Charlie Hebdo's latest edition


Mar 17, 2003
This is not nice, Italians have taken in thousands and thousands of refuges and immigrants from North Africa and surrounding area.

Italy: Muslims destroy and urinate on Virgin Mary statue.

Friday, January 9. A man was kneeling in prayer before the statue of the revered Madonna, with the photograph of a loved one in hand, in the small chapel of St. Barnabas in Perugia (Italy), when he was attacked by five “immigrants.”

The first thing they did was rip the photo from his hands.

Next they unleashed their hatred against the image of the Virgin Mary. They broke the statue to pieces and then urinated on it.

The incident has caused a stir among locals. Some have lambasted Pope Francis who is accused of appeasing immigrants—mostly Muslims—to wild extremes. Earlier he had said that “Migrants, through their own humanity, cultural values, expand the sense of human brotherhood.”

Although the Diocese condemned the act of sacrilege against the Madonna statue, it also followed the Pope’s lead by absolving Islam of any responsibility for what happened.

seth gecko

Well-known member
Nov 2, 2003
Well, if anything it's a message board and both interesting and entertaining. Without conflict, media news bites would be boring. It's all the arguing, fighting, and killing that drive viewership/readership.

I'm not religious myself. The only time I'm in a church is when I'm invited to a wedding or a funeral. So when I read up on all sorts of conflict stemming from people bickering about this or that or killing each other because of this or that, it's just something interesting to read. Deep down, I think most of it can be avoided if one side doesn't start it, but as humans we all have our own opinion and have the freedom to react. Some people are more prone about getting their way and letting everyone know about it, while others sit back and keep to themselves. Some people don't mind if someone is ragging on them, while others will walk right up to you and confront your antics face to face.

That's not to say the people retaliating should over react and start killing, but the possibility is always there as some people react more aggressively than others. Don't tease the barking dog behind the fence and it won't bite you. It's not going to change. It has every right to bark at you and has warned you every time to not get near it or the property it's on. So best to walk right by it. But if you want to keep making stupid faces at it from the other side of the fence everyday, then be prepared to run and don't be a sore loser if it leaps over the fence one day.

It is up to the person who wants to ruffle feathers to know when to unleash their controversial viewpoint or action, and when to keep it to themselves. If someone wants to use their freedom and goof around, then be prepared to take a punch because there's no place on Earth where there are policemen standing beside you 24/7 protecting your ass.
Ahhhh, that's what I'm looking bites! Thanks for bringing that up.
I've been sitting around for the past few days watching & waiting for the news out of Nigeria.
Around Jan 3rd, Boko Haram attacked to villages in northern Nigeria. Over the next 3 or 4 days, nearly 2000 people believed killed, almost 4000 buildings destroyed - one of the towns was almost wiped off the map, according to an NGO monitoring the space. News of the attack started leaking out around the time of the Charlie Hebdo attacks, as a few survivors came out of the bush and satellite imagery revealed the destruction. Media coverage has thus far been practically non-existent, which likely explains why no-one started a thread of indignation and outrage over this massacre. The Nigerian gov't recently put out a statement saying the deathtoll was only 150 people, but no-one believes that figure, as the Nigerian gov't tries to downplay the situation before elections next month - yeah, good luck, Jonathan!
Media coverage plays DIRECTLY into AQ strategy of creating propaganda opportunities. Rather than stifling free speech, jihadists are encouraged to exploit western media and free speech as a recruitment source, as continuous and widespread media coverage will reach AQ target audiences - resentful, alienated Muslims in western centers. Its a judo-style approach of using your opponents strengths against him; a relatively minor attack (compared to 2000 dead in Nigeria, it s relatively minor attack) but look at the coverage its gotten. Muslims as a whole are made to feel responsible for the acts of individuals; 99.99% of Muslims aren't nuts, but its that .01% who were on the fence who will respond to the call of jihad. That's the strategy in a nutshell; if your interested I'll give you more details, but I'm sure some of our helpful resident experts can tell you how to look up the document.
Understanding their objectives and strategy provides a solution to counter them, and its actual a pretty simple response - it's a long-term effort, but it doable if the will exists to do it.

With that, hopefully no-one else feels the need to ask me anything (I try to be courteous and reply to stuff addressed to or quoting me, except for the random dipshit I have on ignore).


