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666 is approaching


Slightly Nuts
Sep 26, 2001
June 9th has always been my favorite. Forget the year.

Papi Chulo

Banned Permanently
Jan 30, 2006
hey, did you realize, every morning is 666???.. and pm on the 12 hour clock


The Bandit

Lap Dance Survivor
Feb 16, 2002
Anywhere there's a Strip Joint
It doesn't bother me....I have 666 in the middle of my cell phone number 416-**6-66*6.:p


Oct 14, 2003
I have this dude as a son in law with 666 as the middle # of his sin. Everything he is involved in goes bad.



New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Those who fear the Beast are those who are most indebted to him.


Ph.D. in Pussyology
Oct 14, 2001
The doctor is in
stacey4u2luv said:
As the midnight hour draws closer near (June 6, 2006)
Actually, we're still in May. You'll have to wait until next month. :p


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Selina said:
I'm more inclined to think about Dec.21, 2012......

on the last day wouldn't you rater it be a suprise??

Papi Chulo

Banned Permanently
Jan 30, 2006
How’s the weather in your part of the world? Consider The Mayan Prophesy for 12/21/2012.

The following is a quote from Hopi Elders: “Tornadoes have been spotted, for the first time in history, that are spinning the wrong way? There are places in Mexico where the ground temperature is heating up in excess of 200 degrees? During a seven day period in early June there were 772 earthquakes recorded on the California / Nevada border near Mammoth Lake? (Gordon Michele Scallion and others predicted a volcanic eruption there this summer.) On May 31st, the jet stream (an extremely fast wind current that flows through the upper atmosphere) touched ground for the first time in recorded history? All over North America, migratory birds have stopped returning to their nesting grounds? And that salmon are no longer returning to their spawning grounds? And indigenous tribes throughout the world have stopped having children?”

The date 12/21/2012 gives rise to the speculation of many prognosticators. However, the message given by the Mayan people and Edgar Cayce tell another story. According to J S Chiappalone, (Annwn Newsflash # 2, 4th August 1998)

So what is it about 1998 to 2012? All the prophets of the past have pointed to this time. The Indigenous People of the World; the Native Americans (The Hopi & the Taos Pueblo); the Hopi, The White Brother/Sister; the Zulu Tribes in Africa believe in the coming change. The Maya believe by the prophecy of their elders and the “Sixth Sun”, that the Seventh Sun is coming. The Japanese believe with the prophecies of “Amaterasu” a returning to earth coming at this time. And then there is Nostradamus and his predictions, and Edgar Cayce and his prophecies. Edgar Cayce is probably the most detailed and descriptive in his prophecies. He said there would be a new earth pole in the winter of 1998. Even the United Nations believes that within this period of time the earth will double it’s population, and most of the earth will drastically change.

It is clear that factual evidence shows firm proof that the Earth’s Poles have flipped several times in the past. Geoscientists tell us it has been roughly 780,000 years since the last polar shift. These same Scientists believe we are overdue for another. Over the last 2,000 years, the Earths Magnetic Poles have been weakening. As the Magnetic strength of the poles weakens, the Earth’s properties change. We’ve reached a point where evidence suggests that the Ice Caps are melting, running off into our oceans, interfering with our global currents. We can already see the effects of this with the erratic weather lately. Here in Florida we are barely into peak hurricane season and still we have had 15 named storms as of this writing, with another forming just off the east coast as I write this.

NASA claims a polar shift is due in 2012. Shifts are all around us. Did you happen to notice? In February 2001, the Sun did a magnetic polar shift. The next one is due again in 2012. NASA scientists who monitor the Sun say that our star’s awesome magnetic field flipped 22 months ago, signaling the arrival of a solar maximum. But the truth is, it wasn’t so obvious to the average human. The Sun’s magnetic north pole, which was in the northern hemisphere just a few months ago, now points south. It’s a topsy-turvy situation, but not an unexpected one. “This always happens around the time of solar maximum,” says David Hathaway, a solar physicist at the Marshall Space Flight Center. “The magnetic poles exchange places at the peak of the sunspot cycle. In fact, it’s a good indication that Solar Max is really here.”

