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  1. N

    Incall This Afternoon

    How about the ol' five finger shuffle
  2. N

    Opinions wanted: Driving moves that drive you nuts!

    Driving slow in the left lane.....drives me nuts!
  3. N

    WTF is this

    Kazaa lite k++ is not part of Kazaa. That's the reason google delisted sites that carry it. Kazaa makes most of their money from adware. They don't want k++ around. Dig a little deeper, it is out there.
  4. N

    WTF is this

    You need to download Kazaa lite k++ edition, no spyware, and no adware. Hard to find though as kazaa has been shutting down all the sites that have a search on google.
  5. N

    So....what did ya git for xmas?

    A 10 Gig I Pod for all my business trips.
  6. N

    Jamie Sale in FHM

    I saw a pic of her FHM pictorial in the Sunday sun. She's one fine looking woman.
  7. N

    The TV I Finally Bought......

    LOL...I that that would get a reaction....good to be back booty
  8. N

    The TV I Finally Bought......

    Too much info LDB.
  9. N

    Anybody up for a trip to the D.R. ?

    D.R.= Dominican Republic and yes The Viking resort is in the D.R.
  10. N

    Best Steak in Toronto???

    The Texas longhorn on Dundas St. in Mississauga is good. They have a 30 oz steak that is great, or you can try and beat the record they have for steak eating and get your meal free...I believe the record stands at 101 oz.
  11. N

    Worst Movie Ever?

    I'm going back a bit here but a movie called Heaven's Gate with Kris Kristofferson was 3 1/2 hours of sheer bordom...worst movie I ever saw. Nut.
  12. N

    pc games

    Five pages to this thread and I don't think anyone has mentioned Max Payne....great game...excellent gun play when you can shot people in slow motion...a classic game in xbox or p.c. formats
  13. N

    What happened at Mojo Radio?

    Humble and Fred have decided not to sign another contract with mojo radio, they will be the new morning show at Mix 99.9 in a month or so. No decision has been made at Mojo who will take their place yet.
  14. N

    So who's going to the partay....

    Most people arrive a little late Rayven...It's pretty much come and leave when you want...have fun.
  15. N

    Today's Sunshine Girl

    Isn't that Brad at St. Marc's
  16. N

    please talk to me !!!

    Hi Taylortime, The one thing (besides friendly MPA's) that I look for is a clean spa. Keep it clean and they will return.
  17. N

    Holiday Greetings Thread

    Thought I jump in to say Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all the nice people I've met on this board...and to Fred Zed who I have not met, thanks for creating a great place to meet good people. Cheers everyone. Nut.
  18. N

    PM Problems?

    I'm using MSIE 6.0 with no problems.
  19. N

    cell phones

    one more vote for Rogers AT&T, no problems with this service.
Toronto Escorts