Mar 31, 2009
Around Jan 3rd, Boko Haram attacked to villages in northern Nigeria. Over the next 3 or 4 days, nearly 2000 people believed killed, almost 4000 buildings destroyed - one of the towns was almost wiped off the map, according to an NGO monitoring the space.
I think most or all the victims were Christians and the attackers were mostly or all black Muslims. It is politically correct not to report this. If the victims were black Muslims and the attackers white Christians, all hell would break loose in the media and Islamdon.

seth gecko

Well-known member
Nov 2, 2003
I think most or all the victims were Christians and the attackers were mostly or all black Muslims. It is politically correct not to report this. If the victims were black Muslims and the attackers white Christians, all hell would break loose in the media and Islamdon.
I try to be courteous and reply to stuff addressed to or quoting me, except for the random dipshit I have on ignore.
Are you trying to be dipshit #2 on my ignore list, or do you really want me to reply?

Just kidding with you, SkyRider, because I know you were just being sarcastic about the PC aspect to the lack of coverage. Maybe you should say "Tee hee" at the end of your "funny" posts.
Nigeria is what some folks refer to as being a "too" country, as in "too dangerous", "too remote", "too corrupt", etc to operate in. Hence, you don't get too many journalists, or too many NGO's, etc going there.
It was Amnesty International that brought this massacre out to the world.................there might be some folks who'd consider AI "appeasers" because they believe that the right to freedom of expression in not absolute and comes with responsibilities. Holy shit!! What a bunch of wusses!! They operate in many of the world's "too" country's, exposing themselves to severe situations, when all they really need to do is adopt a pseudonym and post on the internet!
Seriously - stop addressing or quoting me (and I'll go away!!)


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
For the umpteenth time:
Charlie Hedbo has the right to be as offensive as they want.
They painted a target on their back and dared some lunatic to take a shot at them -sure enough, a few lunatics took them up on that.
Some guys think its brave standing on the roof of a moving car, only to be killed when they fall off. I think those guys were stupid and contributed towards their own death.
You may think Charlies actions were honourable, I happen to think they were stupid. Their stupidly was a contributing factor towards them getting killed, as they were specifically targeted. They may have been innocent victims, but they were not uninvolved, random or collateral victims. Charlie wanted to provoke and they got a response to that provocation. That doesn't excuse the killers, but I think any preventable, avoidable death is stupidity -I've probably seen much more than you, so that influences my opinions. You are entitled to your opinions.
Aren't you really saying that you believe in free speech but terrorism or the threat of terrorism works and trumps free speech?

seth gecko

Well-known member
Nov 2, 2003
Aren't you really saying that you believe in free speech but terrorism or the threat of terrorism works and trumps free speech?
I just hung up a sign, and some smartass pissed all over my carpet. What did he think "WET FLOOR" meant???

toguy5252, I'm not saying what you might think I was saying - you are free to interpret writing any way you see fit.
I will say that violence, or the threat of violence, sometimes overrides common sense. But so does alcohol.
I will also say that knowing your rights and exercising them doesn't make you bulletproof.
Everyone please interpret that to their own pleasure.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Problem is, Gecko, that the Islamists are imposing their view of what is permissible conduct and what is an appropriate sanction for breach of that conduct on a part of the world which functions under a totally different set of rules. Shooting people for publishing offensive cartoons is perceived as appropriate punishment in the Middle East, not in Europe.

The issue is not that the Charlie guys are assholes. They are. Or that they courted controversy to get their magazine sold. They did. The issue is that the sanction imposed on them for doing this was completely out of the norm and unacceptable for a Western country. While i may be a provocative asshole, I have every right to believe I am a safe and secure provocative asshole if I stay within the code of conduct of my own country.


Oct 29, 2003
Je suis Charlie !!!

seth gecko

Well-known member
Nov 2, 2003
Problem is, Gecko, that the Islamists are imposing their view of what is permissible conduct and what is an appropriate sanction for breach of that conduct on a part of the world which functions under a totally different set of rules. Shooting people for publishing offensive cartoons is perceived as appropriate punishment in the Middle East, not in Europe.

