
Why am I here?
May 4, 2003
franky66 said:
slowandeasy said:
Holy shit .... take a deep breath...count to 10... no make that 100.

So, because it is a mainly non-white affair you feel the need to pull up stats and inject race into the thread? Hmmmm, sounds to me like you have another agenda. A man asked who is going to Caribana and this is your response? pulling up stats on black crime? It makes no sense. How come I dont see stats on black people's positive contribution to society in Canada?

What? COme again? My problems? I dont have 'problems'. OK, without knowing me or my traits why am I treated like shyte? Before I open my mouth I get treated like shyte. Why? since you know so much. From your writings below you claim not to know why I get treated like that and here you are commenting as if you know the situation. Explain. Please tell me what other explanation you have for the incidents I described...the ones involving me not Tom, Dick and Harry. Me. I dont see them as 'my problems'. I see them as unfortunate incidents that have occured for one reason or another. Well, one reason that I can pinpoint. Feel free to tell me if you have another theory.

I am not a shitty driver. I am black, that is the main problem....for the cops! It matters not to them that I have no record and I am not a thug in actually or in adornment they still treat me like one. That I dont understand.

I take it english isnt your first language. Try to realise the difference between dismissing stats and wanting more than just stats. I dont see where I dismissed stats. Stats are meant to be analysed and not simply bandied about like you are doing in order to justify your BIGOTRY!

What kinda assish question was that??? murder on a whole makes me sick. Do only white on white murders make you sick?????? Seeing that I date white women I would feel a little more worried about getting an axe in my head at the hands of a white guy if I was in Liverpool, UK or Howard Beach or Bensonhurst in NY

So when the police treat people like animals it was all in the name of Canada?????? Gee, I did not know this. Tell me more! Seems you have a hard time keeping up. How did Canada as a country get into this? When I make my statements I dont attribute them to a race of people like you do. I attribute them to the 'system' as a whole. My ex wife and my current girl = white woman. Do you think race matters to a man like me? I am not the one caught up on race. It is YOU and your ilk hence you seek to put down the black race using stats when a person simply asks "who is going to Caribana". Not who isnt going and why not but WHO IS GOING!!. Quite simple really

What do Tribal wars in Africa have to do with the price of rice in China? How is it relevant to this? Please tell us more about the MO of blacks in the west as well as Africans. You seem to know alot about us. Do you know about your own?

Time for you to get over your fears of black people and live your life and stop seeking to put a race of people down for no reason. It shows a lack of class and lack of tact.
Did you stop taking your medication again?? No seriously... did you stop taking the meds again?

Funny thing is you assume that I am white, and it shows what is in your mind.
The fact that you married a "white girl" does mean you do not have a racist view of whites...

To answer your questions above once again:
1. The question of race was brought up well before I mentioned it. I did not
bring up the stats, I merely commented on them and used them to reply
as an example. This is not a discussion about black people's positive
contribution to society... it was about Caribana.... The thread denigrated
and some racist overtones were evident... my post was in regard to that

2. You claim that you do not have any problems... That's right, you don't
have any problems... it's all the racist bastards out there who keep fucking
with you...

3. So pointing out the facts makes me a bigot????? Alright then... next...

4. My point about black on black murders is pretty simple... You are out there
whining your ass off about the discrimination you face on a daily basis, by
these terrible people, but the fact is that you or your family members have
a better chance of being murdered by a black person... This is not to
justify the discrimination that you face or downplay it, but your continual
whining about why you are being picked on reminds me of a 12 year old...

Franky... I am sorry, but you are completely clueless. Your problem is not that you are black, it's that you have a really shitty attitude towards the world.


99% Retired
Apr 6, 2005
BigHarv said:
Well Blackheart, the shooter at Dundas Square namely Ajine Stewart 24, charged with first degree murder, is a resident of Mississauga (Toronto Star, Monday, August 1, Pg A8).
I'll bet most of the violent crimes that occur in downtown Toronto (Entertainment district, etc) are committed by these shitheads from the suburbs.
It's nice and quiet in Mississauga because you shit disturbers from the suburbs come downtown to settle your scores and are the ones giving the downtown area a bad name.
lmfao.....Dude, Your are such a downtown gangsta:D

Perfect idea, great new slogan for the T-DOT......

Attention all gang-bangers... Settle your scores-in the Core..... lol


New member
Nov 19, 2004
I posted this earlier in the thread, but Toronto's problem's aren't black, yellow, or brown....

