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  1. R

    How old is too old?

    I fit into that range but I do not go that often. I was at one place and the lady asked about my heart. That sort of prompted the question. If it is an in-call then I look for mature ladies anyway.
  2. R

    How old is too old?

    Just a short question. How old is too old to go to a massage place. I like to hear from both clients and massage attendants. I am asking for a friend. lol
  3. R

    Help save a BS here

    Well take a look for yourself...........Personally I am in.........seems better that giving blood. Dave
  4. R

    looking for a link to NOW or Eye papers

    thanks I was leaving out the toronto in one and net in the other. Dave
  5. R

    looking for a link to NOW or Eye papers

    Looking for an ad that I lost the # for? Dave
  6. R

    Someone wants to get rid of David Miller badly!!

    That is exactly what the Island airport was intended for, short haul not long haul traffic. The biggest saving and therefore reduced ticket costs would be the landing fees compared between the two airports. Dave
  7. R

    Someone wants to get rid of David Miller badly!!

    I tried to upload a pic of Mutt and Jeff, but it did not work. They were cartoon dudes from the beginning of the 1900's So go here to see them: Mutt is the tall one. Dave Wanna hear a great Blonde joke? David Miller
  8. R

    666 is approaching

    I have this dude as a son in law with 666 as the middle # of his sin. Everything he is involved in goes bad. Dave
  9. R

    Impaired Driving

    They also have the right to expect the dude in the next car to be sober! Dave
  10. R

    Leafs win the cup !!!!!!!!!!!

    hahahahahaahahahaahahahaahahahahahaahahahahlollollollollollolololoolollollol Funniest joke of the year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!lollollolllolllolloll hahahahahahahahaahahahaahahahahaahahaqhhahahahahahaahah Dave
  11. R

    Web site removal from address bar

    What you are looking for is a program called auto complete. You will find it in the tools dir. You need to get there and turn it off. Dave
  12. R

    Vintage Porn Pics

    Wow Do those pic bring back memories. I have some of them that I bought when I was a kid. I mean I really do still have them. The link above is for a Yahoo group of these pic's. Dave
  13. R

    Can someone please tell me who the fuck this hottie is?

    Pretty sure that Marbles got ..........same dress or lack of in the video....... Dave
  14. R

    Your Favourite Radio Station?

    If I am messing around or doing book work on the puter I listen to Dave
  15. R

    Favorite old cartoons

    Anyone have copies of banned toons? I have some Betty Boop, Popeye and a few others. They are deffinatly not PC. Dave
  16. R

    rough bbbj?

    Seems it has happened to me also. It is the cause of the sp scraping with her teeth. Felt good at the time, like the fine line between extacy and pain. Dave
  17. R

    What's In Your Wallet??

    you dudes are cheap..........$500.00 min cards d I am pissed
  18. R

    Galloway?...No comment..!!!

    Maybe that was foreplay for his sexual fetish. I know the cats around my house get more affection than I do. Dave
  19. R

    How do you vote: candidate, party or leader?

    I am sorry to say that me voting Conservitive is a dead vote. The riding that I am in has be fiberal since 1958. We had a good dude when I moved here but since then this has become a drop-in center for favored fiberals. We got art eggelton and now a has been hockey player who is never around...
  20. R

    How do you vote: candidate, party or leader?

    The last time I heard that logic, Bob Rae, became the primier in Ontario, and said "So Now what do we do." Dave
Toronto Escorts