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Kanye West, No Sell Out!

Back Burner

In Protest! See Location!
Keebler Elf said:
Yes. I have.

It's especially prevalent when they're looking for a promotion. Their boss is like "Why the hell would I want to promote someone who does nothing but whine like a little bitch all day long? This person half-asses it all day and now they want a promotion?!? Fuck that." Application denied.

Next question?
Interesting. How dare "they" look for a promotion. The nerve!

Have you seen a qualified black man get passed by when an unqualified white guy gets the promotion? And then the white guy tells the black guy, "I thought you would get it"? I have.


Aug 17, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place
The conomic advantages enjoyed by the descendants of the previous generations opression will not be let go of easily. Equitable policies that evolve in affirmative action will balance the scales by first tipping them the other way. Anyone who does not wish to be affected had better rise tothe top of their profession or find themselves a safety net. In the mean time, the have nots will always whine about being black, gay, female, fat, short, whatever...

Does Kanye want to know why his people arent being helped? They are shooting at the aid workers. Stealing the rescue vehicles and using them for their own people rather than maximizing their potential for rescue. I would be afraid to go near them that they would shoot me and split me open to get all my help at once.

Keebler Elf

The Original Elf
Aug 31, 2001
The Keebler Factory
MPANewbie said:
They're huh?

I think this speaks for itself.

Nah...institutionalized and system prejudice doesn't exist. It is a figment of people’s imagination....
Until the black community steps up to the plate and realizes that the solution to their problem is as much internal as it is external, the "plight of the black man" isn't going to change one bit.

Does systemic racism exist? Absolutely. But it isn't going anywhere anytime soon and the black community isn't doing a whole lot to help it on it's way. Blaming whitey for all their problems doesn't help their cause; it just makes whitey hit the "ignore" button that much quicker.

Btw, what's the birth rate like these days among single black mothers? I'll bet that's whitey's fault too. Or how's the investigation going into who shot that little kid on the bus around Finch? Oh yeah, all those upstanding citizens in the community won't come forward to rid their own community of thugs and criminals. And yet we're supposed to care? Gimme a break, they don't even care about their own community themselves. It's SOOOO much easier just to blame whitey... :rolleyes:

And you can hear it hear from me first: I don't give a rat's ass about anyone who won't take responsibility for their own lives.

Keebler Elf

The Original Elf
Aug 31, 2001
The Keebler Factory
Back Burner said:
There will be no solution until people like yourself stop seeing it as a black vs white problem. It's a Toronto problem.
Saying it's "everyone's" problem equates it to being no one's problem. Is there a crime problem in the black community? Oh, heck no. It's a crime problem "in Toronto". Bullshit. The black community doesn't want to come out and admit that the majority of gun violence in Toronto is from black on black crime. Period. And until the black community takes it's own blinders off and admits it's got a problem and actually does something itself to fix it, then blaming everyone else is just a cop out plain and simple.

And I don't really see it as a black vs. white problem. If you'd read my posts you'd know that. IMHO, first and foremost, it's an internal black mentality/cultural problem. When you marginalize yourself by conditioning your community to think that everyone is out to get you and it's everyone's fault but your own, pretty soon those people you're constantly blaming stop caring what the fuck you say b/c they know you're full of shit.

Back Burner

In Protest! See Location!
And the problem is you're condemning and entire community. Why is a white person is just a person, but a black person is a community? Why does a black person have to take the weight of all the black crime? There have been many blacks who have spoken out against these crimes, but I guess you're still blaming the black community. I guess the love the crime and guns.

Give me a break. :rolleyes:


New member
Jan 16, 2004
Keebler you F***ing moron you'll never blame the white community for hells angels crimes or drug dealings, Why the F***would you blame the black community for any crime committed by a black man? Your assumptions show a lack of activity in your liitle brain.


New member
Nov 7, 2004
MPA, I do apologize, in no way did I mean to offend or insult you. I very much value your opinion and I'm enjoying reading your views.

I will admit, I would have never acted the same way while reperesenting Red Cross for pledges. Is this what you meant by inappropriate? This I can understand . . . sometimes I can be a litlle dense. LOL

However, if his comment had been made on evening news I would not feel the same way. By George, I think I understand your point (I got some rest today).