They are gangs....young men of any racial background(including white) who come from poverty, one parent families with no strong father figure, little or no education, poor social skills, and bleak prospects for meaningful employment. And of course, little or no inhibitions when it comes to anti-social behaviour. Or respect for human life.

Of course there exceptions...young men who rise above their beginnings despite overwhelming obstacles.

Franky, I've read your posts...and I am sorry you are so bitter...I don't know if I could, or would have handled the racism you experienced any better than you. You sound like a good guy...in spite of all that has happened to you.

All I can say is stay strong, and don't let the ignorant a-holes who post racist comments on this board get to you. They're not worth the energy or attention you've already expended on them.

rama putri

Sep 6, 2004
franky66 said:
no idiot. You are ignorant for blindly IGNORANT statements you make about a race of people. Do you see me calling a race of people this and that? I may play devils advocate and ask questions for idiots like you to answer while idiots like you make bold statements due to ignorance and a lack of tolerance! I dont have time to care about someone's skin colour or nationality. I thank God for that!!!!!!!

I will get myself a research assistant the day you get a paradigm shift!
Wow. Now the angry calling others idiots. Who's full of hatred? Let's see.... I post a message, you react by thinking you know EVERYTHING about me, call me names, I point out a flaw, you get mad, call me more names, and divert the debate (if I can call it that) by not backing up YOUR statements. Funny, yet pathetic. What exactly did I call a race a of people? Please understand what you read. Or should I post it in ebonics for you? Inflammatory versus idiocy. Look it up. Yeah, I'm the idiot. Keep posting....


Feb 23, 2005
slowandeasy said:
Did you stop taking your medication again?? No seriously... did you stop taking the meds again?.
I dont need to take meds but apparently you do.

Funny thing is you assume that I am white, and it shows what is in your mind..
did I really assume you were white? I didnt refer to you as white so where did you get that? The only way you could assume that I assumed you were white was my question "do only white on white murders make you feel sick". If that is all you are going by then you are hanging by a thread. My point is ALL murders make me sick. Murders of children. Murders of mothers and fathers and all good people in society. Why should a murder of a black person outrage me more than the murder of a white person? When you learn that we are all human beings you will stop asking assinine questions like that!!!

The fact that you married a "white girl" does mean you do not have a racist view of whites... .
Please note the difference between marrying someone and merely dating them. Dont worry, this isnt like the usual line "I have one black friend". If you think marriage is something trivial then that is your problem.

To answer your questions above once again:
1. The question of race was brought up well before I mentioned it. I did not
bring up the stats, I merely commented on them and used them to reply
as an example. This is not a discussion about black people's positive
contribution to society... it was about Caribana.... The thread denigrated
and some racist overtones were evident... my post was in regard to that
You contributed to the racist tone with your comment about the Pakistani and the black who would go for the same job. Did you think about that statement? Seriously. What kind of idiotic generalisation was that? Please explain to me how else, other than 'generalising', is an employer going to know the black man is going to whine about oppression? What? By just looking at him?

2. You claim that you do not have any problems... That's right, you don't
have any problems... it's all the racist bastards out there who keep fucking
with you....
So without knowing the complete facts about the cases I was involved in you are casting stones? Hmmmmmm, I wonder why that is? Is it based on your assumption that all black people cry foul for no reason? Could that be called generalising? GO on, keep on making these turnovers. I mean, your racist tone has you acting the expert on black people and the way they are. I dont know millions of white people personally so I cant generalise about whites but you seem to like generalising whites. You must know ALOT of black people? Lucky you........Do you notice I only comment on my personal experience and when I do comment I comment on the 'system' and not white people in general? I bet you didnt pick up on that. I wonder why.

3. So pointing out the facts makes me a bigot????? Alright then... next....
*sigh* I thought you were intelligent but alas you arent. There is a difference between pointing out the fact aka the stats and using them to generalise black people. geeeeeeez. what you are doing is GENERALISING. Go read your post again because I honestly believe you forget what you type.

