
Feb 23, 2005
Madison Doll said:
I live right in Carabana Central. IT TOTALLY SUCKS!!! About 15 guys have knocked on my door asking if they can sell shit in my front yard! BLA! Just a bunch of noise and garabage to look forward to this weekend! :mad:
maybe you should have gone to the 'cottage' then. I am sure others are enjoying the weekend.

You cant please everyone can you?

aahhh, Caribana. I love it so. A beautiful culture from a very beautiful place....the Caribbean.


New member
Nov 7, 2004
bogs said:
Thats cuase yous gots no junk in the trunk baby!!! Put a few pounds on for next year and maybee your luck will change lol. <starts runnin>
Ha ha ha . . . . funny guy!! WHATEVER!! . . . . . NEXT . . . .

james t kirk said:
I don't see the biggotry in the comments so far. What you have is comments that you don't like aimed at the black community.

It's politically incorrect to say it, but the fact of the matter is that a very small percentage of the population is committing a disproportionate percentage of all of the crime.

No-one is saying that all blacks are criminals. Not by any stretch.

Racist, no, politically incorrect, definitely.
Go back to the beginning of this thread, some of these comments are definitely racist and politically incorrect. But I do believe in free speech, thus is why they should remain.

Your link presents statistics that I can not dispute. However, you must keep in mind that racial profiling does exist.

james t kirk said:
Well then, if that is the case, then the organisers of Caribana should pay for it. They should pay for the security, the set up, the clean up, the organization committees, etc. etc.

Why are my tax dollars being used to fund Caribana?

And before you get all hot at me, I feel the same way about Gay Pride.

I am cool with it all, if you want to have a party, hey, knock yourself out.

But pay for it yourself.

The city has been funding this and every other special interest group for far too long. In case the bozos at City hall haven't figured it out, the City is terminally in debt every year. We can't afford to build a new water treatment plant, but we can afford to fund special interest groups?

This is just plain stupid.

Have your party, no problem, just pay for it.
Dispite that fact that your first link is 8 yrs outdated, your point still holds a little validity. Except that it is not the Caribana Assoc. that makes all this money (300 mil according to your link). The hotels, the stores, the restaurants, vendors, and event rental companys indeed make the money. The Caribana Assoc. does not charge for the parade, they sell T-Shirts, how much money do you think they are making? In fact, when you think about the taxes the gov't makes off $300 million, how do you figure that you are paying for it?

james t kirk said:
You qualify this nicely by saying, "at the parade"

Every year there is some crazed shooting in the streets, we'll see what happens this year I suppose.
Most likely, something will happen on Yonge St. But I still have much faith in the parade.

Madison Doll said:
I live right in Carabana Central. IT TOTALLY SUCKS!!! About 15 guys have knocked on my door asking if they can sell shit in my front yard! BLA! Just a bunch of noise and garabage to look forward to this weekend!
I would have to agree with you, I hated living near the CNE grounds. The noise from the Molson Indy, CHIN Picnic, the CNE, and any other event held down there drove me crazy. But that is what you choose to deal with when living in this area. Thank God I moved.


Feb 23, 2005
Whenever events that affect me in anyway I always look for a way to avoid them. If I cant then well my bad luck. I know you are used to taking trips. This weekend would have been as good as any to take a weekend away from the noise to come.


New member
Mar 2, 2004
When growing up in Kingston, Jamaica where I have never been shot or robbed (go figure eh) my mother always used to say "if yu nuh have nuttn good fi seh, nuh seh nuttn at all"

For those that are not up to the "festival" language this means If you don't have anything good to say, don't say nothing at all!! :D

great bear

The PUNisher
Apr 11, 2004
Nice Dens
Hell one of the biggest events in Toronto is the Santa Claus Parade. How many people get shot, beaten, robbed, stabbed, or hassled at that event? And yes many blacks attend the Santa Claus Parade. However for whatever reason it does appear that at Caribanna, shit happens. Who needs it, and why take the chance?