MPANewbie said:
Now, if that were true, there wouldn't be a need for the telethon in the first place, now would there be? So to answer the question, yes I do. Hell, *I* wanted to change the channel, and I am sympathetic to what the man was saying.

You said "around the world". I am sure the bulk of the Red Cross donations came right from the good ole US of A.
I'm a firm believer that the telethon makes donations more accessible to those who would have donated anyways. I also believe, Kanye's statement, for those who have a sypathetic heart, would have created more sympathy, to see his fraustration and loss of control. Really, we will probably never know the impact his statement had, good or bad.

When I talked about donations I was not just referring to the Red Cross. As we all know, many have been made by other countries which have not been accepted as of yet. The Red Cross need not bare this burden alone.

MPANewbie said:
Yup. But your argument falls down on two points

1) It presumes that the people in question didn't care about "you" before you offended them. Bad assumption in this case

2) Not wanting to be judged unfairly on what you say still doesn't give you license to say anything you want any time you want. Had Kayne been as white as Bing Crosby, it would have still been inappropriate. Had Peyton Manning or Harry Connick uttered those same words, they would have still been inappropriate. Would the American public have reacted differently? Probably - but guess what? Fighting THAT injustice wasn't on the agenda THAT NIGHT. The agenda THAT NIGHT was trying to get formula to starving babies.
1. You are correct. I assume that I stand alone until I am shown support and understanding. I'm not offended when people speak their mind. I feel its my duty to try and understand where they are coming from and show them support, unconditionally.

2. If the real agenda, for the USA, was to get formula to starving babies, the US would have accepted all the support offered by Cuba, by Iran, by Sri Lanka, etc . . . Where was the urgency?? Where was the real support??

Red Cross's agenda, with no doubt, was feed and help all survivors. But the Red Cross could not enter NOLA and had to wait at the sidelines for survivors to be brought to them by the army and dissaster specialists (1000 ppl for the 100,000+ survivors) Again, I say, I stand alone until I'm shown unconditional love and support.


New member
Nov 7, 2004
MPANewbie said:
Actually, that is EXACTLY the reason why Kayne didn't have to do what he did when he did it. Instead of thinking “I am going to let the world know just how unhappy I am with what is going on”, or “No way am I going to let them give me this platform and not take advantage of it”, he should have been thinking “what can I best do for those people right now”.

Be it right, fair, or anything else, how long do you think it will be before someone else from the hip hop community will be given a similar platform? Other people who also might have something to say, but who might have done so in a more appropriate and effective manner, will not be heard thanks to Mr. West’s self indulgence.
You are right, there is priority, but we are human and are capable of multi-tasking. Some of us are meant to donate money, some time, some resources, and some are meant to argue the politics.

Why does someone from the Hip Hop community need to be "given" a platform? If they all worked together, I'm sure they could afford their own platforms.

MPANewbie said:
On that tip, where's YOUR link and pics??
Send me a PM . . . . ;)

Scorpion King

Feb 18, 2005
Planet of the Apes
No Sell Out...

Just like when he pointed out how crack and AIDS were deliberatly spread in the black community in the US and Africa...

He's a hero to a LOT of young black people right now. Props to him for having the strength to weather all the criticism that he gets for speaking out... This thread proves how unfair the criticism is... All the attention diverted AWAY from the real issues while he takes the blame for being 'untimely and uncouth'...

He's a hero and NO SELL OUT.


Active member
Jan 15, 2004
Scorpion King said:
Just like when he pointed out how crack and AIDS were deliberatly spread in the black community in the US and Africa...
Fabulous! Next to the theory that the Holocaust didn't happen this is my second favourite fucking ridiculous conspiracy theory of all time.

Scorpion King

Feb 18, 2005
Planet of the Apes
lenharper said:
Fabulous! Next to the theory that the Holocaust didn't happen this is my second favourite fucking ridiculous conspiracy theory of all time.
Your opinion is respected even though I disagree. Could you kindly provide some intelligent discussion now as to WHY you think this theory is so ridiculous?

What if it were true? What would you say then?


Feb 23, 2005
Who is Keebler trying to fool???????

