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Warning to newbies!!


New member
Jan 6, 2006
mike_judge said:
Hey MMoM, I think I finally understand what you've been saying. I saw Daisy again today, and probably for the last time. I can already tell I'm falling for her, and its easy to do she's such a sweet heart. I'm going to do my best to not see her again, which sucks because she's the best SP I've been to so far. She's great to talk to and amazing with everything else. Better to end it before I get in any further. Hope you have a good summer Daisy.
Hey babe, thank-you for the compliment (you know they mean a alot to me!) and im sorry I didn't see this thread earlier 'cause you all know how opinionated I can be! so here goes seems fairly obvious to me that spending such intimate time with another there will be (whether good or bad) emotions involved...especially if you can both find a middle ground..with age, race, religion, and politics aside we are all people and strive to find that bond with others and it is a great thing to feel that. I know I love when I see those familiar names (and you know who you are! lol) written down for "an hour at 1" and I have also had that little thought in the back of my head with "what if's" and "maybe..." and I too have to step back every so often and realize this is my job and he see's other women kind of thing..and maybe during the next appointment Im out of sorts..then I spring back to know your limits and what you can handle and like MMoM said maybe not just cut that person out but take a break until the feelings aren't so strong..or if you can't handle it then say your farewells and keep in touch (I know a "hey how's it goin" would bring a smile to my face :)) On top of all the mushy emotional stuff... I want to visit half of these women in KW, Im not sure that I'm allowed so I count on you guys to keep yourselves posted (and let me in on the juicy details!! lol..i love the stories as much as you guys love mine!! lol)


Nov 24, 2004
Wit Jo Mama
This is a silly thread. :)
Only because it is so obvious. Many have fallen into the same trap, myself included. What can you do with the forces of emotion? Nothing. Go with the flow, but steer with your head. The big one you dolt.

Now I'm going to slightly steer this thread off course with good reason.

Daisy, with all the good stuff I hear about you, how is it that I've never experienced you yet? Can we change this? Please PM me with info on how to get a hold of you.



Wanting more!!
Sep 7, 2001
Your place!!
ruck said:
This is a silly thread. :)
Only because it is so obvious. Many have fallen into the same trap, myself included. What can you do with the forces of emotion? Nothing. Go with the flow, but steer with your head. The big one you dolt.

It is also too late for me, I've seen many Ladies, too many to count, (I've Tried and ended up adding some to the list days later) any way, I've fallen twice over the years and those two I did, have, seen into double didgit visits. Good rides, No pun here and one continues as we speak, no telling how it will end, the first basically crashed and burned.


Woman...God's best work!
Jul 8, 2002
Big Head, ehhhh

ruck said:
Go with the flow, but steer with your head. The big one you dolt.
Modestly speaking, if I steered with my BIG head I'd be in REAL trouble. :D

Jk! Only wishful thinking folks.


Gone to the future.
ruck said:
This is a silly thread.
Only because it is so obvious. Many have fallen into the same trap, myself included.
Now that you have the years of experience behind you it's easy to say the words "silly thread" and obvious". Hindsight is 20/20.
Ruck, can you honestly say you were so wise when you very first started? I think not, even I can admit that.
So, that leads me to the statement - this thread was created for the "newbie", not the experienced hobbiest with hundreds or thousands of posts.
I find it humorous that this post was better received by the women in the business than the "men". :rolleyes:

Still we are all entitled to our opinions, what's that saying..."Opinions are like assholes, we've all got one". As long as it's a good loooking woman wupping mine, I'll even take it lying down!


Nov 24, 2004
Wit Jo Mama
magicmanofmassage said:
Ruck, can you honestly say you were so wise when you very first started? I think not, even I can admit that.
Yes I can honestly say I was. Did that help me? No. I still fell into the trap.
Wisdom has nothing to do with emotion. Lust is also soooo powerful that it disguises itself as Love at times.

