unfortunatly for the white marchers they have to be back home by midnight or else their pumpkin will turn into a bullet in the head when the revelers from downtown come home
hmmmmmmmm, is this the idjut who wants to lecture people and he cannot even exercise a little tact and common sense?

Ignorance is bliss. These are the type of people who then claim to be logical, tolerant?

And he calls me a whiny little girl. Well, I would rather be a whiny little girl than what he obviously is. A sick unintelligent ignorant cowardly reptile

George OTJ

George of the Jungle
Nov 12, 2003
North York
franky66 said:
However, I have to educate her on how to keep her cool and not hit out at even racists. The other day in day care she knocked a 5year old white boy in the face after he pushed her down and called her a racist name. yes, a 5 year old boy called her a nasty racist name. You see, it is something learned from knee high in case you didnt know.
After scolding her for her "unlady-like" behavour, I hope you bought her some of her favourite ice cream! :D Standing up for herself is not a bad thing.

Oh, and you should teach her that when the other guy is bigger then she is - she should always bring a friend. : )


Feb 23, 2005
George OTJ said:
After scolding her for her "unlady-like" behavour, I hope you bought her some of her favourite ice cream! Standing up for herself is not a bad thing.

Oh, and you should teach her that when the other guy is bigger then she is - she should always bring a friend. : )
She lives in Sweden with her mother and god knows her mum is soft on her. She needs a good ole fashion seeing to the way I got it when I was growing up......... with the belt :D

spare rod, spoil the child. kidding.

After she beat up the boy one of the teachers(its actually a montessori school) asked her mother where the father was from(she looks obviously biracial). When they heard Jamaica they said "aaaaaaah" as if to say thats why she fought the boy. lol

Talk about having a bad rep. hahaha


Feb 23, 2005
on a serious note though and this is for those who understand english and with some even a little bit of intelligence to understand the questions. I will make them as coherent as I possibly can.

No one is denying there arent problems associated with Caribana but why does race have to be injected into the argument??

What is the motive with regards to injecting race?


Why am I here?
May 4, 2003
franky66 said:
Are you ignorant?? What does that have to do with Caribana?????????? How would you like people to keep shoving negative statistics about the 'white community' in your face. You are very silly if you think black people dont know about those stats and the effect of them. You are silly if you think blacks dont hate those stats and arent trying to change them. Do you know how many educated black peeps are bypassed for uneducated whites? ALOT!!! Trust me!!! I am still laughing to this day how a girl with no education and flipping burger experience got an accounting post at a company over me. Over, I, who have a degree from a creditable university in London, UK and years of accounting experience. It happens everyday to people I know and those I dont know. I also remembered when I first came here(Canada) and tried to get a place at Arista Way and when they saw where I was from they told me I needed 100,000 in the bank to get an apt there nevermind I had 12 months rent ready when I came in 1999. An Indian couple in the same situation as my exwife but with only 3months rent to offer got through. Also, my ex wife from Sweden(who I wasnt married to at the time) was a Montessori teacher in Mississauga and the Pakistani woman who ran the school new where I was from and promptly asked her why would she want to marry one of those people upon hearing about our engagement. Can you explain why shyte like that keeps happening?

Also, tell me why someone like me has to go through the process of being messed about by policemen. Since 1999 I would have to use two hands to count the amount of times I have been harrassed for no reason. No record, nothing. Clean as a whistle with a good education. I dont drive a fancy car with spinners etc etc etc. Most people think I dress preppy. I call it 'normal' yet I get all this aggravation. Why? Let me tell you why. My skin is my sin. It doesnt matter to the 'system' whether you are an educated black person or a thug. You are black and that is reason enough to suspect you of wrong doing.

And you talking about the community doing something to fix the problem? Its all the fault of the black community?????????????????????????????????? What the hell is this I am hearing? No doubt the so called black community needs to do something and from what I hear they are. It however doesnt help when the 'white community' thinks they are not to blame for some of this. This is the reason why improvements. You cannot dehumanize people and their forefathers before them and not expect them to be this way. Across the entire globe blacks had been dehumanized for hundreds of years. Even in countries where they are the majority. How messed up is that?

I am not surprised that the so called black community is the state it is in given what blacks have been subjected to from slavery to this day. There are no SIMPLE answers and to put all this at the feet of the black community shows smacks of ignorance.
Holy shit .... take a deep breath...count to 10... no make that 100.

To answer your question... It has to do with the fact that Caribana is mainly a non-white affair, and that affair is marred by incidents of violence like the shooting in Dundas Square over the weekend. How many of these types of incidents have been committed before or after the gay pride parade etc?

The answer to many of your questions are in your own post..... you completely dismiss the problems with one or two lines... then you go on to blame all your problems on the color of your skin.... Is this the way that the black community is "handling" the problems?

I don't know anything about you or your family, so I cannot comment about why you have been pulled over... maybe you are just a shitty driver???

I know that many in the black community are disgusted by these stats as you are. However, you seem to dismiss the "stats" without really thinking about what they mean... and many in the community do the same thing... Stop dismissing the "stats" and start recognizing what they mean in blood.

Does it not make you sick to see how many murders are blacks killing black?

So what are you going to do about it? Give me another lesson on how terribly you have been treated in Canada?

