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Commitment in Afghanistan


New member
Nov 25, 2003

As long and unproductive as it has been I supported the "war" in Afganistan and must therefore continue to support it.

Ideally, the U.S. will come back to it's senses and actually contribute what it promised the Afgani people.

It's sad that Karzai and his country have been relegated to some sort of DMV status of hurry up and wait while the U.S. blows it's wad fucking up Iraq.

Yet another "we'll blow you up but we'll help fix it" promise down the tubes making way for Taliban support.

YeeeeHawww Cowboy!


New member
Aug 30, 2004
..Afghanistan is a joke, worse then Iraq.Without his American body guards Karzai would be strung up from the nearest light pole.
Outside of Kabul Warlords rule the country.
Getting rich off those poppies, and guess what warlords tend to buy when they get alot cash.
May 3, 2004
blitz said:
As long and unproductive as it has been I supported the "war" in Afganistan and must therefore continue to support it.

Ideally, the U.S. will come back to it's senses and actually contribute what it promised the Afgani people.

It's sad that Karzai and his country have been relegated to some sort of DMV status of hurry up and wait while the U.S. blows it's wad fucking up Iraq.

Yet another "we'll blow you up but we'll help fix it" promise down the tubes making way for Taliban support.

YeeeeHawww Cowboy!
Spot on as usual blitz.:rolleyes:


New member
Nov 25, 2003
rogerstaubach said:
Spot on as usual blitz.:rolleyes:
Yep, let the dirt people live in dirt eh rog?

The U.S. busted it up with a promise and should fix it up as they promised beforehand.

Those of us that promised support must stay there with sticktoitidness until that happens. Great!

I bet ya'll replaced all those $3MM cruise missles already.

'Cuz ya needed them to blow the fuck outta Iraq and now the U.S. can't afford it's love, freedom, nurture, help, repair bullsyte yappy placate words of promise on either front.

Not enough lube in Afganistan for the Amoreican leaders.
May 3, 2004
blitz said:
Yep, let the dirt people live in dirt eh rog?

The U.S. busted it up with a promise and should fix it up as they promised beforehand.

Those of us that promised support must stay there with sticktoitidness until that happens. Great!

I bet ya'll replaced all those $3MM cruise missles already.

'Cuz ya needed them to blow the fuck outta Iraq and now the U.S. can't afford it's love, freedom, nurture, help, repair bullsyte yappy placate words of promise on either front.

Not enough lube in Afganistan for the Amoreican leaders.
Charming and enchanting post as usual blitz. What are yo doing to help the people of Iraq and Afghanistan? I'll buy you a plane ticket to either Ramadi or Kandahar so that you can aid in the effort.


New member
Nov 25, 2003
Interesting YOU should ask such a question. It reeks of desperation.

I support a group of Christian missionaries that teach children in Afganistan.

The U.S. government won't drop books, only bombs so citizen groups actually have to wade in to do the job.

Nobody has the balls to even attempt good in that fucked up place now called Iraq.

It's amazing that the U.S. will drop the dollars but won't spend the dollars and it fucks you in the ass every decade. Amazing.

I am not Christain.
May 3, 2004
blitz said:
Interesting YOU should ask such a question. It reeks of desperation.

I support a group of Christian missionaries that teach children in Afganistan.

The U.S. government won't drop books, only bombs so citizen groups actually have to wade in to do the job.

Nobody has the balls to even attempt good in that fucked up place now called Iraq.

It's amazing that the U.S. will drop the dollars but won't spend the dollars and it fucks you in the ass every decade. Amazing.

I am not Christain.
Interesting that YOU should reply with such an answer. It reeks of willful falsification.

Provide me with the name of the missionary group and a contact name. I'll mention to him/her that you referred me. His/her likely response would be, "who? I never heard of him."


New member
Nov 25, 2003
Check yer PM


New member
Aug 30, 2004
..great so you support a bunch of dumb ass evangelicals over there causing problemns. What the Afghans need is less religion not more.


New member
Nov 25, 2003
I don't actually think they are shovelling their beliefs (dogma) on the people they are attemping to help. It appears to be purly humanitarian although I'm sure there must be some sort of preachiness. The Born Agains that I know IRL are very beautiful, loving and helpful folks and they are not the least bit preachy.


New member
Jan 17, 2004
Commons to debate military's Afghan role

OTTAWA -- Prime Minister Stephen Harper says he's considering deploying more Canadian soldiers into war-torn Sudan while bending to pressure for a parliamentary debate on the military's role in Afghanistan.

Harper said yesterday he discussed the possibility of boosting Canada's presence in Sudan from the current 50 during a meeting with U.S. President George W. Bush last week.

"We haven't reached any final decision," Harper said after meeting with his caucus.

A new mission would further strain the Canadian Forces, which has been stressed by the 2,300-strong mission to Afghanistan.

The Prime Minister's Office announced a "take-note" debate Monday evening, only weeks after Harper said he wouldn't allow one for fear of undermining the morale of soldiers.


