Toronto Escorts

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  1. M

    Toronto's Rob Ford won't endorse party in Ont. election

    I agree with both fuji and borntosoon. The Tories don't want Ford's endorsement, so there's no reason for Ford to risk alienating the others.
  2. M

    Ontario Leaders Debate

    According to the Toronto Star's Robert Benzie (via Twitter), Horwath said this morning that "there's 'more sausages' in politics because women (are) repulsed by the smears."
  3. M

    Premier Debate - Your thoughts?

    I got dizzy trying to follow Dalton's flailing arms. As for calling the election, I really don't know what's going to happen. I don't think this election has really caught people's attention, despite the obvious issues in play. I'm guessing voter turnout will be low, even by current standards.
  4. M

    Tory knives are out for the CBC

    Perhaps I'm wrong, but my Spidey sense says private broadcasters won't turn their backs on programs that draw huge ratings. Thus, I'm far from convinced that Hockey Night in Canada is going to parish if the CBC is privatized.
  5. M

    Tory knives are out for the CBC

    LOL. It's also curious that some of the people who think the CBC produces better Canadians are the same ones that say threads about current affairs in this country are "boring."
  6. M

    Tory knives are out for the CBC

    There have been some interesting developments in the past few days: 1) The Harper government is not only talking about cutting funding to the CBC, but is actually discussing the issue as part of a fundraising letter that went to party members...
  7. M

    Radwanski (Globe) - Leaders must prove they have what it takes to cut spending

    Cuts are coming, regardless of how things have looked during the Ontario election campaign so far.
  8. M

    David Frum - Canada's good luck may be running out

    Those of you who don't read the National Post on the weekend and haven't already seen this article will have to decide whether to read it now. It's not exactly uplifting:
  9. M

    Election Notebook: Leaders prep for debate

    I saw the live streaming of the debate (And before anyone raises any questions, I had legitimate work-related reasons to be watching). I'm not a northerner, so my take on how the leaders did is based on presentation, rather than content. I thought Andrea Horwath did quite poorly. She was fine...
  10. M

    The 395 pound albatross around Hudak's neck - Rob Ford

    They could, although I doubt you would see a formal accord like the one that David Peterson and Bob Rae agreed to in 1985. For one thing, the Liberals have been in power for eight years already, so propping up a Liberal government for too long might risk creating the appearance of a Liberal...
  11. M

    The 395 pound albatross around Hudak's neck - Rob Ford

    I believe the Conservatives would have to win at least some seats in the suburbs to have a shot at a majority government. A minority government is a possibility without the 416 (I think).
  12. M

    How the Ford brothers mire us in a privatizing mentality

    I guess we're following different discussions, because I'm sure not hearing that. We are hearing about cuts, but it's framed by the discussion that government debts aren't good. I'm not hearing many people say less government would be a desireable goal in its own right.
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    How the Ford brothers mire us in a privatizing mentality

    I think that statement proves why Salutin is wrong. Contrary to what the article states, the overwhelming bias among the politicians, the media, etc., is that more government is a good thing -- captured in expressions like "how much we can do." The expansion of government is described in terms...
  14. M

    David Frum - Doubling down on the green-jobs money pit

    And yet ....
  15. M

    David Frum - Doubling down on the green-jobs money pit

    Agree or disagree, you'll be forced to smile at the way he spoofs McGuinty's calculations of job numbers:
  16. M

    York U Senior Squanders Her 15 Minutes of Fame...accuses Jewish prof of antisemitism

    I can't imagine what it's like trying to teach York students about the Holocaust. "You see, there was this group of people that Nazi leader Adolf Hitler didn't care for very much...."
  17. M

    Fat windbag Michael Moore has truly lost his marbles

    Hasselbeck isn't exactly George F. Will, but I don't know that her comments are any more inane than the rest of the commentary on that show.
  18. M

    Ipsos Reid open letter to journalists regarding polling

    It seems Ipsos Reid is upset with a poll that appeared in Sun Media today that showed the Conservatives with a significant lead over the Liberals in the Ontario election. So upset, in fact, that Ipsos Reid CEO Darrell Bricker has issued an open letter to journalists...
  19. M

    Kelly McParland (Post) - Toronto has the adult conversation Ontario wants to avoid

    Pay no attention to the bean counters behind the curtain.
  20. M

    Private tapes of Jackie Kennedy are shocking liberal America

    I don't care what she wrote, she was totally boffable. I suspect she was half saint, half whore. And many men would have agreed with the old Woody Allen line, "Here's hoping I get the half that eats."
Toronto Escorts