4. My point about black on black murders is pretty simple... You are out there
whining your ass off about the discrimination you face on a daily basis, by
these terrible people, but the fact is that you or your family members have
a better chance of being murdered by a black person... This is not to
justify the discrimination that you face or downplay it, but your continual
whining about why you are being picked on reminds me of a 12 year old....
WHAT? Think about what you wrote and tell me what makes you think my family members and I have a better chance of getting murdered by a black person?? That statement has IGNORANCE written all over it. Did you think the same way about the kid who just got an axe in his head dumbo? I cant believe you made such an inane comment. Show your true colours some more. Besides, this isnt about getting killed or not. When I comment on my experiences it wasnt in relation to murders. It was in relation to people's racist perceptions of me and my people. How could you miss that?????? I will tell you why. YOu are the clueless one and your idiotic quotient is too high for you to connect the dots and follow one piece of logic.


Feb 23, 2005
Franky... I am sorry, but you are completely clueless. Your problem is not that you are black, it's that you have a really shitty attitude towards the world.
I have a great attitude towards the world but I do have a shitty attitude to bigots expecially those who try so desparately (while failing desparately) to hide their bigotry. Dont call me clueless when you cannot follow the logic of an argument. Let me put it in point form that even an 'idjut' like you can follow.

1) I dont generalise like you do. I comment on personal experiences.

2) You use stats to generalise blacks. That is...ahem....racist

3) when I comment on my personal experiences about the racist attitudes that the cops who have harrassed me have it is illustrate the attitudes that some people have towards people of a certain race(again based on those stats you so like to quote)

4) I dont live in a 'black' neighbourhood and I dont mingle with alot of 'black' people and I dont go out all much less to alot of places where 'blacks' are. The preceding applies to Canada, or in Sweden or the UK. These are the places I have lived in since 1996. I keep to myself and just do my thing and stay out of trouble. Explain to me, without knowing me and the life I lead, what makes you think that i am more likely to get murdered by a black person? Is it because there are so many black murderers around? Eh????? Based on the stats you quote? Should I be a racist and use the stats to make sure my 4 year old daughter isnt near a white man lest she get molested? Maybe I should prevent her from being around her Swedish grandfather too long eh. Gee, what if I were a racist like you slowie!?!? Maybe then it hit me in the face if she suffers at the hands of a black person instead because it could happen right??? You can live your life playing the averages you damn racist.

-Just for the record in all my 29 years(19 of which were lived in Kingston, Jamaica) only one person tried to kill me and he got the beating of his life as result. Oh, by the way........... He wasnt black slowie!!!!!!!!!

5) Please dont go anywhere without addressing your racist attitudes? You brought it out with these talks about me being likely to be murdered by a black person and you also showed it ever so clearly with that Pakistani vs black employee thing.

Not only are you clueless, you are snake. keep crawling on that belly. One thing I must say though, when it comes to generalising in racist manner you do have a clue.

Slowandeasy for real! Slow as in stupid and easy as in easy to whup!


Feb 23, 2005
rama putri said:
Wow. Now the angry calling others idiots. Who's full of hatred?
Yes, I am full of hatred..for bigots. Think of it as me hating bigots, rapists, killers, child molestors. Yes, so forgive me for hating despicable people. Anything else? Oh, I see you have more dribble below. Soon come!!!

Let's see.... I post a message, you react by thinking you know EVERYTHING about me, call me names, I point out a flaw, you get mad, call me more names, and divert the debate (if I can call it that) by not backing up YOUR statements.
Huh, What flaw did you point out? Let me know. I would love to know what flaw you thought you pointed out. Let me tell you something, generalising is the biggest flaw stinking up this thread. Got it? Yes, I call you names because I cannot stand people who generalise this and that about people of my race. Am I supposed to feel bad because I called you a name when blacks are being vilified on this thread???????????? Man, ketch yuself.

Funny, yet pathetic. What exactly did I call a race a of people?
Please understand what you read. Or should I post it in ebonics for you?
I am not African American so ebonics would be lost on me you jackass. Post in ENGLISH (seeing as though the country I am from is an english speaking country and the fact that I am a graduate from the University of London in ENGLAND where ahem... the language originated). You can also post it in patois if you like.

Inflammatory versus idiocy. Look it up. Yeah, I'm the idiot. Keep posting....
Inflammatory AND idiocy. That is you. I can think of a few more to describe you but why bother. You are persona non grata to me due to the fact that you are ...ahem...tres annoying!

PLEASE NOTE: My first response to your 1st post was to call you an ignorant soul not an idiot!! Is this a case of the word going to your cornea and then getting mixed up along the way as it travelled to your brain????????


Feb 23, 2005
Jamaica-luvr said:
I posted this earlier in the thread, but Toronto's problem's aren't black, yellow, or brown....

