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Kanye West, No Sell Out!


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Winston said:
Errr, I think you meant to say "willingness to sit in the throne and risk the lives of poor men and women that can't afford university or education".

Its been said before, have you volunteered to fight for your oil in the Middle East? Are you on your way to volunteer to help the people in NOLA?

Or are you sitting at the computer, comfortable, telling the rest of the world how it should act.

Your hypocracy knows no bounds.
No you sanctomonious shit

Life has no , meaning untill you are willing to loose it for another. Anything less is just words


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Winston said:
Ahh, now we see the true Papasmerf. A racist at heart.

My point, which you clearly did not understand, is that RedHotPepper's worth is not determined by her skin colour. Nor is my appreciation of her talents and abilities determined by her skin colour, or what her family history is/was/shall be.

So winston what have you done to helP???
You give LIP SERVICE to those who idolize you. But what have you actualy done?

I am stuck here by matters of FAMIY ( look it up) But5 you are free? You critize me but never ment me/ Why not do that?? Or are you the pussy you seem to be?


Active member
Dec 22, 2003
Back in the 6ix
phogNphriction said:
Sorry, that should be "Emulate" or I guess that "Emulous" could have been used as well, hmmm not sure what I was thinking when I typed that word maybe a version of the later.

... or maybe I just created a new word for the Ebonics dictionary?

VBB :cool:


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Winston said:
Who in their right mind would idolize me?

Now, if RedHotPepper let me live in sin with her, and she decided to idolize me, that would be a pretty damn fine state of affairs.
A Denigod with delusions of grandure


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
RedHotPepper said:
Awww boys . . . no need to fight.

Can't we all just get along LOL
Sorry doll
But I never fight.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Winston said:
Demigod. If you are going to try to denigrate, at least do it in the English language so we all can understand what you are trying to say.

And the other word you are looking for is grandeur.

You are so bloody incompetent that you can not even insult someone correctly. No wonder no one takes you seriously.
when spelling overshadows content, you have crossed into the moron zone.


Active member
Jan 15, 2004
In a forum where the written word is the only way to express opinions (content) the written word is paramont. Unless one can actually read what you are saying, there is no way for anyone to understand the points you are trying to make. The occassional spelling mistake is going to happen and it is no big deal but sometimes I have to read your posts four of five times to even make an educated guess as to WTF you are trying to say.

my too sense


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
lenharper said:
In a forum where the written word is the only way to express opinions (content) the written word is paramont. Unless one can actually read what you are saying, there is no way for anyone to understand the points you are trying to make. The occassional spelling mistake is going to happen and it is no big deal but sometimes I have to read your posts four of five times to even make an educated guess as to WTF you are trying to say.

my too sense
So when spelling becomes more inportant then the thread. The reader becomes less interested?


Active member
Jan 15, 2004
Yes. If you are having a written "conversation" with someone and, at some point, you can no longer understand what the person is saying because you are unable to translate their mangled syntax and poor or incorrect word usage one tends to become less interested. To whit:

"I think Kayde West was out of line with his comments"

Kaynne is greet guywhose mind is free speecch

"But was it an appropriate forum for these kind of criticisms"

Hes black and desservign to saywha thinki

"Sorry could you repeat that"

mycontent is more inpotnat the speling

Ya see, it is less interesting.

Keebler Elf

The Original Elf
Aug 31, 2001
The Keebler Factory
The Bandit said:
Get over it...what about the hundreds of thousands of blacks that have gone out to get a job and made their own strides in life. Some just sit back and expect things to be given to them. Prove yourself, and all will fall into place. Don't use the excuse now-a-days, for something that was rampant hundreds of years ago...it's not like it used to be.
Bang on.

Keebler Elf

The Original Elf
Aug 31, 2001
The Keebler Factory
Scorpion King said:
My friend, the shackles and chains, plantation life, separate lunch counters and all that crap may have passed but the economic and social oppression faced by black people, even here in Canada, is very much alive and rampant my friend.

The biggest enemy of the black man in Canadian society today is the black man. Sad but true.

Everday I see and work with people of Indian, Pakistani, and Asian descent who are working their way up the social flagpole. Then I see the black community shooting each other, screaming that it's all the honkeys' fault, and blaming slavery for their woes.

There is no free ride in life. You have to stand up for yourself and make your own way. If an employer has two applicants for a job and one of them is whining that whitey hates him and is oppressing him and wha wha wha while the other guy calmly fills out his application, who do you think is going to get hired? I think we all know the answer to that (and the reason for that answer >>> Nobody likes a whiny bitch).


Aug 17, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place
Big talk from an elf that works in a tree that hires how many blacks? None? That's what I figured.

Keebler Elf

The Original Elf
Aug 31, 2001
The Keebler Factory
WhaWhaWha said:
Big talk from an elf that works in a tree that hires how many blacks? None? That's what I figured.
Hey, it's a family business! Being black (or any colour for that matter) doesn't get you in the door. You have to have pointy ears and shoes to get the job! ;)


Aug 17, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place
papasmerf said:
So when spelling becomes more inportant then the thread. The reader becomes less interested?
When the spelling and grammer become so difficult to follow that it's a strain to understand it, the reader eventually makes such low estimates of your intelligence it hurts the credibility of your opinion.


Jan 15, 2004
MPANewbie said:
..you've seen this take place, right? You've seen two applicants apply for the same job, one Black the other white, and the Black person spent the entire time complaing about being oppressed, etc.

You've seen this? :rolleyes:
I have and it's pitiful.

Keebler Elf

The Original Elf
Aug 31, 2001
The Keebler Factory
MPANewbie said:
..you've seen this take place, right? You've seen two applicants apply for the same job, one Black the other white, and the Black person spent the entire time complaing about being oppressed, etc.

You've seen this? :rolleyes:
Yes. I have.

It's especially prevalent when they're looking for a promotion. Their boss is like "Why the hell would I want to promote someone who does nothing but whine like a little bitch all day long? This person half-asses it all day and now they want a promotion?!? Fuck that." Application denied.

Next question?

Keebler Elf

The Original Elf
Aug 31, 2001
The Keebler Factory
Speaking of Kanye West, I just saw his latest (?) video called Gold Digger or something like that. Is that Beyonce in it?!? If it is, what the hell is she thinking? I thought she had a career of her own. Why be a hoochey-mama in a video that she's not even singing in? That is, if it's indeed her...
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