You want discrimmination... go back a few decades to any number of African countries when they were having tribal wars... they did not pass you up for a job... they just killed you...

Buddy time to get over yourself and come to terms with your lot in life...

rama putri

Sep 6, 2004
franky66 said:
Hmmmmmm, here is another ignorant soul. Anything else about black people you would like to divulge? But please do tell us all how if all those other Parades are on par with Caribana in terms of attendance and publicity. How many BIG stars come from all over the world to THOSE parades pray tell.
It amazes me how fast the ignorant are quick to call others ignorant. Get yourself a research assistant.


Feb 23, 2005
rama putri said:
It amazes me how fast the ignorant are quick to call others ignorant. Get yourself a research assistant.
no idiot. You are ignorant for blindly IGNORANT statements you make about a race of people. Do you see me calling a race of people this and that? I may play devils advocate and ask questions for idiots like you to answer while idiots like you make bold statements due to ignorance and a lack of tolerance! I dont have time to care about someone's skin colour or nationality. I thank God for that!!!!!!!

I will get myself a research assistant the day you get a paradigm shift!


Jul 20, 2005
dgod40 said:
Please Indians have it worse. We dont have the "cool hip hopper" point of view.
Don't mean to make light of this thread, but since unfortuantely having had to relocate to malton, and walking into a local mall and seeing Indians dressed like Ice Cube (back in the day), Xzibit, gold chains, caps on sideways, pants 1/2 way down there ass, they are obviously trying to get the black "cool hip hopper" point of view, but I tell you it is fucking hillarious to see.

They call the suburban white kids who buy all the rap records and dress the same way "wiggers", is there a name out there already for the Indians doing the same?


Feb 23, 2005
slowandeasy said:
Holy shit .... take a deep breath...count to 10... no make that 100.

To answer your question... It has to do with the fact that Caribana is mainly a non-white affair, and that affair is marred by incidents of violence like the shooting in Dundas Square over the weekend. How many of these types of incidents have been committed before or after the gay pride parade etc?
So, because it is a mainly non-white affair you feel the need to pull up stats and inject race into the thread? Hmmmm, sounds to me like you have another agenda. A man asked who is going to Caribana and this is your response? pulling up stats on black crime? It makes no sense. How come I dont see stats on black people's positive contribution to society in Canada?

The answer to many of your questions are in your own post..... you completely dismiss the problems with one or two lines... then you go on to blame all your problems on the color of your skin.... Is this the way that the black community is "handling" the problems?
What? COme again? My problems? I dont have 'problems'. OK, without knowing me or my traits why am I treated like shyte? Before I open my mouth I get treated like shyte. Why? since you know so much. From your writings below you claim not to know why I get treated like that and here you are commenting as if you know the situation. Explain. Please tell me what other explanation you have for the incidents I described...the ones involving me not Tom, Dick and Harry. Me. I dont see them as 'my problems'. I see them as unfortunate incidents that have occured for one reason or another. Well, one reason that I can pinpoint. Feel free to tell me if you have another theory.

I don't know anything about you or your family, so I cannot comment about why you have been pulled over... maybe you are just a shitty driver???
I am not a shitty driver. I am black, that is the main problem....for the cops! It matters not to them that I have no record and I am not a thug in actually or in adornment they still treat me like one. That I dont understand. You could be CEO you still get this shit so long as you are black. Do the stats you speak of dictate that I should be treated like an animal? This is what I am talking about. The so called stats are used against ALL blacks and not just the 'thugs'. get it now??

I know that many in the black community are disgusted by these stats as you are. However, you seem to dismiss the "stats" without really thinking about what they mean... and many in the community do the same thing... Stop dismissing the "stats" and start recognizing what they mean in blood.
I take it english isnt your first language. Try to realise the difference between dismissing stats and wanting more than just stats. I dont see where I dismissed stats. Stats are meant to be analysed and not simply bandied about like you are doing in order to justify your BIGOTRY!

Does it not make you sick to see how many murders are blacks killing black?
What kinda assish question was that??? murder on a whole makes me sick. Do only white on white murders make you sick?????? Seeing that I date white women I would feel a little more worried about getting an axe in my head at the hands of a white guy if I was in Liverpool, UK or Howard Beach or Bensonhurst in NY

So what are you going to do about it? Give me another lesson on how terribly you have been treated in Canada?
So when the police treat people like animals it was all in the name of Canada?????? Gee, I did not know this. Tell me more! Seems you have a hard time keeping up. How did Canada as a country get into this? When I make my statements I dont attribute them to a race of people like you do. I attribute them to the 'system' as a whole. My ex wife and my current girl = white woman. Do you think race matters to a man like me? I am not the one caught up on race. It is YOU and your ilk hence you seek to put down the black race using stats when a person simply asks "who is going to Caribana". Not who isnt going and why not but WHO IS GOING!!. Quite simple really

You want discrimmination... go back a few decades to any number of African countries when they were having tribal wars... they did not pass you up for a job... they just killed you...
What do Tribal wars in Africa have to do with the price of rice in China? How is it relevant to this? Please tell us more about the MO of blacks in the west as well as Africans. You seem to know alot about us. Do you know about your own?

Buddy time to get over yourself and come to terms with your lot in life...
Time for you to get over your fears of black people and live your life and stop seeking to put a race of people down for no reason. It shows a lack of class and lack of tact.
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