The biggest enemy of the black man in Canadian society today is the black man. Sad but true.
What a load of garbage

Everday I see and work with people of Indian, Pakistani, and Asian descent who are working their way up the social flagpole. Then I see the black community shooting each other, screaming that it's all the honkeys' fault, and blaming slavery for their woes.
So black people arent working hard eh. I already documented me interviewing for an accounting job. The only other candidate was a white female. I had experience and the accounting degree from UOL in the UK. Her previous experience was washing dishes at a restaurant. Guess who got the job. Before you start making excuses...we both started in the same data entry department. I was always ontime. She wasnt. I performed my task diligently. She was always on the phone having fun. She was loud and obnoxious. I was a team player and never got anyone's bad side. After they gave the job to her I resigned the next day. My mother was the operations manager at a major car company at the same time and she resigned after facing a barrage of bigotry at the hands of an Indian man who wanted her post. Of course he had a white man in his corner helping him harrass her nonstop. She was left wondering why she left her country to come here when she already had a big post at a very big company back home. It was like her two masters degrees and her doctorate, not to mention her stellar record was nothing. This is why my father is staying his ass in the Caribbean and finishing his career at PWC down there(he has been there since the 70s). He isnt coming here to be shitted on.

Also, let me tell you about the Indian family that got an apartment at Arista Way in Mississauga while I was turned back without being allowed to apply. I had more money and a good job. Eventually I sent my wife at the time(blonde haired and blue eyed from Sweden) to reapply without me present(she wasnt there the first time) and lo and behold she was allowed to apply.

There is no free ride in life. You have to stand up for yourself and make your own way. If an employer has two applicants for a job and one of them is whining that whitey hates him and is oppressing him and wha wha wha while the other guy calmly fills out his application, who do you think is going to get hired? I think we all know the answer to that (and the reason for that answer >>> Nobody likes a whiny bitch).
LOL, this is such nonsense. I find it VERY HARD TO BELIEVE someone applies for a job and then bitches and moan whether it is right before, after or during the interview!!!!!!! No one fills out a form and then goes off. That is done AFTER they have been turned down. You are such a bold faced liar it isnt funny at all!


Feb 23, 2005
Keebler Elf said:
Speaking of Kanye West, I just saw his latest (?) video called Gold Digger or something like that. Is that Beyonce in it?!? If it is, what the hell is she thinking? I thought she had a career of her own. Why be a hoochey-mama in a video that she's not even singing in? That is, if it's indeed her...
yep, all black people look alike. right? :rolleyes:


New member
Apr 29, 2002
Keebler Elf said:
Saying it's "everyone's" problem equates it to being no one's problem. Is there a crime problem in the black community? Oh, heck no. It's a crime problem "in Toronto". Bullshit. The black community doesn't want to come out and admit that the majority of gun violence in Toronto is from black on black crime. Period. And until the black community takes it's own blinders off and admits it's got a problem and actually does something itself to fix it, then blaming everyone else is just a cop out plain and simple.

And I don't really see it as a black vs. white problem. If you'd read my posts you'd know that. IMHO, first and foremost, it's an internal black mentality/cultural problem. When you marginalize yourself by conditioning your community to think that everyone is out to get you and it's everyone's fault but your own, pretty soon those people you're constantly blaming stop caring what the fuck you say b/c they know you're full of shit.

geeezus christ, that was perfect Keebler, so damn good, i may have to come back and quote you (with full credit/acknowledgment of course)

With me agreeing to your statement, according to some...i think/have thoughts like a racist...:rolleyes:
now to shed some light, one of my closest friends at work, who's half black/white, but looks more black, is actually goal oriented and motivated.
he admits to dealing drugs before, but has cleaned up his act quite a bit, works 2 jobs (plus with his parents takes care of his sisters 2 kids whom she left, gone to another country)... and in 2 weeks he is signing up for the real estate course.
he said, the other lifestyle he led, didn't get him anywhere, nor will it.
now THAT'S taking responsibility for your life.


New member
Apr 29, 2002
franky66 said:
yep, all black people look alike. right?
why would you say something so stupid, like you just did?
Keebler did say "That is, if it's indeed her..."
cheap pot shot on your part, just reaching aren't ya :rolleyes:
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