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  1. J

    Poilievre calls out Jagmeet 'Sellout' Singh to end deal with Liberals

    you can have sweet dreams knowing one day the news might come out about Oboma getting massive kickbacks from green energy companies until then try counting sheep
  2. J

    What Would a Real Renewable Energy Transition Look Like?

    you could also make a similarly volatile guess at Nat gas prices a double inside of one year Nat gas pricing is also tends to vary from region to region far mor than oil, due to logistical constraints many energy intensive compressor stations are required to maintain the pressure across the...
  3. J

    Poilievre calls out Jagmeet 'Sellout' Singh to end deal with Liberals

    is going through the front door precise enough? yeah, gotta to have a little fun in these debate. nothing personal like claiming Michelle Obama is a dude? did you look up her dress for the set of nuts as evidence ? politics has been around shortly after man leaned to communicate the good...
  4. J

    What Would a Real Renewable Energy Transition Look Like?

    that was strange expected co2 emission reduction is the driver behind the 'energy transition' fantasy it make zero economic sense to invest the gabillions in order to try switching from a liquid which is easily stored and transported to a gas which is much harder and far more expensive to...
  5. J

    Poilievre calls out Jagmeet 'Sellout' Singh to end deal with Liberals

    wars have been around ever since the human population exceeded 10 war has been pretty much a constant through human history . Sadly its part of human nature you shall not change human nature FYI: going forward war will become more deadly, remote and terrifying Just stating the cold hard...
  6. J

    What Would a Real Renewable Energy Transition Look Like?

    So what? ??? you do understand you owe your life to fossil fuels don't you ? This is a fact and an undeniable fact and you still will freeze or starve to death without energy companies the real problem though is most of the worlds population would also suffer and perish without fossil...
  7. J

    Poilievre calls out Jagmeet 'Sellout' Singh to end deal with Liberals

    what about the drone strikes? War is a nasty thing, The act of War is not corrupt or particularly scandalous it is pretty much a given, military and civilians deaths will occur in a war jezz that must have been a shock each time Michelle calved a daughter. you may consider judging him on...
  8. J

    Poilievre calls out Jagmeet 'Sellout' Singh to end deal with Liberals

    RE: Politicians are corrupt by nature Obama stated the one accomplishment he was most proud of was there were no major scandals in his administration tenure. i consider ''the science is settled '' to be completely disingenuous and extremely foolish however that is my view. Prime minister...
  9. J

    What Would a Real Renewable Energy Transition Look Like?

    speaking of idiotic , you have posted again yes the planet has become greener re twitter post from a climate activist >>>> Yawn so once again frankfooter sticks his foot in...
  10. J

    What Would a Real Renewable Energy Transition Look Like?

    you would have starved or frozen to death long ago if it were not for energy companies. try thinking with common sense instead of ideology
  11. J

    What Would a Real Renewable Energy Transition Look Like?

    RE: hydrogen requires more energy to produce and compress than it provides upon combustion hydrogen will not displace fossil fuels on a global scale Re: Deforestation. the planet has become greener as co2 levels have increased crop yields have also increased this makes sense as co2 is plant...
  12. J

    What Would a Real Renewable Energy Transition Look Like?

    i have always found this concept to be amusing the energy derived via the combustion of hydrocarbons is due to the breaking of C-H or C-C bonds in the presence of oxygen The supposed evil CO2 molecule is produced whether the source be diesel, gasoline or natural gas or even coal A claim can be...
  13. J

    What Would a Real Renewable Energy Transition Look Like?

    communist would actually find it easier to lord over 3 billion than 7 billion History has shown they care not about the people, so long as they control the people
  14. J

    What Would a Real Renewable Energy Transition Look Like?

    And the next day restrictions on fossil fuel licensing and production will be reversed inflation which prevents people from eating will result in civil unrest and political change. politicians do what they need to do to survive people will not starve so loonie left politicians can hug a tree
  15. J

    What Would a Real Renewable Energy Transition Look Like?

    The explicit objective of the left / environuts to restrict FF supply will precipitate an energy crunch ie driven by illogical policy mistakes too funny, you are trying to backpaddle via an attempt to redefine what transition means energy security is independent of the type of energy...
  16. J

    What Would a Real Renewable Energy Transition Look Like?

    he made his position crystal clear He blindly accepts the catastrophic narrative / propaganda stating it is a fight for survival >>> he has swallowed the catastrophic narrative / propaganda, hook, line and sinker or when seeking govt $ FF proportion of the total worlds energy supply 30...
  17. J

    Poilievre calls out Jagmeet 'Sellout' Singh to end deal with Liberals

    he does not get it we need to remove a damn fool PM who is causing a lot of damage.
  18. J

    What Would a Real Renewable Energy Transition Look Like?

    He blindly accepts the catastrophic narrative / propaganda not at all true a 0.01% change in atmospheric composition is not going to char broil the planet the planet is 2/3 covered by natures temperature regulator >>>>> water Nature turns over 50 X man made CO2 via photosynthesis /...
  19. J

    Poilievre calls out Jagmeet 'Sellout' Singh to end deal with Liberals

    CERB went to the wrong people - taxpayers will be paying for that mess for years dental -- next to no dentists are signing onto this ill-conceived program daycare- Trudeau eliminated a tax break for day care and replaced it with a govt program - >>> more govt control, more bureaucracy legal...
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