Discreet Dolls

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    Internet telephone

    Im assuming you are getting voip to call back home. So here are some good options for that. http://www.freephoneline.ca/localCalling Decent Service and best of all its free to all the cities listed if you use their software. Vbuzzer is another great option http://www.vbuzzer.com/
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    you've had them separately, now they're together at last!

    Bahahahahaha...Love the smoking shot....those deadly vixens are "Smoking Hot"
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    SP's/MPA's Trolling for Clients on Match Maker Boards?!

    Maybe they are not there trolling for clients but rather looking for love....I cant even take myself seriously saying something like that.
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    Post and Identify pictures thread here.

    Thread Squashed!!!
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    That was a great time waster
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    loft spaces in the city?

    I think there are some nice lofts by For Your Eyes Only...the parking lot just east of it you can see the insides kind of...looks like what you might be looking for...not sure if they are all gone though but I did see a rental sign outside a couple weeks ago
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    Check out these tits

    I would pump gas naked if I didnt have to pay for gas...god damn gas prices.
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    Carefull. Somehow or for some reason you will be called ignorant, an idiot, or unintelligent. You dont want to offend the defender off all society :D
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    Anyone seen this before?

    Maybe its just me but thats the stupidest thing I have ever seen...The only good use I can see for this is the "NINETY-SIX"
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    Asslovers' Dream Come True

    Love The music in the background too.
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    Maybe she is a vampire and you are "turning". If you feel thirsty all the time even after you have had a lot of water, If you feel extreme sensitivity to light, just stake yourself. Just Kidding. Go see your doctor. You better get this checked out before it gets any worse. Most of the time they...
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    Dirty Little Secrets

    I think he is BI. At first I thought he was gay cause I kept on busting him peeping on bruce taking a shower, but I have also caught him checking out bat girl.
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    Dirty Little Secrets

    No youre not....im alfred, bruce waynes butler and Ive never seen you in the batcave...uh oh I just gave up batmans secret identity.
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    Senior Discounts

    thats an unfortunate situation for everyone involved. Getting busted is shite...but getting busted for "virtually" nothing is even worse...
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    When Coyotes Attack

    ahhhhh. the standard nonsense...still always good for a laugh...no matter how many versions of these you see, it will still startle you. Who is that hot mama that shows up at the end anyway....does hse live in the woods...is she available for massage ofr escort services...please PM me with more...
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    Zippo tricks gone wrong

    IT BUUUURRRNNNSSS!!!! Ive seen better tricks performed by a chimpanzee
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    Dirty Little Secrets

    Sounds like me....but I got over it!
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    Open your there EYEs

    Thats deep! :D
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    Broken Toe

    First of all how did you break that toe? seems like a wierd toe to break...ive heard people break their big or pinkie toe but not any of the ones in between...also im not sure if you have broken any other appendages but how does it compare to lets say breaking a finger. I have brokean a couple...
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    First of All, I aint white. So my daddy was probably one of those 'monkeys' as you so elequently put it. Im just going by what I have seen, heard and experienced in the past. Last year I personally saw a bunch of thugs try to assault 3 girls who were with 1 guy....all of them black, attackers...
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