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  1. R

    Kanye West, No Sell Out!

    Ok Cob, here is why I say it is a race issue when it comes down to the bottom line. The facts: 1. 67% of NOLA's population is AfroAmerican. 2. 30% of population lives below the poverty line. 3. The average income for a white household was $31,971 and an AfroAmerican household was $11,332...
  2. R

    Kanye West, No Sell Out!

    Everyday, the majority of us motivate ourselves to go in the right direction. Only a small percentage become criminal. But if I was to listen to you, I would think it was the majority. BTW, was the USA not developed on criminal activity . . . ie Rockerfellers, Slavery . . . .
  3. R

    Kanye West, No Sell Out!

    CuteCob, As much as you would like to believe that race had nothing to do with the relief efforts .......................they most definitely did!! It was also economical, but it was also race.
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    Kanye West, No Sell Out!

    Elf and Cob, I also have to admit, you both are sounding a little ignorant which in turn makes you sound racist. What you are failing to understand is when white folks have negative traits or are criminals they are disassociated from the rest of the population, ie Bikers. If I was to...
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    Kanye West, No Sell Out!

  6. R

    I NEED YOUR HELP!! . . . to Houston I will go!

    Thx Winston. However, that will be yours and NIkki's special day, and although I will be there, I don't want to change the agenda. I appreciate that though.
  7. R

    Kanye West, No Sell Out!

    Good One Franky!!
  8. R

    I NEED YOUR HELP!! . . . to Houston I will go!

    As far as I'm reading on different volunteer boards, they need man power for things such as database entry, food distribution, babysitters, manual labour which does not require you to be a skilled trades person, just willing and able. There will be 2 more camps housing anywhere from 10000-12000...
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    I NEED YOUR HELP!! . . . to Houston I will go!

    I've finally decided that I cannot sit here and cry no longer. Katrina has hit me very close to home and I feel I must do my part to help others retrieve their lives back. I've cried, I've yelled, I've reasoned but I have not done a single thing to help. As some of you know, I have not worked...
  10. R

    Double B-Day TERB Party Fri. Sept 16 @ Goddess Lounge How many will attend?

    Soooo, Nikki and Winston, shall I use the the flog or the crop for your B-Day licks? No Winston, my tongue is not available! :D
  11. R

    Bush. - P.I.M.P.???

    Had to share this. ENJOY!! :D
  12. R

    Kanye West, No Sell Out!

    You are right, there is priority, but we are human and are capable of multi-tasking. Some of us are meant to donate money, some time, some resources, and some are meant to argue the politics. Why does someone from the Hip Hop community need to be "given" a platform? If they all worked...
  13. R

    Kanye West, No Sell Out!

    MPA, I do apologize, in no way did I mean to offend or insult you. I very much value your opinion and I'm enjoying reading your views. I will admit, I would have never acted the same way while reperesenting Red Cross for pledges. Is this what you meant by inappropriate? This I can understand ...
  14. R

    Kanye West, No Sell Out!

    Awww boys . . . no need to fight. Can't we all just get along LOL
  15. R

    Kanye West, No Sell Out!

    Could you handle the heat?
  16. R

    Kanye West, No Sell Out!

    . . . like your President Bush?
  17. R

    Kanye West, No Sell Out!

    PapaSmerf has blue balls!
  18. R

    Kanye West, No Sell Out!

    . . . really I am. Black folks consider me a red head . . . :D
  19. R

    Kanye West, No Sell Out!

    But I am a red head!! . . . . no really, I am!! REALLY!!
Toronto Escorts