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  1. L

    Egypt/Middle East Hobbying

    egypt ain't that bad from what I hear, given the huge tourist thing. Saudi is by far the worst (in terms of religious strictness) in all of the arab states.
  2. L

    SPs are not victims of men

    someone feeling conquered and controlled?
  3. L

    Really off topic

    cuz the naked chef does it.
  4. L

    incall/outcall separation on Terb

    That was a great idea. Immensely convenient. Did you have to go through each post and categorize?
  5. L

    Computer Hijacking

    I so want a mac. The automatic homepage changes may also be spyware type programs. Give it a scrub with ad-aware or spybot. I think you can download ad-aware at, probably won't hurt.
  6. L

    Chinese Medal of Honour Picture (off topic)

    I like the idea of the USA, reading the declaration of independence gives me goosebumps. At least that famous preamblish type part... Thomas Jefferson was the man. Actually, it's possible that Canada embodies many, if not all, the values described in that document. We are certainly one of the...
  7. L

    Showing an sp a review about them. What purpose does it serve???

    Wonder if it was the same guy.
  8. L

    Libya Blinks

    Nah, I think Ghaddafi's / Qaddafi is just tired of all the confrontation and all the resources that hostility is draining from the country. If he can work something out with the US, he'll be able to allocate those resources and effort to infrastructure and health care. Pakistan's Musharraf...
  9. L

    Ladies, what does it mean when a girl tells you you are too nice?

    I think I've successfully made the transition from nice guy to not-so-nice guy. I think the key is to put yourself before the women for some things. Like that wallet thing, I wouldn't have put in the effort, personally (or maybe that's cuz I'm lazy). I used to be very...
  10. L

    OK, you WebWeenies! Why Java? Why Flash? Too much coffee? …in the pan?

    Sorry, i was away for a bit. Kathleen, yeah, it totally is confusing to start off with, and man those errors can tell you nothing at all sometimes, but you figure it out eventually. If you're down to just 45 errors on your main site, that's doing pretty good. In fact, you should keep in...
  11. L

    WTF is this

    If you go to Google and search for Kazaa lite, scroll down to the bottom of the results, you get this: hmm.. I wonder which ones were removed. Too bad the guys at Kazaa Lite K++ didn't have the foresight to name the damn thing something else for crikey's sake. Hey, I wonder if you can...
  12. L

    OK, you WebWeenies! Why Java? Why Flash? Too much coffee? …in the pan?

    hehe, yeah I got that error the first time I tried too. They do like getting all panicky over it too.. FATAL ERROR!!! BLAH BLAH!! END OF THE WORLD!!! pardon the shouting, but it's like... whoa, calm down buddy. like Average Joe said, HTML 4.01 Transitional is probably best for you and you...
  13. L

    Chinese Medal of Honour Picture (off topic)

    I think that was an Afghani wedding party. At any rate, it's not WHO you kill... it's HOW you kill them, silly. ;)
  14. L

    OK, you WebWeenies! Why Java? Why Flash? Too much coffee? …in the pan?

    kathleen, The easiest way to make sites show up well in most browsers is by trying to keep your HTML 'valid'. A super-easy way of checking if your HTML is valid is using the W3C HTML validator: Just type in the address of your website and it will tell you the errors...
  15. L

    OK, you WebWeenies! Why Java? Why Flash? Too much coffee? …in the pan?

    It's sad that my first post on here has to be on this topic, but I'm a sad sort of guy in a ravishingly sexy way, and the geek-artiste in me just couldn't resist :D That may have been true a couple of years ago, but that isn't really a qualifying characteristic anymore since many...
Toronto Escorts