Toronto Escorts

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    Ottawa escort that offers recording

    I don't think that's unusual at all. I suspect most people paying to record their sessions want to keep it for their personal use. They don't want the video to appear on the internet. The situation about a guy actually wanting to appear on onlyfans (and paying for that privledge) seems like...
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    SP That Do Porn

    Is this SP still available on backpage?
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    Bukkake Party

    I guess nothing has actually happened since this thread started May?
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    Cost of Gillette's political correctness

    The woman who directed that ad for Gillette is an extreme batshit crazy man hating feminist. Gillette could not have hired a more evil bitch. You can read more about her here along with her previous works, which carry the same tone that all men are pigs and rapists...
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    Sex Doll brothel opening in Toronto

    Is this place still open? I am surprised if they are still in business after the first month.
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    HBD Lucy Liu

    Does anyone have a link for the Lucy Lui / Calista Flockhart kiss from Ally McBeal? I remember that scene being pretty good.
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    After shower...

    This seems to be standard for asian agencies where the girl will always join you in the shower to help wash you down before the session. I've never been offered this for non-asian agencies.
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    Brazilian model accuses Edmonton Oilers owner of offering money for sex

    Just like female teacher / male student charges... pics are absolutely mandatory in the opening post for this kind of thread
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    Female Condoms And Duos

    As mentioned before, you can get these at Health Clinics. I know the hassle free clinic on Gerrard had these a few years ago.
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    House gets over $1 million in bidding war

    In Toronto there is no such thing as a 'short bus ride'. Seriously, you can never rely on the bus to get anywhere in a timely manner.
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    Period sex?

    I tried to book an SP this past weekend, and she ended up cancelling because she was on her period. Personally I would not want to see a girl during that time. Seeing blood on the condom would be a huge turnoff for me.
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    Crossing the US Border

    Worst advice ever! Imagine the shitstorm that would go down if you were caught using a false identity.
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    John Tory to Fort McMurray, "we'd like to help, but we can't afford it"

    Well, that's only enough to pay for one TTC token collector.
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    Dubai hotel fire

    And not a fuck was given... the New Years celebrations and fireworks centered around this building still went on as scheduled, even as the building burned.
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    K-Pop group Oh My Girl detained at LA airport on suspicion of being sex workers

    It was kind of glossed over in the article, but the airport security did search their luggage and only found suggestively sexy costumes in the luggage. I can't really blame them for thinking this may have been a prosititution issue. And since we're on the topic of kpop... I can always rely on...
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    Cellphone Camera Questions

    Yes, you can take pictures on a locked phone. A locked phone only restricts what cellular service the phone will work with. A phone being locked or unlocked has no effect on what you can do with the camera.
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    Need tips on giving a foot massage

    I have a female friend that I am very close to... She refuses to have sex with me, but this past weekend I was able to convince her to let me give her a foot massage. So I got the chance to massage her feet for a good hour. To be honest I'm a bit of a foot fetish guy, and I was creaming myself...
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    Best phone plans..

    Yeah for 7-11 and if you're barely using your phone, I'm not sure how you're paying $40/mnth. Speakout 7-11 is $25 on prepaid, and that $25 is valid for 365 days before it expires. Almost every other carrier I know of will expire your prepaid in 30 days.
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    It sounds like you set the torrent to save to a location over a network drive, and the system cannot 'mount' the network drive to a drive letter. In other words, it cannot open the network connection to that drive. Try saving to a local drive instead and see if that makes a difference. If so...
Toronto Escorts