The Maya call the Prime Creator, Itzam Na. Itzam Na is the Deity which controls the Earths axis. In The Mystery of the Crystal Skulls, Chris Morton and Ceri Louise Thomas suggest that with the melting of the Polar ice caps, the weight shift is already causing the axis to move.

This kind of change can only happen for a certain amount of time, until the balance of earths axis is disrupted when enough weight passes the pivot point. As this shift continues, great change will occur on this planet. Islands will disappear; coastlines will change; new land masses will emerge. As Mother Earth undergoes her change, Humanity will also undergo a shift in consciousness and a huge reality wake up call will emerge. Once this Planet housed microorganisms as the only form of life. Then came plants such as algae. Then, bushes and trees. In time, basic animals emerged. These were followed by more complex reptiles and mammals. Then, humankind. Think about it. There used to be dinosaurs, and, more recently. the Dodo Bird and the Passenger Pigeon. Everything has its time, including humanity, or for that matter worlds. All things cycle. NASA, remember, has reported that our sun, named Ahau K’’in by the Maya, has already undergone a complete polar shift. That shift is affecting us here. So great an event of Father Sun must affect us? Are we so ego centered, then, that we might think evolution ends with humanity or that we are the final step in our Earth’s development?

The more probable answer is that we are part of that Great Cycle of which all things are a part. The Earth is part of this cycle as is our Galaxy and the Universe. Though often supremely arrogant, Humanity is not great enough to stop the cycle. No more then it can stop a hurricane or an Earth Quake.

But cycles are complex. There are times in our history where much of life is diminished or destroyed. Are we on the verge of this happening? Perhaps. How do we face so great an event? I suggest we all look within, and open our spiritual side. Life will continue. So shall you and your soul. Connect with your Source.

Mayas call the Venus Sun Passover the return of Quetzacoatal, but it is also symbol of death and a rebirth of a higher consciousness. The Venus Passover begins on June 6th 2012, very near of the end of the Mayan Long count calendar (ending on 12/21/2012) and the ending of a huge 26,000 year cycle. In Christianity the Venus Sun Passover symbolizes the return of the Christ Consciousness. Christ and Quetzacoatal are both messengers of love and wisdom, light and knowledge. Venus holds the power of the Day: Lord LAMAT, who is Starseed, Way Shower and Clear perspective.

Our Sun, Ahau K’in, is Ahau, the Christ Consciousness. Here we can lean if need be.

“I Am that I Am........I Am that I Am.......I Am that I Am.” This mantra of the Ahau is a meditation for accessing the Ahau presence, which contains great power and Universal truth. Ahau is the mystery unveiled, the ease and comfort of unconditional love and ecstatic bliss.

Know this, we are in the moment of a great awakening. We have the opportunity to retrace our steps to return to a union with Original Cause. We who have deepened the illusion of separation will finally find the path which was never lost, only hidden. Although we don’t see this in this moment, we are being given a gift of rebirth. In ascension, comes that wonderful feeling of going home. Home to our Original State of Oneness with our Source.

Those who claim to have achieved a state of enlightenment, have one job in the forth coming days, weeks, months and years. Katrina blasted our eyes wide open as we watched the tragedy unfold as if written by William Shakespear. Normal good people were turned into snarling animals full of fear and capable of unspeakable acts. Our job my dear metaphysicians, is to love a world gone mad and lead those who have gone mad from chaos into civility. How brave are you?

Dennis Alexander is a published author and is now writing his sixth book. “Quantum Reiki.” He is a Mayan, Usui, Karuna, Shamballa Reiki Master, a Reverend, Shaman, Quantum-Touch Instructor and is BRT Certified. An award winning, TV, Producer/Director & Founder of the Sentient Temple, 727-323-2793


New member
Feb 10, 2005
Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of terb members today? :eek:
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