They are gangs....young men of any racial background(including white) who come from poverty, one parent families with no strong father figure, little or no education, poor social skills, and bleak prospects for meaningful employment. And of course, little or no inhibitions when it comes to anti-social behaviour. Or respect for human life.

Of course there exceptions...young men who rise above their beginnings despite overwhelming obstacles.

Franky, I've read your posts...and I am sorry you are so bitter...I don't know if I could, or would have handled the racism you experienced any better than you. You sound like a good guy...in spite of all that has happened to you.

All I can say is stay strong, and don't let the ignorant a-holes who post racist comments on this board get to you. They're not worth the energy or attention you've already expended on them.
thanks sir, My bitterness only comes out when people try to justify their bigotry. Thanks for your words. I am very strong. In the end I block out all the nonsense and bigotry that I see in every single race because it is a part of life now and it will be long after I go 6feet deep. If I were to let it consume me day and night I might react in a bad way in the real world. That I wouldnt do. I just smile and let it be. Tomorrow must come and the bigots would have gone about there business and I can get on with my life. Thats how I handle it.

I just surround myself with positive, respectful and open-minded people regardless of what they look like. Too many people see the race of a person when dealing with them thanks to the 'stats'. The way I see it each person is an individual and no one should need to carry the burden of his or her race or nationality nor should they have to apologise for whatever wrong one of their own does.

Rispek sah

rama putri

Sep 6, 2004
franky66 said:
Yes, I am full of hatred..for bigots. Think of it as me hating bigots, rapists, killers, child molestors. Yes, so forgive me for hating despicable people. Anything else? Oh, I see you have more dribble below. Soon come!!!

bla, bla, bla...

PLEASE NOTE: My first response to your 1st post was to call you an ignorant soul not an idiot!! Is this a case of the word going to your cornea and then getting mixed up along the way as it travelled to your brain????????
LOL! This is rich....ahem...Take your meds, K?


Feb 23, 2005
rama putri said:
LOL! This is rich....ahem...Take your meds, K?
Hello Rama Putrid

My younger sister is an MD. I will ask her if she knows of any cure for idiocy since you are in dire need of help. Now, please do the world a favour and be quiet. You are tres annoying.

Here is a simple proverb for you to follow. When in a hole, stop digging.


great bear

The PUNisher
Apr 11, 2004
Nice Dens
Oh Shit! If it will stop Franky from continuing to post lets all agree to go to next years Caribanna Festival. :p


Registered Offender
Sep 7, 2004
great bear said:
Oh Shit! If it will stop Franky from continuing to post lets all agree to go to next years Caribanna Festival.
Carefull. Somehow or for some reason you will be called ignorant, an idiot, or unintelligent. You dont want to offend the defender off all society :D

great bear

The PUNisher
Apr 11, 2004
Nice Dens
dgod40 said:
Carefull. Somehow or for some reason you will be called ignorant, an idiot, or unintelligent. You dont want to offend the defender off all society :D
I have it on good authority that Franky66 is not black. Franky is actually Latvian here in Canada on a short term visitors dance visa. Franky is one of Latvia's finest interpretive folk dancers. Franky has pulled this trick in other countries such as Sweden, Bulgaria, Hungary, and Monaco. You heard it here first.


Why am I here?
May 4, 2003
great bear said:
Oh Shit! If it will stop Franky from continuing to post lets all agree to go to next years Caribanna Festival. :p
See that would be patronizing the black man, because you are afraid of him...
why are you afraid of a black man, what possible reason could you have to be afraid of Franky, you don't even know him..

but I am sure if you knew him you would be afraid of him... because Franky..
if you are anywhere near as bitter and as full of your self in real life, then I am glad we do not know each other.

I also hate to tell you this, but you are the one that keeps generalizing and you keep accusing us of doing so..

I am really sorry for you my friend.. This is my last reply to you... You really need to relax and stop seeing discrimination in every situation... you are trying so hard to prove yourself in the "white man's" eyes that you will not understand how this world works...

Good luck, I just hope that you do not die a bitter man...


Feb 23, 2005
dgod40 said:
Carefull. Somehow or for some reason you will be called ignorant, an idiot, or unintelligent. You dont want to offend the defender off all society :D
You actually think you are blip on my radar? I leave those who are ignorant enough to generalise and chat their nonsense about a race of people based on stats. You fit the profile. You can kick and scream all you want. You exposed your bigotry for all to see. If you know how to read and comprehend I challenge you to re-read your posts and understand them

I know you and slow and easy might just be the racist asshole JLuvr speak of. I dont know who great bear is and what his/her motive for making a joke out of this is. Only that person knows.

