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  1. R

    EU PC-Speak: "Or Let's Create Another Group of Victims"

    Our fine-feathered, morally and intellectually enlightened friends across the pond would like to designate another group as offical "EU VICTIMS". They touchy-feely that the good EU Muslims 'character' has been unfairly maligned and impugned by 'grossly unfair' characterizations such as "Islamic...
  2. R

    Dubya's AmeriKKKa Angers Nations

    "As usual you have created a maze of nonsense that leads to one big deluded RIFT-hugging and RIFT-supporting conclusion." These detainees do not meet the requirements of being classified as POWs according to the Geneva Convention. Hence, they do not fall under the 'umbrella' of the Geneva...
  3. R

    Commitment in Afghanistan

    Danmand states, "terrorism, what terrorism?"
  4. R

    New bin laden tape

    So Bush is in cahoots with Al Jazeera? Seeing as AJ is the original media source of these tapes and videos that is only conclusion that can be reached. Too much illogic to be logical scareyboy. Makes zero sense. Boogie-men never do.
  5. R

    Mexican immigration

    Bam! The clever mix of satire and irony tactically employed to denigrate the American military, American foreign policy and American IQ levels. Gee, you is one genius dude. Funny how Canada doesn't even debate illegal immigration as Americans do. Canada just gets on with the task and summarily...
  6. R

    Dubya's AmeriKKKa Angers Nations

    Just casting a cursory glance thru your post glaringly reveals a multitude of delusions and obsfucations.......all summarily applied to pander to and support those who desire to KILL. However, seeing as I don't have time today to disembowel the guts of your post, I will bid adieu till I...
  7. R

    Our Toronto: The Terrorist Hub & Convention Center

    I am pretty certain that the GTA sex industry revenue picks up exponentially whenever one of these terrorism conventions comes to town. These RIFTs like their Escorts, MPAs, and strippers and the FS, DATY, HJ, CHJ, BBBJ, etc that they indiscrimminately partake in, no matter what they publicly...
  8. R

    Dubya's AmeriKKKa Angers Nations

    Typical self-serving response as usual *d*. But we have come to expect this sort of "foolishness" and obsfucation of reality. I note that you are unable to answer my question as to 'criminal charges', charges', 'disposition of charges', 'criminal courts' etc. Why?..... .......because the vast...
  9. R

    CIA Rat, Traitor, Liar & Turncoat Turfed

    Good post UMustang. Patrick Fitzgerald has spent a great deal of time, money and resources regarding investigating the W.H. for CIA leaks. The Libby indictment regarding "lying but not leaking" evidences the Justice Dept's reach in investigation and prosecution. Intel. agencies by law are...
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    Dubya's evolving AmeriKKKa !!!

    Still feverishly trying to break away from your slow news cycle melancholy, is we Woodman? Pretty lame post. What happened to the dynamic, the whirling derivsh, the Tasmanian Devil-like posts that just reeked of exictment and fervent delusion that were gloriously once the hallmark of your...
  11. R

    Our Toronto: The Terrorist Hub & Convention Center

    My, my, my good ole Teee-ronto is becoming infamous within RIFT circles for it's inviting and nurturing climate of being a safe haven to convene terrorist meetings and greeting terrorist delegations. Jihad Toronto, should become the city's new tourism slogan. Toronto Star Apr. 22, 2006...
  12. R

    Dubya's evolving AmeriKKKa !!!

    Slow news cycle Woodman? yawn................zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...............snore.........
  13. R

    Army Suicides Hit Highest Level Since '93

    13 suicides per 100,000 is very much in line with the national average of 12.8 suicides per 100,000 of men aged 18-34. Woodpeckr likes to make hay about suicides. What else is new?
  14. R

    Dubya's AmeriKKKa Angers Nations

    The innocent 22? Who are they? What competent court declared them innocent? What were they charged with? Details man, details will be the death of your statement.
  15. R

    Dubya's AmeriKKKa Angers Nations

    1) No *d*, this is not a joke but reality. Sad that you are unable, incapable and unwilling to differentiate between a legitimate military detention center during wartime from some quaint alturistic notion of "they are just ordinary innocent civilians". 2) Congress has legislated the legitimacy...
  16. R

    CIA Rat, Traitor, Liar & Turncoat Turfed

    She worked(past tense thank God now for the intelligence community) for the CIA for quite a long time. Probably another one of them failed Clintonite politically cleansed CIA appointee flunkies. The less of them the better for national security and the constitution that protects them. Toss her...
  17. R

    CIA Rat, Traitor, Liar & Turncoat Turfed

    1) She signed a contract with the CIA not to divulge information. 2) She signed a contract with the CIA not to divulge classified informartion. 3) She lost her job because she breached her contractual obligations. 4) She is under investigation for criminal offences because she divulged...
  18. R

    Covert Military Action Under Way in Iran ?

    Promoting the Clinton legacy of failure in regards to AQ/RIFT is my game, danmand. But, if you wish you can "rant and rave" all you want about arming and supplying Saddam Hussein. Go ahead.
  19. R

    CIA Rat, Traitor, Liar & Turncoat Turfed

    Turfing rats, traitors, liars and turncoats is part of the strategy of reforming the CIA. Gee, lets all get behind divulging classified intel. info that harms national security and that weakens intel. gathering operations. Gee, let's all get behind giving the enemy all of America's intelligence...
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