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Premier Debate - Your thoughts?


May 19, 2009
Agree 100%. That's why my theory is to never let a party govern for more than one term because the longer they are in the more corrupt they become.
I completely agree. I just hope it reflect's in the actual vote...
I'm still conflicted with my vote. The NDP is the party I'd like to see represent Ontario. But in all likelihood I can't see them winning. They have to much ground to make up. So I'm thinking PC... They stand a better chance of winning then the NDP. I'd rather see PC take it then have another 4 years of Mcguinty Liberal's. PC is the lesser of 2 evil's. Or maybe I should wait to see the polls closer to election day and make my vote then. Who knows maybe the NDP will have made up some ground. In that case, NDP would be my vote.
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Nov 20, 2006
A thread like this just screams for those who have drunk the kool aid to go on about how their person won. Hooray for branding.

Every time there is a debate I watch hoping that the candidates have been working on their ability to lie to me. Sadly, it's always so transparent that they work for themselves first, their friends second, their party third and if we are lucky, Canadians are fourth on their list.

Always feels like you vote for the lesser evil rather than what is good for the country.
If I want to be lied to, I'll go to the strip club and ask the girls if they like me.

When you vote for the lesser evil you are still voting evil. Fuck that.

Vote for the greater evil. No more years!



Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
Hudak came across as the shallow sloganeering slimeball that he is. McGuinty did rather well especially considering the horrible record and questionable policies he has to defend. Horvath did pretty well too but she tried to interrupt too often, resulting in 2 people babbling at once.


Active member
Aug 21, 2009
As a fairly Conservative lad.... I am NOT CONVINCED Hudak is the one to run the province.

Downloading is a headache for anyone who gets in.

I HATE THE increased electricity costs....but someone had to do we were getting it too cheap in the past. Having said that, HUDAK will and can do nothing to lower electricity charges if elected.

Its going to be a close one......

Prediction: Hudak wins a minority..... however Horvath props up the Liberals and McGuinty STAYS in power.


New member
Feb 13, 2011
I HATE THE increased electricity costs....but someone had to do we were getting it too cheap in the past. Having said that, HUDAK will and can do nothing to lower electricity charges if elected. [/B]
Something can be done about the electricity costs. When you issue a bunch of goofy contracts that pays up to and more than ten times of the normal generating costs you are creating a problem. While I am all for green power, this government dove in head first way before they should have. Paying 80 cents a kilowatt/hr when coal a nuclear are less than 10 cents is absolute stupidity - and you don't expect electrical costs to go up why?

Hudak has offered to cancel some of the contracts - if it can be done economically then it should be done. Horvath made sense when she said that developing the wind power should have been done with much more Canadian content.


New member
Jul 4, 2011
Great contribution to the thread my friend.

I think that it might be time to ask the mods to make a policy of not allowing spelling mistakes.

Or better yet, correcting spelling mistakes. (I know I am guilty of this too... you have made me realize how irritating it is so I'm going to stop it too!)

It's not a spelling error. In Kono's case, I suspect he's Asian and doesn't completely understand the english language. As in saying common instead of not knowing that come on are two separate words and not knowing that likely hood makes no sense on its own, since it's likelihood. There's nothing wrong with Asians learning proper words and correct English.
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Active member
Feb 20, 2004
Hudak, just what I want as my next Premier, a man who's never done a serious day's work in his life... well, beyond being a border guard. Woo hoo. Would someone please tell me how Hudak will reduce taxes yet invest another $6billion in health care. Seriously, I don't think it takes and economics major to figure this one out. What a load of BS. And to use his sick child as a political pawn was disgusting. Finally, how to fix the debt problem for students - his plan, give them more debt. As for the tax cuts - downloading to the municipalities is considered a tax cut? Not in my book.

This guy is clueless and I would not want him leading a parade, never mind the province of Ontario.


Court jester
Mar 28, 2004
I got dizzy trying to follow Dalton's flailing arms.

As for calling the election, I really don't know what's going to happen. I don't think this election has really caught people's attention, despite the obvious issues in play.

I'm guessing voter turnout will be low, even by current standards.


New member
Jul 4, 2011
The problem is that there's really no one to choose from who is any good. I don't know about Horvath as I liked Jack Layton but I'm sick of McCunty and I don't trust Hudak.


New member
Sep 15, 2001
Look at the Canadian banks, they reduced interest rates due to the recession to help the recovery process and lessen the burden on businesses and families, mmmmm interesting.....
LOL that's a hoot. Canadian banks are interested in profits, not helping business and families.

It's not a spelling error. In Kono's case, I suspect he's Asian and doesn't completely understand the english language. As in saying common instead of not knowing that come on are two separate words and not knowing that likely hood makes no sense on its own, since it's likelihood. There's nothing wrong with Asians learning proper words and correct English.
I am thinking you should be banned for hijacking threads, not correcting spelling. Who cares about spelling. If you want to correct spelling, start your own thread, then cut and paste all the errors you find elsewhere. Then you can correct to your hearts content. And all the people who care about spelling (probably only you) can spend their day reading all the corrections in one place, rather then having to go from thread to thread looking for them.


New member
Dec 29, 2007
I hate Mcguinty simply because I think he is a stupid shit who has and will continue to fuck us over if he is in power. I do not trust Hudak. I do not think he has the experience and is a puppet on a string with the people who line his pockets pulling the strings. This time no matter who gets in.......we are in for another term of getting fucked over.............................just my .02


May 19, 2009
LOL that's a hoot. Canadian banks are interested in profits, not helping business and families.
Yes I would agree with you that the banks are attracting more business but they're also taking it easy on families and businesses in these fragile times.
Think about it for a second....... Look at how high our unemployment rate is. It's not exactly great. Look at how hard it is to find full time work these days. A lot families are struggling to make ends meet. So, as a bank I would take notice of this (they have) and avoid what happened in the US housing market (foreclosures) and reduce interest rates. Doesn't that make sense....? They're just taking cautionary measures.


New member
Sep 15, 2001
Yes I would agree with you that the banks are attracting more business but they're also taking it easy on families and businesses in these fragile times.
Think about it for a second....... Look at how high our unemployment rate is. It's not exactly great. Look at how hard it is to find full time work these days. A lot families are struggling to make ends meet. So, as a bank I would take notice of this (they have) and avoid what happened in the US housing market (foreclosures) and reduce interest rates. Doesn't that make sense....? They're just taking cautionary measures.
Its been awhile since I took Economics 101, but I believe the Bank of Canada sets the prime rate and the chartered banks pretty much fall into line. Its got nothing to do with going easy on families. Its monetary policy set by the Bank of Canada.

Bankers in Canada are just as greedy as bankers in the US. We just have a better regulatory system.
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Well-known member
Dec 7, 2008
Really when its all said and done once they are in office there is nor real difference.Case in point good old Bobby Rea of the NDP even pissed off the Unions who were is biggest backers. People in Ontario back then just wanted a change hence the four years of NDP. I don't know WHO will win in Ontario next week McLiar or Hudak but I think HORWATH's party "might" be the Official Opposition.
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