The issue is not that the Charlie guys are assholes. They are. Or that they courted controversy to get their magazine sold. They did. The issue is that the sanction imposed on them for doing this was completely out of the norm and unacceptable for a Western country. While i may be a provocative asshole, I have every right to believe I am a safe and secure provocative asshole if I stay within the code of conduct of my own country.
I don't think I've received this much attention since high school - I"M POPULAR AGAIN!!
Oagre, you have every right to be the biggest asshole you can be. And, you have the right to believe you are a safe and secure asshole if you stay within the code of conduct of your own country. Anywhere, anytime in your country. I'm not disagreeing any of this.
So, would you go into the most dangerous, crimeridden section of your town, alone at night, and flash all that expensive Rolex? I've asked this a few times for a few dudes here, but none have answered......I'm worried that Basketcase tried it last night!
Oh, wait, I just remembered that you are a lawyer, so the muggers would leave you alone, out of professional courtesy. ZING!! (Just kidding with you, bud, no offense meant)
I'm guessing that you likely wouldn't want to draw attention to your wealth when you're in a vulnerable position in a high-crime area - that's good common sense.
Practice good common sense.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
I don't think I've received this much attention since high school - I"M POPULAR AGAIN!!
Oagre, you have every right to be the biggest asshole you can be. And, you have the right to believe you are a safe and secure asshole if you stay within the code of conduct of your own country. Anywhere, anytime in your country. I'm not disagreeing any of this.
So, would you go into the most dangerous, crimeridden section of your town, alone at night, and flash all that expensive Rolex? I've asked this a few times for a few dudes here, but none have answered......I'm worried that Basketcase tried it last night!
Oh, wait, I just remembered that you are a lawyer, so the muggers would leave you alone, out of professional courtesy. ZING!! (Just kidding with you, bud, no offense meant)
I'm guessing that you likely wouldn't want to draw attention to your wealth when you're in a vulnerable position in a high-crime area - that's good common sense.
Practice good common sense.
Don't worry. I'm safe. See no reason to own a rolex anyways (and as a kid I was at Jane-Finch fairly often and never had an issue).

Simple fact is that whatever your opinion of Charlie, their behaviour fits in with the Western way of life. Killing them or praising their killing does not. And no matter your analogy, their office in France wouldn't be considered a high crime area.

Would you think abortion doctors in NYC or places that perform gay marriages also should expect attacks because they offend some religious types? How about streets where we allow women to drive? Online where we allow bloggers to criticize the government? Schools where we allow girls to attend? Places of worship for other religious views? Obviously this same crew saw a kosher market as a valid target too - for simply being a different religion.

The extremists are offended about much of our way of life. Let them be. Given the choice between doing what will satisfy them and continuing with Western values it's an easy choice to me.

seth gecko

Well-known member
Nov 2, 2003
Don't worry. I'm safe. See no reason to own a rolex anyways (and as a kid I was at Jane-Finch fairly often and never had an issue).

Simple fact is that whatever your opinion of Charlie, their behaviour fits in with the Western way of life. Killing them or praising their killing does not. And no matter your analogy, their office in France wouldn't be considered a high crime area.

Would you think abortion doctors in NYC or places that perform gay marriages also should expect attacks because they offend some religious types? How about streets where we allow women to drive? Online where we allow bloggers to criticize the government? Schools where we allow girls to attend? Places of worship for other religious views? Obviously this same crew saw a kosher market as a valid target too - for simply being a different religion.

The extremists are offended about much of our way of life. Let them be. Given the choice between doing what will satisfy them and continuing with Western values it's an easy choice to me.
Whew, I'm glad you didn't try something that foolish.
The analogy wasn't about Charlie's office being in a high crime area; my argument has always been that Charlie was foolish in making themselves a target. Some say brave, I say foolish. They had the right to be so.
I've got to start earning my pay again, so I'll be bowing out of this conversation for awhile - not ignoring you or anyone else (well, actually there is this one dipshit)
With that, to my friends I say: Adieu! Je ne suis pas Charlie, je suis Seth gecko (pas vraiment.......)!!
To my foes, I say: Bonjour! Mon nom est Seth Gecko. Vous assassine mon idiote ami Charlie. Preparer a votre deces!!!

Yeah, I like that. Because spouting off on the internet secures your reputation as tough on terrorists. LOL!!
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