New member
Jan 17, 2004
Bomb kills four Canadians

Bomb kills four Canadians

Apr. 22, 2006. 09:57 AM

KANDAHAR, Afghanistan — Four Canadian soldiers were killed today in a roadside bomb explosion in southern Afghanistan, military officials said.
The soldiers’ G-Wagon, part of an armoured convoy, was struck by an improvised explosive device.

Three of the soldiers died at the scene, in Shah Wali Kot district of the Kandahar province, 70 kilometres north of Kandahar. A fourth was transported to a Kandahar airfield hospital but died a short time later

Afghan blast kills Canada troops


New member
Jan 17, 2004
Conservatives to fly flags full-staff despite deaths

The flag atop the Peace Tower flew at its normal full-staff position yesterday, a sign of the Conservative government's decision to abandon what it termed the "inconsistent" Liberal practice of lowering government flags to half-staff every time a Canadian soldier is killed overseas.

Flags on all government buildings, including the Peace Tower, will continue flying at their normal positions when a Canadian soldier is killed, Defence Minister Gordon O'Connor confirmed yesterday during a news conference to announce the deaths of four soldiers in Afghanistan


Law and Order
Sep 2, 2001
3rd rock from the sun
The war on terrorism will be a long term affair. We, as Canadians, need to recognize the inevitable fact that Canadian soldiers will be killed on a regular, if not daily, basis. As such, we need to adjust and adapt to the deaths as a normal occurrence. Not lowering the Canadian flags when Canadian soldiers are killed is one step to acknowledging this as a normal occurrence.

Let's order more and better equipment for the troops and stock more body bags.

The response to Canadian soldiers being killed should be a more concerted effort to root out the terrorists and terminate them.


New member
Jan 17, 2004
Critics question Afghan mission

Sun, April 23, 2006

OTTAWA -- Canada's climbing death toll in Afghanistan must trigger urgent talk about pulling troops from the country, say some peace activists.

Jessica Squires, a member of 'No War - Paix,' said the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq are becoming "strikingly similar" and that Canadians should question our Afghan role.

"I don't think the mission in Afghanistan is being undertaken for the reasons that we've been told it's been undertaken for," she said.

Canada has been drawn in by the U.S., which is motivated less by stamping out terror and more by exerting western control over the region and securing an oil route, Squires said.

"Certainly the soldiers are there with the best of motives and we support the troops, but we want to support the troops by bringing them home," she said.

Steve Staples of the Polaris Institute said the Afghan mission has pulled soldiers too far from traditional peacekeeping role. He believes Canada's involvement in the U.S.-led counter-terror fight has jeopardized our own security.

"When you're fighting alongside the Americans, their enemies become your enemies," he said. "I don't go for the view that the best homeland defence means we have to fight a war in someone else's homeland. I think it increases the risk of reprisal attacks here in Canada."

More than 800 Canadian Auto Workers union leaders passed a resolution yesterday calling on the Conservative government to hold a free vote on the immediate withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan. Four more soldiers' deaths drive home the need for a real debate on the mission, said spokesman Jim Pare.

"It brings it closer to the people. People are thinking about how we're fighting an American war and our folks are in the fire," he said.

But Liberal MP and defence critic Ujjal Dosanjh said while the deaths are "sad and shocking," they must not prompt Canadians to waver on support for the Afghanistan mission.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
Why should Canada send its soldiers to Afghanistan to be shot at and killed? If the afghanis want to kill each other, I doubt we can prevent it anyway.


Active member
Oct 12, 2005
export license

danmand said:
Why should Canada send its soldiers to Afghanistan to be shot at and killed? If the afghanis want to kill each other, I doubt we can prevent it anyway.
Because Afghan strife had a peculiar habit of spilling past its borders, on one memorable occasion into downtown Manhattan..



Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
maxweber said:
Because Afghan strife had a peculiar habit of spilling past its borders, on one memorable occasion into downtown Manhattan..

Not really. The west (to use a neutral word) funded OBL and the Taliban to fight the russians. When the fighters ran out of control, the west went in and took them out. Why would that not be the end of story? Afghan warlords know better than to blow up the west, and have no interest in that either.


New member
Jan 17, 2004
Dead soldier's father lobbied PM for flags at half-mast before Afghan tragedy

OTTAWA (CP) - Just two weeks ago, Lincoln Dinning wrote Prime Minister Stephen Harper asking that federal flags be flown at half-mast in the event of future combat deaths.

Mr. Dinning had written a letter to the prime minister on April 7 asking that when we did lose a soldier representing Canada, that the flag be lowered to half-mast," MP Robert Thibault, the Liberal veterans affairs critic, said outside the Commons on Monday.

"Since then, Mr. Dinning's son was lost. We are bringing that to the attention of Parliament and our party will be putting a motion before the House to honour Mr. Dinning's request."

The flag decision is just part of a government effort to lower the temperature on official mourning as Afghan casualties climb

For the first time since the Afghan mission began, media will not be permitted into Canadian Forces Base Trenton, Ont., on Tuesday when the remains of Cpl. Dinning, Bombardier Myles Mansell, Cpl. Randy Payne and Lieut. William Turner are returned to Canadian soil.

That mirrors a U.S. policy that has barred any pictures of the caskets of returning American war dead since the beginning of the Iraq war.
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