Feb 23, 2005
great bear said:
Hell one of the biggest events in Toronto is the Santa Claus Parade. How many people get shot, beaten, robbed, stabbed, or hassled at that event? And yes many blacks attend the Santa Claus Parade. However for whatever reason it does appear that at Caribanna, shit happens. Who needs it, and why take the chance?
you obviously dont need it so you know where not to go and where to go. Right? Let others enjoy what they want to enjoy while you do what YOU want. I am sure there are many other parades with incidents. The mere fact is those parades' incidents aren't given as much coverage.

Back Burner

In Protest! See Location!
great bear said:
Hell one of the biggest events in Toronto is the Santa Claus Parade. How many people get shot, beaten, robbed, stabbed, or hassled at that event? And yes many blacks attend the Santa Claus Parade. However for whatever reason it does appear that at Caribanna, shit happens. Who needs it, and why take the chance?
So what you're doing is comparing a local city children’s parade to an even that the people from the entire world travel to Toronto for? Good comparison.

Do me a favor; take the number of shootings during the Caribana parade, over the number of years the parade has been in Toronto. Then tell me if people in this thread aren't exaggerating.


Feb 25, 2004
staying home

Heres my take... I grew up involved in Caribana as a young boy... my family originates from Jamaica.

Back in the day and even as I was in high school Caribana was so much fun. It was a time of year when people from the caribbean community could feel proud of who they were and where they came from. Many of the people who actually attended were either new immigrants or 1st generation Canadians.

Over years I noticed a change in Caribana, it became more of a tourist trap and less of an actual celebration of the community (its original purpose). In addition, the caribbean vibe (ire man) has become more of an African-American gantsa-flavour. Lastly you often hear this time of year people singing the prasies of Caribana s impecable record of safety... etc., well the truth is those days are long gone and the police presence you now see at Caribana is not by accident. Its required to ensure everyones safety.

I am certainly not trying to dump on one of this cities great festivals... Caribana has a lot of great memories for me - but its not the same party it once was.
Last edited:


New member
Feb 10, 2005
You'd also find that Jamaica isn't the safe country it once was.

C Dick

Feb 2, 2002
I would never attend Caribana, Pride Parade, Santa Claus Parade or anything like that, because I do not like crowds. But I would like to know what Caribana is actually like, there are so many conflicting stories about happy people, gangsta people, shootings, etc. Does anyone know of any websites that have photos or even better web-cams of Caribana activities?

George OTJ

George of the Jungle
Nov 12, 2003
North York
Back Burner said:
I guess the parade is one big killing spree? :rolleyes:
I took 48 shots myself and met 3 lovely young lady paramedics!

(I had to test out my new camera and I got a mean case of sun-burn on the arms and face.)


Feb 23, 2005
Svend said:
You'd also find that Jamaica isn't the safe country it once was.
and when last has Jamaica been deemed 'safe'? Must have been before I was born. Last time I checked Jamaica ranks in the top5 with Russia, Brazil, South Africa and Colombia as the countries with the highest crime rates. And like Brazil tourists still go there to enjoy themselves.


New member
Apr 29, 2002
caribanna should be stopped....the city looks like shit after the tourists leave town...it brings trouble (along with money...but it's not worth it)...most of the people that come from the states are ungrateful, dirty pieces of shit...and should be shot....oh wait, that always happens every year anyways... :rolleyes:


I own the night
Feb 26, 2003
I was there tonight. Alot of hot looking women roaming the streets. Got some numbers ;-). Witnessed a couple of fights and arguments but nothing serious. Overall it was not bad.


Active member
Spoke to a cop who just came off his shift and said that there was a couple of shootings related to Caribana festivities. Nothing to do with the parade but it was during the various parties and after parties. What do you free thinking liberals think now? Still safe is it? Like someone said, it ain't what it used to be.


Jun 3, 2002
incognito said:
Spoke to a cop who just came off his shift and said that there was a couple of shootings related to Caribana festivities. Nothing to do with the parade but it was during the various parties and after parties. What do you free thinking liberals think now? Still safe is it? Like someone said, it ain't what it used to be.
Yeah, like there's never been a shooting at a party in Toronto before?
Ashley Madison
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