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Aloha Update

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New member
Mar 31, 2005
To all the members of terb.

I have had the utmost pleasure of meeting so many of you over the last four years. Maybe its been as much of a pleasure for me as it has been for you?

Rest assured that I truly mean to express my gratitude for the company of so many of you. Many of you know that I don't put all my eggs in one basket, and have a life outside of all of this, but I also need to plan for the future. I have a personal life, too, that I need to shield from this part of my affairs. Just as all of you do.

It has come to my attention that personal information has been shared behind closed doors about me and others. In pm, email, and telephone conversations, personal details about me, and likely others, can be anonymously shared with ease. I would appreciate if you would please cease and desist from doing so as I cannot let this part of my life jeopardize my personal life on the outside. If you have questions for me, feel free to contact me and I will answer to the best of my ability. I won't jeopardize your personal happiness outside of your conduct in the hobby, and I need that same modicum of respect. Discretion and respect of the women in this business, and a mutual return of that same attitude, needs to come back to center stage. I doubt I am alone when I say that my days are numbered here if this sort of indiscretion persists.

Thanks to all of you for taking this seriously....



Apr 3, 2004
Well, said Shauna and oh, so true. Us guys expect discretion and the women have the right to demand it for themselves. It is all about respect - the respect for people's personal lives and their safety in this business.

Many of us hobbiest's have had the priviledge of becoming friendly with many of the girls we see. With some, we have exchanged personal information about our lives. Do I worry? No, because I trust the people that I have shared this information with. And I believe they trust that the information that I know will never go any further. This is true because I have respect for these women.

I just wish all the people in this hobby would give the same respect to everyone involved. We would all be safer and happier in the long run.


Well-known member
Aug 19, 2001
Aloha said:
I doubt I am alone when I say that my days are numbered here if this sort of indiscretion persists.

that would be most disappointing. Hopefully the guys that are causing Shauna the concerns will stop and not ruin a great lady.


Executive Senior Member
Jun 29, 2005
I don't know what the details of what happened in this part of the country with respect to personal privacy, nor do I wish to know and that's not because I disrespect anyone here.

But I really do have concerns with some of the posters in the KW area that continually post that they share personal info with ladies they trust and become friends with, and they say they don't have to worry. I have said it before and I'll repeat, you are exposing yourself to potential problems for no reason at all. Do you really have better sessions with a lady if you tell them your personal info? I just don't get it, why do you feel this need to tell them personal info, do you feel the ladies will give you a better encounter, or a discount, or what? :confused:

You can continue to keep doing such foolish things, I have hobbied for years and found that the most important things to a lady are to treat her with respect, dignity, and kindness. Ladies in this business really don't care about your personal situation, they have their own concerns to deal with and remember, from the time you open that door to see her to the time you leave, it's a fantasy and enjoy it to the fullest, but please keep the personal discussions and info in that room and don't take it home with you.


New member
Jan 6, 2006
Bob the Great

mrorange said:
Wow...thats a bit harsh....I feel scolded. :D

I guess trusting an sp with that information is an extension of "respect, dignity, and kindness"....and with a select couple, a friendship. But some of them do seem to care more than others, fun-guy. A few know a lot about me, but I don't really care who knows what I do here. Ain't got nothing to lose. Is it self destructive? Noperoo....probably harmless.

But maybe I'll start going by the name of Bob.....and if they feel so inclined, the girls can call me Bob the Great. No real names, no stories, no sharing of trust, and no

hehe! well said Bob the Great! and I for one would be crushed if no-one I saw ever told me anyhting about woudnt; be as fun and I wouldn't be able to pick on you! (and since half of you know my life story, you wouldn;t be able to pick on me either!) I mean..think about it...if you're not willing to let your "special lady" in on some personal things because you don't trust her with she really that special?????
But .....on the other just the blonde newfie..haha...what do I know!?!?! lol...


Well-known member
Nov 17, 2002
magicmanofmassage said:
I totally agree. Done with much more class than I would have!
Now it's after 6 am in London and I'm just a 'wee' bit groggy from jet-lag and perusing this thread. Boy, there are a few things here that need to be set straight.

First of all I am disappointed by MMofM, with whom I have shared many confidences, that he didn't ask me first by pm or e-mail what happened.

Being a gentleman, I would never betray his trust, yet he chose to attack me in order to better 'ingratiate' himself with his new lady friend. Shame on you!

