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Best weapon to keep under bed in case of home invasion?


New member
Jan 6, 2006
A baseball bat cut in half. Swing it one handed. Aim for centre of the face or shins.
The very under rated hammer. Though you will probably kill the intruder.
Best of all is the cell phone next to your bed, though.
Why not just use a hammer?


Jan 31, 2005
Not everyone keeps a trigger lock on. Some people may even keep shells close by. Other individuals may even have an unregistered and loaded .410 just in case.
Always remember that it was the intruder's weapon, you tried take control of the gun and in the struggle it went off.
And then there is reality. It's actually a criminal charge. More likely that you wil be charged for unsafe storage than face a home invasion. Far more likely.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
For that matter, when was the last home invasion in your neighbourhood, rural or urban? Nobody was taking this convo seriously were they? C'mon!
Oh a bit under a year ago about 55 km away. The homeowner shot and killed the male intruder and had to hold his female accomplice at gunpoint for over 20 minutes before police arrived.

It does happen.


Feb 9, 2009
Every time my alarm goes off and cops come they always say nobody is going in my house with them dogs barking like that.
So a dog(s) are truly the best deterent.
If you dont like dogs then keep nothing.
If you have a weapon you will probably get hurt or get somebody else hurt.
And you dont know how you will react under those conditions so dont give anybody an excuse to do some physical harm.
afterall they are only material things and get a good insurance policy.


Active member
Apr 20, 2005
T Dot
-Pardon my curiosity Mr. Tourist but when you grabbed for the gun, where abouts did you grab it?

Well officer my hands were right in the middle of the gun near that opening, sliding thingy. (the breach. That must be why the powder is on my hands.)
So can you tell me Mr. T. Why there's zero gun powder on the intruders hands or body and 100% on you if it was a "struggle" and both your hands were on the gun when it fired accidentally? Also, why does the bullet trajectory not match up with where you say the "struggle" took place and lab results indicate the intruder was not shot at close range but from 7-8 feet away?
One more thing sir (insert Columbo's stupid cross eyed look). How come only your finger prints were on the gun and the intruder didnt have gloves on?

Just breakin your ball T, cops in the GTA aint this thorough unless you shot another cop. Im sure you'd get away clean


Active member
Aug 30, 2001
If I was worried about a home invasion, I'd store my weapons within reach of the front door and put my valuables in a safety deposit box. Seeing how I'm not trained on any weapons, they'd probably do more harm than good. If home invasion was a real and legitimate concern, I'd put my money into security. Alarms, security companies, panic buttons, maybe even spot-checks and cameras.

Next question,who's gonna invade your place? Junkies after your stash, kung fu ninjas, or gangsters with guns? Cops, perhaps? What kind of weapon would give you a realistic chance of fighting off the kind of people you're afraid of?


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
friend of mine took a chain saw chain and put it in the end of a bat. it would fuck shit up. i suggest that.


Jan 31, 2005
friend of mine took a chain saw chain and put it in the end of a bat. it would fuck shit up. i suggest that.
Sounds like you would take out the majority of the drywall in your home before you actually manage to get the bad guy.


New member
Dec 27, 2004
In Florida: Glock 17

In Toronto: Axe


Jan 31, 2005
In Florida: Glock 17

In Toronto: Axe
I would never, ever keep a loaded Glock 17 around. Ever. I just don't buy into their "trigger is the only safety you need" philosophy. How many Floridians have shot themselves in the foot or the ass pulling their Glock 17 out of their waistband or sock drawer and having the trigger catch on something?
Last edited:


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Oh a bit under a year ago about 55 km away. The homeowner shot and killed the male intruder and had to hold his female accomplice at gunpoint for over 20 minutes before police arrived.

It does happen.
I wouldn't count a half-hour's drive at highway speeds as being "…in [my] neighbourhood". Invasions do happen, but that's why we pay serious taxes; to have serious defence forces, and not hafta do it ourselves. A school and social system that discourages predation—See: Banksters, sub-prime Ponzi schemes of—as a moral choice will tilt the odds in our favour as well.


Jan 31, 2005
I answered the question the way it was asked, mostly because it's a fun thought experiment.

However, there is a very, very low crime rate in Toronto. The odds that you will be a victim of a home invasion are very low. The odds that you or your family will be killed or injured in one are very, very, very low.

Yes, in our city of millions, it has happened to a few people. Somebody also won the Lotto MAX $50 million prize. It happens to someone. It probably won't happen to you.

If you are living in Toronto and you are scared that you will be a victim of violent crime--well something is wrong with you. There are other, more important things you should be worried about.


New member
Aug 2, 2011
Could hire the kid from Home Alone to set up your security but God help you if you must go to the bathroom for a pee.


New member
Feb 5, 2006
My trained 130lbs rottwieller did take down an asshole who had broken in while we were out, when i got home I found blood on the floor the perp locked in the bathroom and the dog was going ape shit. To make a long story short, the dog savaged the guy badly and he needed stitches everywhere, and now claims he has nerve damage as a result of the attack.
The real problem came later in that this guy is trying to sue me now because my dog attacked him, even though there is a police report proving that he broke a window and gained entry through there. He claims he was drunk and thought it was his buddy's house and he was staying there for the weekend.
I don't believe in the shoot first ask questions later mentality, nor do I think that someone should pay with their lives for stealing a TV. But if someone breaks into your home and the dog bites him, is fair that the criminal is allowed to sue the homeowner from whom he was trying to steal from in the first place? Now I'm out almost $30,000 in legal fees and time, If I knew this was the case, I should have tossed the dog into the washroom and allow him another go at the perp. So before everyone goes off half cocked that they'll do this and that remember that this is still bleeding heart Liberal Ontario where the hug-a-thug mentality is still alive and well.
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