The Porn Dude

Justin Trudeau: Super Hero


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Oh come on... Harper was an embarrassment. Wimping out of Kyoto.... lecturing the leaders of the greatest economic powers based solely on his petro gift. They all despised the chickenhawk poser.
I'm pretty sure that all the people involved with Kyoto didn't want it. And the fact that the previous Liberal gov't signed and failed to come close to the commitments proves it. The fact the two biggest polluters on the other planet didn't sign on tells you what a joke it was.

As for the economics yes we are a small population nation blessed with a crapload of resources. That will always be a good chunk of our GDP. That we took advantage of the petro dollars is not a bad thing. More importantly that we are still diversified enough to weather it(unlike say Venezuela) and that he also made sure that the domestic side wasn't volatile was key.

His change to income trusts prevents large corporations from avoiding about half the taxes they pay at the present time.

His changes to the housing by lowers max time on mortgages and ensuring a sub prime market didn't occur prevented a situation like the USA.

Those are just a few examples. Not sexy with proclamations but real meat and potatoes. And the Western nations took notice of how little a hit we took compared to them.

So spare me the vitrol. Trudeau may do something real in the future but right now he hasn't done anything substansive. He has even put a complete stop to all Syrian refugees now, including the private adoptions alreay vetted and ready and not costing taxpayers anything.

He managed to shove in about 17,000 and claim 25,000 once he factored in the ones alreay approved by Harper, meet a few for pictures with Wynne at the airport, and now nothing more.

And that about it. No new pot laws, no changes to C-51, nothing but a lot of stamps on the passport and gladhanding.


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
Okay to you? Are you serious? All he's doing is photo-ops, it's crazy and funny enough Saxon just mentioned it.
Parades everywhere, ceremonies, on the beach, fuck me, what a life to be P.M..

I'm assuming you just vote liberal all the time anyway, so whoever it is, good enough huh?

And I am assuming that you have no fucking clue of what he does or doesn't do except for what you see which is a few pictures in the news.

Should he refuse to be photographed? Should he be a stoic, cold dictatorial asshole like Harper?


Well-known member
May 29, 2016
And I am assuming that you have no fucking clue of what he does or doesn't do except for what you see which is a few pictures in the news.

Should he refuse to be photographed? Should he be a stoic, cold dictatorial asshole like Harper?
I couldn't stand Harper myself, I'll never forget how he shook his kids hand on the first day at school in his first year, that was the most odd thing ever.
Now we have a guy who is just too much in the limelight doing photo-ops at every chance he can get.
We'll never get that "happy medium" it seems.

It's not about refusing to be photographed it's about getting out of the spotlight and at least PRETENDING you're in a very serious position of power.
Putin will eat this guy for breakfast, lunch and dinner.


New member
Sep 9, 2010
And I am assuming that you have no fucking clue of what he does or doesn't do except for what you see which is a few pictures in the news.

Should he refuse to be photographed? Should he be a stoic, cold dictatorial asshole like Harper?
It does seem obvious he is more adroit with a selfie stick than a budget or an economic plan.


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
Okay to you? Are you serious? All he's doing is photo-ops, it's crazy and funny enough Saxon just mentioned it.
Parades everywhere, ceremonies, on the beach, fuck me, what a life to be P.M..

I'm assuming you just vote liberal all the time anyway, so whoever it is, good enough huh?
well.... he just went to China , lectured them on human rights AND got them to cancel the canola ban. ............ *drops mic*


Active member
May 25, 2002
It does seem obvious he is more adroit with a selfie stick than a budget or an economic plan.
Compared to who? we have conservatives who fucked up our economy deliberately throwing away a surplus and creating a economic mess for their successors


Active member
Aug 21, 2009
Considering the compliments he received especially after the economic collapse I think you are not looking at things objectively. As well he was the PM for some good trade deals which would require good diplomacy. The new European one that the USA has failed to negotiate comes to mind.

Not to to mention his stance on Africa issues, Isreal, standing up to USA.

yes...he was a Statesman


Active member
Aug 21, 2009
Compared to who? we have conservatives who fucked up our economy deliberately throwing away a surplus and creating a economic mess for their successors
Not so sure about that. We were dealing with a Global crisis ( that was handled well) Stimulus spending came into play at the urging and support of Liberals...yes...depleting the surplus.

But in deficit we like the current trends.'s scary now.


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2009
well.... he just went to China , lectured them on human rights AND got them to cancel the canola ban. ............ *drops mic*
Wrong, the canola ban has just been temporarily postponed not cancelled, if a permanent solution isn't found within the next few months the ban is back on again. And as far as human rights go do you really think the Chinese government gives a shit what Trudeau says about their human rights record? They just smile and nod and nothing ever changes, as a matter of fact the Chinese are clamping down even harder on internet access and media reporting. In addition he also failed to win the release of Canadian Kevin Garratt who's been stuck in a Chinese jail awaiting espionage charges, Garratts family is quoted as saying they are extremely frustrated and disappointed in the PM's attempts to get him released.


Active member
May 25, 2002
Not so sure about that. We were dealing with a Global crisis ( that was handled well) Stimulus spending came into play at the urging and support of Liberals...yes...depleting the surplus.

But in deficit we like the current trends.'s scary now.
You have forgotten the ill advised tax cuts.

You have forgotten that the impact of the Global crisis was greatly in Canada due to banking policies put in place by the liberals -- Harper was against them when he was in opposition. Harper wanted our banks to be just like the American Banks.

This so typical conservatives put in place structural deficits and then when problems come home to roost they are gone

Sniper Jr.

Sep 24, 2005
I think Justin would make an excellent comic book hero. He could be Pansy Boy... bravely and inarticulately taking whatever position his handlers tell him will win the most votes with women, aboriginals and whoever else falls for his spineless Pansy Boy charm.


Oct 29, 2003
Justin Trudeau Rules !!!


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
Not so sure about that. We were dealing with a Global crisis ( that was handled well) Stimulus spending came into play at the urging and support of Liberals...yes...depleting the surplus.

But in deficit we like the current trends.'s scary now.
If there were an re-election today, Trudeau would once again be showing Harper the door!


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
Will it be a collectors item worth anything in a few years? If so, I might buy it. Presumably most people will burn their copy so availability will be limited.


New member
Sep 9, 2010
Compared to who? we have conservatives who fucked up our economy deliberately throwing away a surplus and creating a economic mess for their successors
You have a short memory. The Libs have captained the greatest economic downturn in Canadian history under Trudeau. Like farther like son.

You sound like you are the type to get bent out of shape about cabinet ministers having $16 dollar orange juice but are ok with them taking $1,000 limo rides or hiring (and charging taxpayers) a $10,000 photographer to take vacation pictures.


Jan 31, 2005
You have a short memory. The Libs have captained the greatest economic downturn in Canadian history under Trudeau. Like farther like son.

You sound like you are the type to get bent out of shape about cabinet ministers having $16 dollar orange juice but are ok with them taking $1,000 limo rides or hiring (and charging taxpayers) a $10,000 photographer to take vacation pictures.
The economic downturn is clearly and unequivocally driven by the price of oil. Harper bet the country on oil and lost that bet.
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