Secondly, when Shauna asked me to delete my post here on Terb, I obliged immediately out of respect for her. There was NO mention prior to her request, of her having an NRP!!!!!! In fact, gentlemen, she has been reviewed many times on Terb, in her former role as an MPA.

Thirdly, when I tried to have the review removed on the other board, the same day Shauna asked me to remove it on Terb, I had to appeal to the Mod over there to do so.

I did the honourable thing, yet have been condemned by heresay and innuendo, by 'knaves' and rogues as they say over here.

Lastly, I'd like to apologize to the lady in question for any inconvenience that I may have caused and for the undue attention brought upon herself by a couple members of the board who seek to sensationalize this issue for their own purposes.
Last edited:


Gone to the future.
My response will be very simple. If the lady in question exonerates you, then I'll respect her decision.

As far as me trying to ingratiate myself with her, I'll let her and the rest of this board judge that! BTW you forgot to tell Calloway that he must have been ingratiating himself too!

Let's face it she knows me far better than you, after all the two of us have never met.


Gone to the future.
Musketeer, I'm glad to see you have calmed down during the night while everyone here was sleeping. Editing your post above was smart. Removing the post that was below was even smarter, after slamming virtually every male on this board.
You should however edit one more post:

You have none in my books! If I re-read your e-mails and those of the ladies that you have seen and are well-rid of you! (shall I name a few ?)

Therefore, I would advise that in your case to please advise discretion, as 'discretion is the better part of valour!'

Please desist and stop trying to impress your new lady-love, with your new found 'chivalry.' You may deceive some of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time.


I'm sure all the ladies on this board, as well as the guys will be real impressed that you have kept all their emails for future blackmail.

BTW, I do have a copy of the post you deleted.

Take your own advice and cease this continuing damage to yourself. You've apologized to Shauna, move on.


Active member
Feb 25, 2003
Luv Natural Redheads
This is so stupid that I don't know whether to laugh or just quit Terb. Grown men getting into a pissing fight like a bunch of 13 year olds. Musketeer... you screwed up. Have some balls and admit it and let's all move on. I'm so tired of your paranoid conspiracy theories... you created all this shit and you're making it worse by trying to blame everyone else but yourself.

Here's my side of the story since it's getting twisted and manipulated by Musketeer behind the scenes. Last Sunday morning I was checking out the latest on a number of other adult boards when I see a posting by Musketeer. I was curious because for the last year I have been on his case for all his rambling and yet never any actual reviews. (He has claimed to have seen three local SP's) He has also openly supported any and all threads having to do with SP respect and privacy. So after reading his posting I was shocked and came back on Terb prepared to give him a hard time about "holding out on us". After all... why didn't he post it on Terb first? He quickly PM'd me and asked me to edit the "holding out" line... which I did after some explanation. He explained that the SP in question had a NRP (no review policy) which I didn't know up until that point. I told him that if she had a NRP... why was he posting on another board. He replied that it was okay because she told him that her policy just applied to Terb. I responded that was just stupid and doesn't make any sense. I told him he should have the review on the other board deleted immediately. I then challenged him on his actual review and called it disrespectful. He disagreed and got rather upset... and that's where we left it. When a reviewer says in his review that an SP "does everything but..." I consider that rather disrespectful... especially when she has a NRP. All of this was conveniently edited by Sunday afternoon. I don't know if the SP in question asked the Moderators to or whether Musketeer did himself.

You screwed up Musketeer... whether unintentional or intentional. Like Magic... I've covered my ass by saving everything you wrote and said. I assume you've apologized to the SP in question... which is the most important issue. But I have no time and no respect for double-standard people like you that say one thing and do another. You have zero credibility with me and I can only hope that other SP's read this thread very carefully.


New member
Jan 15, 2004
DaisyDoesAmerica said:
hehe! well said Bob the Great! and I for one would be crushed if no-one I saw ever told me anyhting about woudnt; be as fun and I wouldn't be able to pick on you! (and since half of you know my life story, you wouldn;t be able to pick on me either!) I mean..think about it...if you're not willing to let your "special lady" in on some personal things because you don't trust her with she really that special?????
But .....on the other just the blonde newfie..haha...what do I know!?!?! lol...

Well said.
I agree that sharing some personal information makes the relationship more than just physical which makes it more fun.



Gentlemen, let's keep our accusations and personal recriminations private and off the public forums.
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