I couldnt care less what great bear thinks. The only good people on this thread are the ones who dont generalise about a race of people since they dont know the majority of people within that race nor

Your touch about hip hop is borne out of ignorance. Violence and lack of respect for women were around before that music and will be after its gone. I could go into detail but who has the time to educate you. The only thing hip hop is guilty of is making it cool to use the n word.

Oh, by the way, that comment about the black girls YOU CLAIM to know who didnt want to go to Caribana because they didnt want to get groped or raped...ummm.......will they be going to a girls gone wild 'convention'?

Tell great bear I didnt go to Caribana nor have I been to any of them since coming to Canada in 1999 so I guess the joke is on him. Nuh true?


Feb 23, 2005
slowandeasy said:
but I am sure if you knew him you would be afraid of him... because Franky..
if you are anywhere near as bitter and as full of your self in real life, then I am glad we do not know each other....
I am glad I dont know you. I dont surround myself with racists and people who think they know a race of people based on 'stats'.

I also hate to tell you this, but you are the one that keeps generalizing and you keep accusing us of doing so.....
Please point out where I was generalising?

I am really sorry for you my friend.. This is my last reply to you... You really need to relax and stop seeing discrimination in every situation... ...
I am sorry for you because you are a bigot and fail to admit it. You are in denial. I point out situations that I experienced. These are first hand accounts. I guess when a lady gets raped you are the type of person who will blame her. I can see it now. You dont know me so how can you say for certain I am JUST seeing discrimination in the experiences I put forth. Sounds to me like you cant believe these things happened. I wonder why? I guess because you think you live in a flawless society.

you are trying so hard to prove yourself in the "white man's" eyes that you will not understand how this world works......
Prove myself? Wheel and come again Slowman. I have nothing to prove to anyone except my half white, half black 3year old daughter. When I earn my money its for her. I am but an ordinary person trying to make a living. I dont beg friends, I dont kiss ass, and I dont seek to impress anyone. I smile with people I do not like(no plastic smiles here) so please spare me the dribble and do not patronize me.

Good luck, I just hope that you do not die a bitter man...
I hope you dont die a bigot. Then again, its better you die a bigot before you are able to teach your kids to put axes in people's heads because you dont like the colour of their skin. I have more respect(if you can call it that) for racists who come out and say "Hell, yea I am racist. So what" than a person like you who makes these subtle remarks. Keep on generalising and please do tackle the points I put to you and stop trying to duck them. I am still laughing at your proclamation that I am more likely to be murdered by a black person as if you know how I lead my life. Still cant hear from you on the Pakistani and Black employees and many more things you are yet to address. I wonder why...................................

Usually, when someone is caught with their pants down, as you have, they keep themselves quiet. You cant address my points yet you have the gall to sidestep them and bring out your usual holier than thou side.


NB: Any personal experiences I have told of here is the truth and were blatant racism. Even John the owner of the Midway Invader saw one of the incidents with his own eyes and offered to buy me a ton of dances! Take that to the bank!

rama putri

Sep 6, 2004
franky66 said:
You are tres annoying.


I see you're trying hard to be white. It all makes sense now. I've said it before, self hatred is the weapon of choice when insulting others. BTW did you get in here, like UOL, on a quota system?

rama putri

Sep 6, 2004
franky66 said:
ummm.......will they be going to a girls gone wild 'convention'?
Isn't that organized by a skinny black man named Snoop Dog? So much for breaking the stereotype.

George OTJ

George of the Jungle
Nov 12, 2003
North York
I just saw an interesting column from the Aug 4 The Canadian Post.
"There is an ongoing dispute between two different groups who are affiliated to urban gangs," said Blair, who refused to identify the gangs involved. "We are very concerned about the impact this violence has had on innocent people."
That was Toronto Police Chief Bill Blair being quoted in response to...
shootings Wednesday night, which left one man dead and four other people injured, were the result of two gangs involved in a fierce turf war, Blair said as he announced plans for a special task force to tackle the problem of gang violence in the neighbourhood where the shootings occurred.

Of course the racists are going to assume these are all-black gangs; but it's a shame that Caribana's image will be tainted by what is probably a home-grown gang related turf war between two groups of drug dealers.
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