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  1. D

    Confused Re: Daisy’s pics

    haha I do like to try to break records! I was lurking around the site with some friends and came across it! Better late than never I hope.. :)
  2. D

    Confused Re: Daisy’s pics

    Just creepin' some old posts and although I am now working as Lauren I can confirm that I do have the above mentioned tattoo's! Hope someone wasn't pretending to be me..or at least if they were they left you with a good impression! ;)
  3. D

    re kw kittens

    I've been enjoying KW Kittens since my joining them 2 weeks ago :)
  4. D


    uh-oh!! attitude? hope i wasn't too harsh on ya! just lookin through some threads, happy to hear everyone is still havin fun!! im enjoyin the scenes of alberta for the remainder of the week and off to newfoundland the following and will be off for the better side of good shortly after that...
  5. D does she ever!

    haha...i guess you're right have a little fun on the side and get to keep your house! :p
  6. D does she ever!

    Thanks babe! (for everything..!) I had a great time, and you know I have a better vocabulary then that it was just the only words coming to's very rude to discuss ones religious beleifs! if you go with the white collar next that all you'll be wearing...
  7. D

    Warning to newbies!!

    Hey babe, thank-you for the compliment (you know they mean a alot to me!) and im sorry I didn't see this thread earlier 'cause you all know how opinionated I can be! so here goes seems fairly obvious to me that spending such intimate time with another there will be (whether good or bad)...
  8. D


    Musk, I 100% agree with you! I love when a woman melts to the touch of my fingers and the tip of my tongue!! Oops..I mean I love melting to...:) aww man...busted!
  9. D


    reminder? Calloway, Indy wasn't my only DQ treat ;) remember? lol...and as nice a s a reminder would be (you know I had a great time!) I don't think I could possibly ever forget! ...I mean..who are you again? lol... and you all know if you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen! (I think...
  10. D


    After school special in the making? lol..i don't about blondes having more love all women equally! and uh...long red hair..nudity..and food?!? you guys know me waaay too well!! does it get any better then that? *wipes tear away* i wanna ride!!! ...early bday present...
  11. D


    hey, wheres the fun in the trip if you don't take a side road or two? Enjoy the scenery and have a great ride :)
  12. D


    :( ill be leaving the province to go to a different school then i had been planning on...don't be mad! ill be back to visit every couple of months, presuming there would be an interested taker or two!
  13. D


    still around ;) hey! just popped in to say hello! i know i haven't been on in a while but you guys keep me more then busy and you all know where to find me! on the dark side of won't be finding me there for too much longer...not to worry though, sabrina never fails to find...
  14. D

    Another tribute for Daisy

    chocolate dipped? lmao! you i have said many times before are waaaay too much! First of all you know you caught me off guard because you knew me...and i didn't have a clue..(lol..not the first time definitely not the last!!!) anyways i actually just went to DQ with them..had a...
  15. D

    Awesome duo at sabrina's

    tee hee! to hear you had fun! coud i not be into something as hott as felicia and as sweet as you? c'mon now..i am human!!
  16. D

    KW SPs adopt new Nascar rule.

    too true! hah! nice MMoM! im flattered! (i guess its better then being splatttered..on second though...can i be between two of the raceways too???..definitely sounds worth it!) hmm....there i go gettin distracted thinking of kw's loveliest! ..i don't know how you guys keep your posts so long..i...
  17. D

    Velvet Party! Thursdays it is but which one

    mmmm see ya there sexy! hmm..just bells? this could get very interesting! (especially if we matched!) lmao...can't wait!
  18. D

    Aloha Update

    Bob the Great hehe! well said Bob the Great! and I for one would be crushed if no-one I saw ever told me anyhting about woudnt; be as fun and I wouldn't be able to pick on you! (and since half of you know my life story, you wouldn;t be able to pick on me either!) I mean..think...
  19. D

    daisy @ sabrinas

    lol! you guys are awesome...and geez ill never have to start a web page i have all the advertising i need goin on right here! glad you guys liked the pic i know you've all been waiting for one! hope it holds you over till i can set up a page (probably be a while..the blonde thing...
  20. D


    i think im gunna have to start making some appointments with these ladies...they all sound sooo incredible..and with everyone i've worked with... its like a buffet (so many ladies, so little time!!!) ...and now i completely lost my train of thought thinking about naked women :( lol..what to...
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