Let me tell you something else too. When I read this thread, I knew from the start it wasn't about you helping newbies. It's a healing process for yourself. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. Do what you need to in order for your life to move on.

After your reaction to my post, it's even more clear that you are still emotionally messed about the situation. (I was being sarcastic in my original post. Noted by the smiley face) My advice, for what's it's worth, is to stay away from the board or anything to do with the woman you fell for. Take a couple months off. It will put things into perspective.

Oh yeah, your worst advice to newbies "I don't mean stop seeing them, just keep it to variety." If you feel emotion come into play, STOP immediately. Do not go back for a repeat in 2 weeks, 2 months, 2 years. Just stop. Unless you are willing to make your feelings known and can accept the fallout.
You're not intentionally giving bad advice and I'm sure you think it's great advice. However, coming from the same place you are in right now, and having gone through what you are going through, I can honestly say complete disassociation with the woman you fell for is the best policy. What good can come from you seeing her ever again? The emotions will rise, trust me.


Well-known member
Nov 17, 2002
mrorange said:
Over the last couple of months, I needed to drift away from Terb and this hobby. I had been coming in to peek at terb every couple of weeks. I hesitated to post anything knowing I could easily lure myself right back into it all.

Temptations for men and women, young and old, are everywhere these days. Stupid me - I took a job two minutes from an SC and an MP and had ended up at the SC a lot. And I even ended up with an SP or two recently.

The point is I couldn't stay away. This hobby is addictive. Magic probably did need to heal a bit, but he had the best interests of new blood in mind as well. I've only met a few of the other guys of the board face to face, but after having met Magic it's clear to me his heart was in the right place. He doesn't want newbies to fall into the same messes at least some of us have. Good for him.

But Ruck is absolutely right about taking a little time can help you put things in perspective. Perhaps its easy to convince yourself you'll be strong enough to face these same women again, perhaps not. But it's worth a shot. I think I will even though it may be foolhardy....sometimes its just worthwhile giving yourself a second chance to do something so pathetically stupid just to find out it wasn't pathetically stupid in the first place. You have to accept the possible fallout, as Ruck said, and be prepared to run like hell if the situation presents itself. But variety is the spice of life (mmm....spice), and methinks Magic's advice to newbies is sound. We are pretty fortunate here in Kitchener to be offered such a myriad of temptations (some of whom I still need to meet....but I'll get to you, I promise). And now....I'm horny....sighs....

Now here's another well-known voice from the recent past. Welcum back Mr.O.

This addiction, like any addiction, whether it's alcohol, gambling or drugs, needs proper treatment, or counselling if one is to overcome it.


Wanting more!!
Sep 7, 2001
Your place!!
A big part of the Hobby for me anyway, is the fact that I get to be with some Ladies that would never take a second look at this Old Guy. Just Look at Mariah, Shauna, Victoria and picture them in a Bar setting and ask your self, Would any one of them go home with me to night. In my case not likely.


Nov 24, 2004
Wit Jo Mama
goalie000 said:
A big part of the Hobby for me anyway, is the fact that I get to be with some Ladies that would never take a second look at this Old Guy. Just Look at Mariah, Shauna, Victoria and picture them in a Bar setting and ask your self, Would any one of them go home with me to night. In my case not likely.
You never know. Have you seen some of the guys that have hot girls with them? The guys exude confidence. I'm not fugly but I'm no looker either. When I'm acting all confident and cocky, the women seem to notice me. I've even had drinks brought over to me at a bar. It's all in the way you handle yourself. But yeah, I know what you mean. heheh I have a girlfriend so I have as much sex as I want. The only time I hobby now is when I want a different taste and a different feel. :)


Apr 4, 2003
On the High Sea's

Your all pathetic with bank accounts to boot :p
I see what yer sayin and yeah the shit can be addicted,it can also be a power thing aswell..ya pay ya play kinda shite but its a snare like every other is fun at first but then you get old and you go broke (ahem Calloway :p)..but yeah its short term pleasure but long term pain (this is for the ones that have SO's)

I dunno,for me its like most of ya,hot chick ,full attention...go home and to the stale her up down the road,same thing,,,cyclical...but their is no gain in the end...sure you notched yer headboard 200 times...but still are ampty...Ladies included aswell...we are all lonely and helpless folks that come together over one thing Sex...its the substitute for all our woes but it becomes just another one..

