Toronto Escorts

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  1. Z

    Review: Banny @ AP

    lol auntie or daughter. That's one way to put it
  2. Z

    Meaghan of moon bay

    Ya pictures at Asian places are a complete joke. Just completely disregard them in your decision process.
  3. Z


    I actually made it all the way to her place. Then he texts and says she went to the grocery store to pick up condoms and porn! Wanted me to go pick her up. I said I'd wait in front of her building. When I walked in the place reeked of smoke. And she has a pretty big dog and tiny bachelor apt. My...
  4. Z

    Tina - any info?

    Not worth the risk! Even if the risk of underage is only 5%. You don't need that stuff in your life. Plenty of well reviewed of age women around.
  5. Z

    Men's sexual health

    Exercise! Nothing makes me so horny as a good solid workout!
  6. Z

    Review - Yoko Moonbay

    Service is great if you do the research (terb is all you need for intel). There are well reviewed asian sps with similar rates
  7. Z

    Cell phones and privacy question ...

    7 eleven prepaid with any unlocked phone. Same as petro but the minutes dont expire for 1 year. Swap in the sim card or keep the extra phone at the office.
  8. Z

    Review - Yoko Moonbay

    Toronto is an amazing place for hobbying.. Such a wide range of girls and prices services.
  9. Z

    Review - Yoko Moonbay

    Saw Yoko of MB last week. I'm new to Ottawa and my frame of reference is the toronto scene. Guy on phone was polite. Good clean apartment in DT. Yoko is cute. She was wearing very cute thick black glasses. S Took them off for the session - would have preferred them on. he is short, with good...
  10. Z

    Who to see in Ottawa

    You will have to visit thailand for that level of service.
  11. Z

    Swedish Relaxation Massage Kanata

    Thanks. I recently moved to kanata. Will check this out soon and report if i have a different experience.
  12. Z

    Where to Eat in KW

    Flying dog on Fri/Sat night. Hange around after the bar/lounge place is packed with milfs and even younger hot women!
  13. Z


    True, although those boobies look amazing!
  14. Z

    Guys, why marry the ugly one?

    The guys who say that are simply beta male losers who are very unsure about themselves. Find a real man is my suggestion
  15. Z

    Best weapon to keep under bed in case of home invasion?

    Why not just use a hammer?
  16. Z

    Question for married guys

    Well it is a serious question. I've always been extremely careful. Encrypted hard drive, never keep phone/text records, separate email for hobbying stuff. So there is like 0% chance that she'll find out about my SP activity. However she probably already has some suspicions. We've had periods...
  17. Z

    TERB Charity Poker Tournament

    I'm in! Pokerstars is probably the best for this.
  18. Z

    SP walking her dog in Yorkville

    Try not being a stalker and talk to her?
  19. Z

    Question for married guys

    I'm married almost 5 years. I make maybe 5-8 SP visits a year. She has no clue. HOwever I'm retiring from hobby because it does nothing for me anymore. I want to rebuild my marriage and be more honest. Does your wife know you see SPs? Would you consider telling her?
  20. Z

    Spinner Minaj

    What is her nationality/ethnic background? PM if you don't want to post.
Toronto Escorts