Blondie Massage Spa

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  1. R

    I'm seriously feeling evil...

    I run with scissors....... and ive swiped the coldest and the fullest beer......
  2. R

    I'm seriously feeling evil...

    In the words from the Godfather... ya best take it to the matresses...
  3. R

    Movie Quotes

    oh and two of my favs... Ghostbusters... "next time someone asks you if your a say yes!!" and emporers new groove... yuck,ick and ick, let me guess ya got a good personality riight?"
  4. R

    Movie Quotes

    The great Escape... Guys in shower... guards asks "what you doing here then".. im takin a shower. and what of you? to on looker... "well im the lifeguard"
  5. R

    Toasts to remember

    Of course we got the bride to wear white. this way she matches the other appliances, and i have the full set. ya know fridge and stove and now dish washer...
  6. R

    Nine Dancers Charged

    Sukdeep.. well done and consicely and sussicintly written. we on this board are once again jaded..and unfortunately this is what does happen. Publishing names on here only propels this further, these girls do deserve discreteness as you all do hiding behind your nom de plume.. Its why most of...
  7. R


    When my lover swears she is made of truth I believe her, though i know she lies......William Shakespear.
  8. R


    excellent call on firefall i havent heard that in years.. boc... dont fear the reaper boc .. burning for you steelers wheel..stuck in the middle with you heart- magic man ronnie james dio...holy diver..or man on the silver mountain saga..on the loose sweeney todd--roxy roller clash- should i...
  9. R

    the sexy play thread

    only if you lube it first... Now can you help me remove my stockings...?
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    Idle ramblings

    Im always on the look out for a future Ex...Mrs Malcom... Jeff Goldblum...Jurrasic Park
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    SP with boyfriend

    If it bothers you... don't ask.. simple....
  12. R

    Happy Canada Day Happy Canada day. get under a redhead... giggle
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    If wit were shit..... you'd be constipated!!! and once again.. Life sucks.. get a helmet!! Im only as smart as you need me to be!!!
  14. R

    Does God have a sense of humor?

    he made men with enuff blood for either the brain or the joy stick. yeh i think he's hilarious...
  15. R

    Giving UP

    to quote Denis Leary.. Life sucks ... get a helmet. god...
  16. R

    computer problems

    well i did all that and still i cant close the windows using the x while online...
  17. R

    computer problems

    kewl ty guys ill try that link out.. i do have xp pro a my disposal but since this is the pc used at the recording studio we are tryin to save it first...
  18. R

    computer problems

    ok i have 98 and i tried installin ie6 as well as patches and critcal updates too
  19. R

    computer problems

    Please everyone i need your expertise here. I have tried all that i know and still it is present. ok.. on my friends pc they cant close out of their browser they have to use control alt delete just to get it to close also when they visit hotmail... they get all the script in the body of where...
  20. R

    Spider Eats Your Arm/Leg While You Sleep (Caution This is VERY Creepy) This is about 9.9 on my creepy shit-o-meter chills up my arms damn... ewwwww ick ick cik is all i can say. at this point if ya saw that in your tent would ya care can it eat me thats the nastiest thing ive ever seen...well actually it would be able to eat me becuase...
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