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  1. R

    ride please!!!!!!!!!!!!

    bump... cmon peeps speak up!!!
  2. R

    ride please!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Im looking to go to the party tomorrow night and may have a ride, but its not cast in stone as of yet. so if anyone can give me a ride id be appreciative.TY. location st.catharines and need one back as well i know high maintenance. giggle email me pls easier than...
  3. R

    Okay - here we go...

    awesome i will be there providing my ride gets back to me..ty hon i look forward to meeting you.
  4. R

    Okay - here we go...

    again ill try... can i come? although like howard with all this negativity im wondering if its safe to...
  5. R

    Okay - here we go...

    If it's ok I will be coming as well............
  6. R

    Who can you REPORT illegal Bell Express VU ???

    Erh why arent you asking him if ya can tap into this free satelite..... rats are not a good thing on an escort board!!
  7. R

    anyone here familiar with kazaa lite?

    Bearshare is also quite good, i use kazaa and winmx right now....
  8. R

    BYOB in Ontario restaurants could be coming soon

    this to me makes no sense.... they want waitresses and bartenders to monitor your drinking while at their establishments hence why we have smart serve course right.... so how the hell are they going to monitor ya drinks when you can bring ya own bottles...good luck!!!!!! someone telling me i...
  9. R

    P Sherman 42 Wallaby Way Sydney my ass...

    so whats the problem they finlly found Nem.........fabio or whatever
  10. R

    Happy Birthday Misty

    Happy birthday to a dear friend ...hope your day is all you hope it to be mwah and hugs to...grabs her ass...
  11. R

    Sex workers are dying, their human rights are being violated and the government has a

    ophelia... i do so love your political it sad that in this day an age this is happening
  12. R

    Purging my porn collection

    well shoot we know whose place were havin the next Terb party at giggle....
  13. R


    but what about the fans..... giggle.... or its an honor just being nominated lol welcome to theboard hon..excuse my warped humor ...not enuff coffee this morning
  14. R

    Dear new client...

    he sounds like someone i saw a few months ago..if you add agressive to that and domineering and hurtful...its him im sure... my hat is off to you hon, we all have had our fair share of "non-gents" to put it mildy. I believe we should have at least in title an honorary public relations...
  15. R

    This lady has it all...

    spode.....but the bald head turns ya crank?
  16. R

    This lady has it all...

    sits cowering in a corner... make it go away please.... when do the voices kick in .. shudders. pls pass me my blanky...disturbing isnt the word....
  17. R

    what DO YOU DO WHEN BLOW you`rs best friend

    Im going to up my meds...your begining to make sense....lmao all i can say about this thread is RUNNNNNNN...cause when buddy recalls what happens ya beat!!
  18. R

    At What Age Does A Woman Look Her Best?

    I think it coems in her 30's and up... sexyness is a state that comes from inner confidence, attitude and demeanor more than whether she looks hot in a pair of jeans...
  19. R

    To all the ladies of Terb !!!

    why thankyou kind have a wonderful day as well.. returns cobras gift with a bouquet for him as well.. mwah x0x0x0
  20. R

    Music industry raids Kazaa

    why on earth would you burn it again if you already have the freakin make a mixed cd..? someone has way to much time on their hands...why not just put that cd in when ya want to hear it.. lol ya argument is weak sorry figured id answer here....all i got is deep sigh... why not just...
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