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Dubya's evolving AmeriKKKa !!!


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
Secret Service Officers Remove CNN Producer from Hu Photo-Op For Asking Question

President Hu can’t suppress dissent in the United States like he does in China, but the Bush adminstration is helping out where it can.

According to a CNN Wire report, CNN producer Joe Vaccarello was removed by Secret Service officers “from covering a private meeting Friday at Yale University after calling out a question about whether Chinese President Hu Jintao had seen protesters lined up outside”:

Vaccarello was told he had broken a rule against asking questions at the “photo op,” during which Hu and Levin exchanged gifts and Hu met with four students. Vaccarello was escorted from the building by members of the Secret Service who were escorting people in and out of the building.

Vaccarello said he had not been told he could not ask questions at the event.

A Yale spokeswoman actually defended the producers’ removal, calling the talk a “very intimate event” and claiming that “[e]very other reporter knew the ground rules.”

But she said she could not be sure the CNN staffers were specifically informed that questions would not be allowed at the event.

She argued the rule was “obvious.”

CNN staffers said they were not aware of the rule.

It is not unusual for journalists to ask questions at designated photo ops. Often, the questions are ignored.

Already, President Bush has broken protocol by not holding the typical “press availability” with Hu. Instead, the White House limited the session to a few “pool” reporters, under a “mutual agreement” with the Chinese, who did not want a more public setting.

Birds of a feather, Dubya & Hu,
seem to flock together !!!


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
So this is news???????
CNN reporter tossed for violating rules????????????

Hell they traded slience for photo ops with sudam. Why are you suprised?


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
papasmerf said:
So this is news???????
CNN reporter tossed for violating rules????????????

Hell they traded slience for photo ops with sudam. Why are you suprised?

Yeah right pops,
These are some great 'rules' you support!
They are the same 'rules' that Stalin, Hitler, Castro, Saddam, Mao, Hu & Pol Pot, to name only a few supported in the past!
....And now you appear pleased to announce that Dubya and his Fucking Crazies have joined their camp in attacking 'Free Speech'!!!........:eek:
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Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
Not at all a slow news cycle rogie.
Well maybe slow to the neocrazies who see little value in 'Free Speech' or anything that comes from news sources other than their own Faux News and allied neocrazies like El Rushblow Limbaugh, et al...:p

Funny how that Chinese dissident who stood in front of that Red Army Tank in Tiananmen Square in 1989 was called a hero......while this latest Chinese woman dissident, Wang Wenyi, who lashed out against Hu, finds Dubya and their 'Fucking Crazies' in lockstep thinking with the ChiComs in 'shutting her up'!......birds of a feather, ehhh!!!

Freedom of speech? Not at the White House

April 22, 2006 12:06 AM / Bush Leagues .

A heckler from the Falun Gong spiritual movement who disrupted a White House appearance by Chinese President Hu Jintao was charged on Friday with harassing, intimidating and threatening a foreign official.

The federal misdemeanor charges against Wang Wenyi -- a 47-year-old who said she had carried out an individual act of conscience -- are punishable by up to six months in jail.

Wang entered the White House grounds as a reporter before interrupting the highly scripted welcome ceremony for Hu hosted by President George W. Bush on Thursday.

"President Hu, your days are numbered. President Bush, make him stop persecuting Falun Gong," she yelled, referring to the spiritual meditation movement that is banned in China.

Bush personally apologized to Hu for the incident, said by officials to have been deeply resented by the Chinese authorities.

Outside the courthouse after being charged, Wang said she was a physician who had decided to speak out as "an individual act of conscience."

"It is not a crime, but an act of civil disobedience," she said, reading from a prepared statement.

The law at issue bars willfully harassing, intimidating, coercing or threatening a foreign official in the performance of their official duties.

U.S. officials said Wang entered the White House grounds as a reporter with The Epoch Times, an English-language publication strongly supportive of the meditation movement that is banned in China.

Wang, in an interview on the CNN program "The Situation Room," said she had lived in the United States for nearly 20 years and was awaiting a naturalization ceremony to become a U.S. citizen.

She said she realized the charges might hurt her naturalization prospects but said it was worthwhile to call attention to what she called "unspeakable" human-rights abuses in China.

She said the news organization she had represented did not know that she would disrupt the event.

Wang did not speak during the court hearing, which lasted

about 30 minutes. But her court-appointed lawyer, David Bos, challenged the criminal charge on free-speech grounds.

"It's making the First Amendment rights of all Americans just evaporate," he said, calling Wang's remarks "relatively innocuous."

Angela George, from the U.S. attorney's office, said Wang had gone beyond political speech and that the verbal attack was personally directed at Hu.

