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2006 World Cup Thread


zanner69 said:
my picks would be:

Netherlands a.k.a Holland
The Azzurri a.k.a. Italia a.k.a Italy
6 out of 8 - not bad - Spain and Holland screwed it up for me!!!

as for the quarters: my picks are:

Argentina (2-1 over Germany)
England (1-0 over Portugal)
Italy (1-0 over Ukraine - probably another last minute penalty shot)
Brazil (2-0 over France)


Well-known member
Dec 7, 2001
interesting how things in the soccer world are working out, the major powers are back to where they should be, Greece winning the Euro a couple of years back was just an abnormality and ya go down the list of the quarter finalists 6 of 8 are previous winners


scouser1 said:
interesting how things in the soccer world are working out, the major powers are back to where they should be, Greece winning the Euro a couple of years back was just an abnormality and ya go down the list of the quarter finalists 6 of 8 are previous winners
the seven country to ever win the World Cup = Uruguay

as for Greece winning the Euro - I thought it was great - something different - it got kind of boring watching the same teams win over and over again.

CuMsHoT KinG

Jun 13, 2006
SneakyLB said:
Actually its called Football dumbass. Maybe you might want to ask your follow Italians what "Soccer" is, they'd give you a big slap.
In Canada we call it Soccer you imbecile!

In any event, you're a degenerate gambler who cannot comprehend a damn thing because he's too busy calling people to help him cover his gambling debts.

What a loser.

The only one who'd get a slap in this equation is you little boy with all your bogus conspiracy theory about the non-call that you believe should've been, lol.

siete una testa di merda! ;)


New member
Jun 8, 2006
CuMsHoT KinG said:
In Canada we call it Soccer you imbecile!

In any event, you're a degenerate gambler who cannot comprehend a damn thing because he's too busy calling people to help him cover his gambling debts.

What a loser.

The only one who'd get a slap in this equation is you little boy with all your bogus conspiracy theory about the non-call that you believe should've been, lol.

siete una testa di merda! ;)

boooring. I won a lot of money on that game, you are just a typical Italian fan. In fact you are a typical fan of any nation that cannot accept their team is worse off. If that's the case you cannot really see total futbol because you are blinded by what you expect from the team you support.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
zanner69 said:
Argentina (2-1 over Germany)
England (1-0 over Portugal)
Italy (1-0 over Ukraine - probably another last minute penalty shot)
Brazil (2-0 over France)
I will go for :



Well-known member
Dec 7, 2001
zanner69 said:
the seven country to ever win the World Cup = Uruguay

as for Greece winning the Euro - I thought it was great - something different - it got kind of boring watching the same teams win over and over again.

I would totally disagree victory for Greece was a victory for tight defensive extremely boring soccer, they didnt have the talent or the depth so they would score in the 20th minute and sit back and defend for the next 70 minutes, thank God they didnt make this World Cup or maybe if they did, you could have stuck them in a group with the Brazilians, Spanish or Argies who play wide open attacking soccer and they would have run them out of the stadium


New member
Jun 8, 2006
Greek futbol is something i would never ever want to see on the World stage every again. Its already painful to watch a team like the Ukraine and Swiss, can't imagine having the Greeks play the Swiss.


Feb 23, 2005
David Beckham 23 said:
You kidding?
kidding about what? You don't ever remember Owen getting booked for diving sir???

Also, I hope you saw what Crouch did to Sancho before he headed the ball into the back of Trinidadian net!

No sir, I 'ent' kidding


Feb 23, 2005
SneakyLB said:
Greek futbol is something i would never ever want to see on the World stage every again. Its already painful to watch a team like the Ukraine and Swiss, can't imagine having the Greeks play the Swiss.
Add England to the list of boring sides. long ball. long ball. long ball. dead ball. absolutely devoid of imagination.

Hope they beat Portu-gal though and then meet Brazil or France and get taught a lesson in real football


New member
Jun 8, 2006
Zambrotta and Del Piero flew back to Turin because ex Juve teammate Gianluca Pessotto ATTEMPTED suicide, and is in hospital.

sorry i edited because i thought Pessotto commited suicide but he attempted.

CuMsHoT KinG

Jun 13, 2006
SneakyLB said:
boooring. I won a lot of money on that game, you are just a typical Italian fan. In fact you are a typical fan of any nation that cannot accept their team is worse off. If that's the case you cannot really see total futbol because you are blinded by what you expect from the team you support.
Nice comeback you twit.

Yeah your bookies must be licking their chops anticipating your next dumb prop bet, lol! Its suckers like you that keep the Hotels coming in Vegas so keep losing your shirt with the rest of the degenerate gamblers, LOL!

When you finally buy yourself a brain and comprehend the rule book on Soccer and stop being a cry baby because the Azzurri won fair and square, your team might actually make it to a World Cup one day , LOL!

In the meantime, keep grinding out that rent money with your wagers, LOL.


New member
Jun 8, 2006
wow what a tool. Yeah great the Azzuri won, but it took them 92mins to figure out Australia's defense. I am not being a cry baby, I am annoyed by Homers like you who brag about the dumbest things in the sport. Morons like you destroy the game because you have absolutely no respect for other fans. You are a typical fan who cannot see a negative in a squad. If you thought Italy played a great game vs Australia you need a check up here, because everyone in this forum can tell you now, Italy played like shit. Yes they won, good for them but again fans like yourself are totally blinded and can never see the bigger picture in the game.

Also Futbol lines are made by European bookies you dumbass not Vegas

CuMsHoT KinG

Jun 13, 2006
SneakyLB said:
wow what a tool. Yeah great the Azzuri won, but it took them 92mins to figure out Australia's defense. I am not being a cry baby, I am annoyed by Homers like you who brag about the dumbest things in the sport. Morons like you destroy the game because you have absolutely no respect for other fans. You are a typical fan who cannot see a negative in a squad. If you thought Italy played a great game vs Australia you need a check up here, because everyone in this forum can tell you now, Italy played like shit. Yes they won, good for them but again fans like yourself are totally blinded and can never see the bigger picture in the game.

Also Futbol lines are made by European bookies you dumbass not Vegas

Hey degenerate gambling loser, nice that you figured out Italy won the game and that you haven’t clued in on the fact Australia actually had 11 men against 10 that couldn’t score a goal! You are a frigin’ cry baby because you keep harping on this particular game and have no respect for the game and try to come up with bogus assumptions on the penalty that was! And where is it written that I said Italy played GREAT? Stop putting words in my mouth which you continually try to do you moron. Italy didn’t play great and they still won, with a man short, so shut the hell up already! The bigger picture is the right call was made and guys like you bitch about it and can’t handle it that’s why you’re so bitter!
I’m sure you managed to lose money on the game or wouldn’t be crying about it still and would never admit it like most loser gamblers do and keep living in denial.

And who gives a shit about wagering lines you degenerate geek! I’m talking about Soccer itself and what we call it here not in terms of who makes up the lines you idiot! Go live in Europe if you’re so concerned what it should be called and talk to the line maker there if it concerns you so much.

What a joke you are! When are you going to stop embarrassing yourself?
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