Neway i hope dis shit makes sense..I have to go and woe another pint



Nov 24, 2004
Wit Jo Mama
Yeah okay there.
Just keep staying smart cuz drinking will definitely get rid of the gloom feeling you have. :rolleyes: Just drown your sorrows bud, that's the best policy.


Gone to the future.
For what it's worth....

ruck said:
Yes I can honestly say I was. Did that help me? No. I still fell into the trap.
Wisdom has nothing to do with emotion. Lust is also soooo powerful that it disguises itself as Love at times.

Let me tell you something else too. When I read this thread, I knew from the start it wasn't about you helping newbies. It's a healing process for yourself. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. Do what you need to in order for your life to move on.

After your reaction to my post, it's even more clear that you are still emotionally messed about the situation. (I was being sarcastic in my original post. Noted by the smiley face) My advice, for what's it's worth, is to stay away from the board or anything to do with the woman you fell for. Take a couple months off. It will put things into perspective.

Oh yeah, your worst advice to newbies "I don't mean stop seeing them, just keep it to variety." If you feel emotion come into play, STOP immediately. Do not go back for a repeat in 2 weeks, 2 months, 2 years. Just stop. Unless you are willing to make your feelings known and can accept the fallout.
You're not intentionally giving bad advice and I'm sure you think it's great advice. However, coming from the same place you are in right now, and having gone through what you are going through, I can honestly say complete disassociation with the woman you fell for is the best policy. What good can come from you seeing her ever again? The emotions will rise, trust me.

I’ve had to give Ruck’s reply some very serious thought. Initially I almost posted a quick to reply saying: “BUSTED, you appear to know me better than I know me.”
Upon further reflection, it’s more complicated than that. Right from the start it WAS about helping newbies, but you have made me realize that it ALSO has become a healing process.
What we all need to learn is that we are not all in this “hobby” for the same reasons. As any woman I have seen can attest to I have been “willing to make my feelings known”, right from the very first date. What I’m learning to do is how to deal with those feelings. I don’t visit these women just for sex, again they all know that. If a release was all I was looking for then viewing their web sites and my hand would take care of that. I’m looking to connect in other ways as well. Some of these women are very well educated, have had very different life experiences than I and have a lot to teach someone that has had limited variety in sexual encounters. A little over a year ago I wouldn’t do DATY, didn’t like it, wouldn’t even consider doing it. Today it’s what I enjoy the most, right up there with DFK. If those two things aren’t part of my date, then I haven’t truly enjoyed myself. As I’ve stated before in other threads, this has been the most incredible learning experience about myself that I have ever been through. Better than any management seminar, self improvement course or personality assessment. If I had gone to my grave without having had some of these adventures, then I would have missed out on some of what are now my most cherished memories.
The more you see someone, the more likelihood that emotions will arise. So the real issue is the capability of dealing with the emotions that arise. I have been fortunate that the women that I have seen on a very regular basis, are mature enough, intelligent enough and patient enough to help me work through those emotions. It appears that some of them have had to deal with some of the same emotions and have the experience that I don’t have.
So, who better to learn from than someone that is willing to share their experiences with you? Think about it, I’m not just talking about the women I’ve visited, I’m also talking about you and anyone else that has the maturity to add something constructive to the discussion.
Again I have to say, the opportunity to have this discussion in a civilized fashion is what makes the KW board somewhat unique.

Bottom line is I do it for the memories and as the commercial says they are “priceless”.
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