Toronto Escorts

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    Justin Trudeau: Super Hero

    Justin Trudeau Rules !!!
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    Taste of Manila

    The Taste of Manila at Bathurst / Wilson are only in their 2nd year ( or 3rd year ? ). It's going to take a few years to get it developed and to get it right. I was there last year where I saw quite a few sweeties.
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    Drunk Driving Case Tossed after Peel Cops Retain Accused's Turban

    " Karma ..... sutra " - lol ! Good one !
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    Don't pee in the sink if you're a contractor.

    Maybe it's because he was running as a MP candidate for Harper's Progressive Convicts !!!
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    best fish chips in toronto

    Yup - there's already a thread about that.
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    best album of all time

    Led Zeppelin lV
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    Bill Maher's Burka Fashion Show

    Funny stuff !!! I like Bill Mayer. Muslims need to lighten up !
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    Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Sentencing...

    Death penalty should be consist of explosives.
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    best album of all time

    Led Zeppelin IV
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    Hockey Fans!

    Go Pens Go !!!
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    Who's watching the JUNO awards tonight?

    Negative..... Better things to do.
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    Are you still a Proud Canadian ?

    The Harper government sickens me !!!
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    Teen Girls Beat Police Officer

    These two teens are the perfect example of scumbags, low-life's and the rejects of society !!! They should lock up these two savages in a cage and throw away the key !!!
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    Blindfolded Muslim Man Gets Hugs / Harper Calls niqab wearing "offensive"

    There is no reason a woman needs to cover her face in a civilized society. It is the oppression of women. That's all it is.
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    Charlie Hebdo's latest edition

    Je suis Charlie !!!
Toronto Escorts