U.S. Magistrate Judge Deborah Robinson did not rule on the free-speech issue. She refused to dismiss the criminal complaint against Wang, saying it was too soon to make a decision about throwing out the case.

Robinson released Wang without bail, but ordered her to stay away from the White House.
May 3, 2004
WoodPeckr said:
Not at all a slow news cycle rogie.
Well maybe slow to the neocrazies who see little value in 'Free Speech' or anything that comes from news sources other than their own Faux News and allied neocrazies like El Rushblow Limbaugh, et al...:p

Funny how that Chinese dissident who stood in front of that Red Army Tank in Tiananmen Square in 1989 was called a hero......while this latest Chinese woman dissident, Wang Wenyi, who lashed out against Hu, finds Dubya and their 'Fucking Crazies' in lockstep thinking with the ChiComs in 'shutting her up'!......birds of a feather, ehhh!!!

Freedom of speech? Not at the White House

April 22, 2006 12:06 AM / Bush Leagues .

A heckler from the Falun Gong spiritual movement who disrupted a White House appearance by Chinese President Hu Jintao was charged on Friday with harassing, intimidating and threatening a foreign official.

The federal misdemeanor charges against Wang Wenyi -- a 47-year-old who said she had carried out an individual act of conscience -- are punishable by up to six months in jail.

Wang entered the White House grounds as a reporter before interrupting the highly scripted welcome ceremony for Hu hosted by President George W. Bush on Thursday.

"President Hu, your days are numbered. President Bush, make him stop persecuting Falun Gong," she yelled, referring to the spiritual meditation movement that is banned in China.

Bush personally apologized to Hu for the incident, said by officials to have been deeply resented by the Chinese authorities.

Outside the courthouse after being charged, Wang said she was a physician who had decided to speak out as "an individual act of conscience."

"It is not a crime, but an act of civil disobedience," she said, reading from a prepared statement.

The law at issue bars willfully harassing, intimidating, coercing or threatening a foreign official in the performance of their official duties.

U.S. officials said Wang entered the White House grounds as a reporter with The Epoch Times, an English-language publication strongly supportive of the meditation movement that is banned in China.

Wang, in an interview on the CNN program "The Situation Room," said she had lived in the United States for nearly 20 years and was awaiting a naturalization ceremony to become a U.S. citizen.

She said she realized the charges might hurt her naturalization prospects but said it was worthwhile to call attention to what she called "unspeakable" human-rights abuses in China.

She said the news organization she had represented did not know that she would disrupt the event.

Wang did not speak during the court hearing, which lasted

about 30 minutes. But her court-appointed lawyer, David Bos, challenged the criminal charge on free-speech grounds.

"It's making the First Amendment rights of all Americans just evaporate," he said, calling Wang's remarks "relatively innocuous."

Angela George, from the U.S. attorney's office, said Wang had gone beyond political speech and that the verbal attack was personally directed at Hu.

U.S. Magistrate Judge Deborah Robinson did not rule on the free-speech issue. She refused to dismiss the criminal complaint against Wang, saying it was too soon to make a decision about throwing out the case.

Robinson released Wang without bail, but ordered her to stay away from the White House.
Still feverishly trying to break away from your slow news cycle melancholy, is we Woodman? Pretty lame post.

What happened to the dynamic, the whirling derivsh, the Tasmanian Devil-like posts that just reeked of exictment and fervent delusion that were gloriously once the hallmark of your former triumphant Terb tenure?

Kick it up a notch Woodman.


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
rogerstaubach said:
What happened to the dynamic, the whirling derivsh, the Tasmanian Devil-like posts that just reeked of exictment and fervent delusion that were gloriously once the hallmark of your former triumphant Terb tenure?
When it comes to OxyContinized delusions rogie.....
you and the neocrazies wrote the book........;)

Time to sign up & git some ?!?!?


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
NEWS FLASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

CNN would sell out millions of people for a chance at exclusive TV rights to a dictator.


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
papasmerf said:
NEWS FLASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

CNN would sell out millions of people for a chance at exclusive TV rights to a dictator.
Methinks you have confused Faux News and El Rushbloe with CNN on who are the true sell-outs........:p


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
WoodPeckr said:
Methinks you have confused Faux News and El Rushbloe with CNN on who are the true sell-outs........:p

just just can't rewrite history and facts.........CNN has done it before and will likely do it again


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
papasmerf said:

just just can't rewrite history and facts.........CNN has done it before and will likely do it again
Get serious!!!!
Nobody has been rewriting history and facts better than the neocrazies at Faux News of late.......;)


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
Toronto Escorts